Nobles Contest

Pulling back the wrapping, drakai inspected the sword. That he had bought, he got the idea from how staff users used their swords and based the design for his weapon off that. Instead of one blade, they are two connected to a 4.5-foot long handle in the middle giving the user plenty of space between the blades to move it around.

He wanted to have speed, so what he envisioned was him swinging it around like a staff. But, of course, he knew that in the beginning that it would take time to get the momentum going. Much less figuring out how to use it properly. Each side had two wide flat blades. They looked like rectangles with a sharp point at the end. Each side has a dull hole in the middle that he could put his hand in and use the entire length of the sword to swing it like a bat or, if he loses control, to grab it back faster.

Looking up at the blacksmith lady. "Is it you who made this your someone else?" She did not understand why drakai was asking the question, she thought he was unhappy with the product, and a cold sweat broke on her neck. "I did make it." scratching her neck and looking away while she said this. She was nervous. Her current state of mind was in shambles because the town's lord came and requested what his son had ordered. Knowing that she was now talking to a minor lord, she did not want to upset him.

"This craftsmen ship is, quite frankly beautiful can I know your name?" Looking at drakai for a second, she had a healthy blush appear on her face, happy from the complement. Unbeknownst to drakai himself, any type of complement in the eldrasie culture was flirting. The lady thought that drakai was hitting on her, which wasn't the case, but drakai didn't know that.

Still having the blush on her face, she looked at drakai. "My name is Gili. I am the daughter of the man that runs this store." Drakai looked surprised for a second. "You mean the man galm?" Nodding up and down, Gili was still flustered, which, if drakai were any older, he would think that made her even cuter.

She had Dark Brown hair down to the middle of her back in a ponytail. She had an excellent feminine jaw and curved eyes. Along with the beauty of her face, she was also well endowed in the areas that men are most interested in. However, being well-endowed did not stop her from having muscle mass. She was still more muscular than the average human male by quite a lot and had extreme muscle definition, giving her a beautiful but deadly look.

"I didn't know he had a daughter, but it makes sense with how good this sword was made. Well, I got to leave but thank you for making my sword, and I will be returning in the future." Turning around to leave, he remembered something. He had forgotten entirely about the weights that he had ordered. His mind had been so caught up in the sword that he forgot the second reason for coming here. Turning around on his heels, he marched back to Gili, who was even more embarrassed and blushing harder because he had given her two complements now.

Utterly oblivious to the Gili, who was blushing, he looked around. "I almost forgot Gili. Where is the other part of my order?" Then, taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she looked at drakai with a smile. "your father has already sent someone to come pick up the weights. It wouldn't fit on the carriage, so he wanted to help." Drakai frowned when he heard this. "Why was my old man doing here in my business.?" Then, thinking to himself, he leaves while saying goodbye to Gili.

It didn't take long for the usual sounds of the ramlik's hooves beating on the cobblestone to start up again. With the weapon's size, they had to attach it to the back of the carriage instead of putting it on the inside. Finally getting home, after about 30 minutes, they pull into the courtyard where his father and mother are standing both looked rather pissed.

"Drakai, come over here. We need you to settle something for us real quick. And bring that new weapon with you as well." Looking at the faces his parents were making. He thought maybe they got in an argument. Thinking that he better listen. He grabbed the package and made his way over to his father and mother. Looking at his on with a hint of pride in his voice, he started to speak. "Open that new weapon of yours and shows us how you would use it."

Nodding at his parents, he pulled out his new weapon. Holding it up, it wasn't too heavy because swords, in general, weren't, but due to the massive size, it was about 15 pounds. Which for a sword was heavy. "Well, I have no practice yet, so don't judge me if I fail and look funny doing this.

Taking the heavy sword, he started to twirl it like he saw the bow staff users. Instead of using a standard blade in a chop and slash way, he planned on using it like a blender, getting faster the more momentum he built up. His twirling started to get fast and faster. The momentum was beginning to get too strong for him, so he activated his dolor-tas. Activating his body's energy, his twirling became more controlled. Although he was controlling the sword, actually attacking with the sword was difficult due to the heavyweight and momentum behind the blade.

They were taken aback by watching their child twirling around two giant swords attached to a long handle. Even dov was surprised by the way he was using it, he had an idea of what drakai would do, but this was a lot different than what he thought. He assumed he would shift back from blade to blade, making any opponent focus more due to the two blades.

As for Sarra, she was surprised by her son. She thought the only thing he was interested in was magic. But here, she saw her little boy twirling a giant double-sided sword around with his dolor-tas activated. Not only was he doing a good job controlling it for the first time using it. Not only that, but he was starting to get more fancy using the weight to do random slashes every once in a while.

Looking at his wife with a smirk. "See, our son is more than ready for the Noble's Contest." Drakai suddenly stopped and looked at his father.

"Ready for what now?" Drakai asked.

Dov turned his attention to drakai. "Ahh right, I have yet to tell you about, every year there is a contest among the noble families in this kingdom, eldrasie children of the ages 2-10 compete, and since you are two know and on your way to being an adult, you must participate. Your mother was worried that you were not ready for something like this and you would get hurt."

Blushing brightly in embarrassment Sarra instantly denied what he husband had just said. "I was just worried. That's all I never said he wasn't ready." A total lie, but she didn't want her son to dislike her. They already barely talked, and she would like to be closer to her son than she currently was. Although she lied, she was concerned about her son. She was his mother, after all, and wanted the best for him.

Drakai looked at his parents with a pained look on his face. "How boring. What is the point of something so dumb I could spend my time doing something so much better." His parents looked at him with a deadpan look. Then, in unison, they opened their mouths. "You are going" Looking at his parents, he was slightly frustrated. "How long until it takes place?" Dov sighed. "You have two months before we go.

Sighing in resignation, he started to twirl his sword again. His parents saw him begin his training again and walked off to do their daily tasks.


In the capital city of the kingdom that drakai was in. Inside a castle, a girl was sweating heavily. She had been training all day and being pushed to her limits. Two other eldrasie children could also be seen sweating. She was currently sparring with them, and at the moment, she was at a standstill.

Her father, the king, was presently overlooking the fight. "How weak. When I was her age, ten people my age couldn't take me down." Looking over at his personal knight, he signaled for his knight to push her further.

Walking away, the young eldrasie saw her father's disapproving look on his face and the contempt he felt for her. Nobody could see it because her eyes were glowing, and too much sweat was pouring down her face, but she was lightly crying.