
A week passed very slowly for drakai. The waiting was the worst part, and the second was having nothing to do. The boredom was slowly driving drakai insane. Finally, he had gotten used to the training the past month, and now drakai was back to wandering around the castle with a tried look on his face.

While he was sitting on his bed, his father and mother were currently sitting in the office having a quiet conversion. "Honey, I Don't want drakai to take part in the nobles contest, he has had barely any training, and he is only two. That may be a lot for us compared to the other races, but he still will be one of the youngest there, and I don't want my boy being hurt."

Dov scowled. "Are you saying my boy is weak? He survived Dolor-Kai, and he is only two, not only that, but according to jack, he is constantly practicing his dolor-Tas and perfecting it." Saraa was angry.

"Survived? His fucking arm was blown up because your idiot friend thought it was a good idea to let him punch a bag meant to take a hit from a colossal-class magic warrior!"

Dov was slightly taken aback by his wife. He hadn't seen his wife this upset before he thought she underestimated their son.

Getting up from his desk and looking out the window, Dov asked. "Why is it that you don't think he is ready?"

Saraa scowled. "I don't know. Maybe it's because he had never shown an interest in fighting before, and he will probably get his ass handed to him. Not only that, but he has ever only shown interest in magic!"

Laughing, Dov pulled some papers out of one of his desk drawer and handed it to his wife. "Look those over and tell me what you think of them."He smirked as he turned around to stare out the window while he waited for his wife's answer. Taking them from dov, she was looking at what seemed to sketch.

"What are these?"

Dov turned and looked at her. "Those are what we assume to be exercise tools, there is no other possible use for them, and he asked for every plate to be the same weight which leads me to believe that he wants to put it on that bar but keeps the balance of the weight. In other words, our son came up with training equipment because he must miss training with the gravity pillar!"

As those words came out of his mouth, on the opposite side of the castle, drakai woke up in a cold sweat. He was having a nightmare about training with the hell pillar and jack pushing it up a notch. "Fuck that pillar." groaning to himself, he rolled back over and pulled the covers over himself.

On the other hand, Saraa was beyond surprised. "When did our son go into town? and why was a never told?"

"Because the only thing the boy wanted to do was go visit the blacksmith, something I don't need to alert you on, its not that big of a deal." Throwing his muscular hand up in the air in exertion at his wife's questions, he quickly turned on his heels and looked at his wife. "But that, my dearest, isn't even the most interesting part, no the last page is what you will find interesting."

Shuffling through the paper, Sarra almost dropped the paper when she saw the paper's contents. "This is a stupid design choice. dov this just goes to show how young and inexperienced he is, he ordered a fantasy sword using this could get him killed on the battlefield, Dov."

Laughing, Dov was amused by his wife's words. "You are thinking to narrow my wife, I talked with the lady that took his order, and she told me what he said to her when she inquired about the sword he had asked her to make."

"Can you guess what he told her when she said the sword wouldn't work well?" Saraa getting tired of her husband leading her on with questions, snapped.

"No, Dov! Do tell?" "He told her he didn't plan on using it like a sword. Well, maybe not like that exactly, but I also didn't pay much attention. The point is that our son is a genius that has already designed his own weapon. I think he is more than ready to deal with the little brats from the other households."

Pausing, Saraa just looked at her husband. She opened her mouth but then shut it again. Storming you, she turned around before she left. "If he gets hurt that's on you, and I will hold you responsible for his pain."

At the crack of dawn, drakai was woken up to the sounds of would being chopped. at first, he just stared at the ceiling, walking up a bit, then a huge smile broke out on his face, today was the day that the package he had ordered should be coming.

"Damn, I am looking forward to it. This last week has been horrible. I feel as if I would drop dead of boredom any minute. Hopping out of his bed, he sat on the floor. Closing his eyes, he brought the familar blue-flecks into his Mana-sphere while he trained his dolor-tas.

If anybody would walking in right now, they would see a young eldrasie with glowing eyes with sweat dripping from his brows, from broth concentration, and from his body going into muscle spasms everyone in a while due to him being in the state of dolor-tas. But, then, about thirty minutes pass, and then he stops, any more and would suffer a backlash from both his body and his core.

Getting up, he opened his door and yelled for a maid. He desperately needed a bath to get the smell off him before he went and picked up his order from the blacksmith. About two minutes a maid came in and asked what drakai needed. He said that he needed a bath drawn for him. Nodding, the maid left while he was waiting. He got his clothes ready and brushed his hair.

It kept growing longer and longer, and now that he had no more baby fat left on him, he looked pretty lean. His face was rather handsome but not model level. "Wow, I'm pretty hot!" although drakai truly believed this, he wasn't anything special the only thing he had going for him was a strong jaw and a symmetrical face.

He was cackling to himself when the maid came in to tell him that the bath was ready. She paused, and they made awkward eye contact. "Well, I am ready to get in the bath now."


"Alright, follow me." Leaving the room, they make their way to the bathhouse.

Sinking deep into the water, drakai released a sigh of relief. "Nothing beats a warm bath," Looking at his face in the reflection of the clear water. He realizes that even though the race he was born into may be proud and their traditions may be false.

He was rather lucky, he had a maid that would draw him a bath and wash his clothes, and unlike his previous life, he was never hungry. After the first year of walking on the planet, he just started taking stuff for granted. "I am lucky even though there will be problems that will occur soon due to me wanting to be a mage. Right now, life is easy."

Slipping under the water, drakai was grateful for the chance that agois had given him. If I want to keep my freedom and my ability to choose, I must become stronger. A fire was born in drakai and his eyes reflected his emotions. Underneath the water, his crimson eyes lighted up the water making the once blue water into a red sea.


Two hours later, drakai found himself in a carriage with his father's personal guard. Heading to the blacksmith's shop, the carriage rattled on the cobblestone roads. They finally make it, walking into the warm environment that greets them.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would show up." The lady spoke when she saw them come in. "Fallow me your stuff is in the back." Beckoning for them to follow her.

They followed her to the back where they could see many weapons on the wall, weapons of all sizes and shapes, and even some that were glowing. Stopping in front of a large wrapped package, drakai opened it with a huge smile on his face.

Underneath was one of the better-looking weapons he had seen, of course, it was, it was designed by him after all.