
Drakai was getting more and more popular with the people who were watching the fights. The way he didn't seem to care about his body and his decisive actions made him very popular. Moreover, the king started to like him more and more due to his tendency to use dolor-kai. This showed that he didn't fear much, and what the king liked more than more money and power was soldiers that didn't fear.

"Shesh, this is taking forever. I just want to go home with the prize already. I miss my bed." While drakai was lamenting about his misfortune. The king's eyes were not the only royal that had found their way on him and started to pry into him.

The kind daughter watched him out of the counter of her eye. She was studying his moments and was trying to figure out the way he fought. His Kai-do was troublesome for her. As a female, she couldn't get the hang of the kai-ra, which made sense because the weapon was built for the male anatomy and not suited for women, much less girls. So the princess's choice of weapon was the long sword which allowed her to deflect blows more than block them.

"Why is it that the only thing my people care about is getting stronger? At least my brother had a brain!" Still mounting over the loss of her brother, who had been banished for simply following his heart, the young princess was still rather depressed over her brother.

Then she felt like she was being watched and looked up quickly but couldn't see anyone looking at her from the stands. "Odd," She spoke out loud and then started to focus on drakai.


"Alright, folks, we are getting down to the last fights for the day! Today we will know what one of these eldrasie children will be leading platoons and soldiers into battle and which will be ordinary farmers!" The referee roared out the last part with a passion.

"The next fight will be the fearless Drakai from the house of Braden and Qonst from the house of Hearth! So please give it up for these contestants who have made it from the bottom and keep shooting up! Which one of these two young men will win the next fight?" The referee shouted.

(And Go!) The referee roared.

Both drakai and qonst looked at each other, trying to size each other up before they actually fought. For drakai, he didn't think much of qonst. He was rather big and had more muscle mass, but that didn't stop him before when he defeated his opponents with ease. In fact, drakai had found the more muscle they usually had, the more they would fall for tricks and footwork.

And on the other side of the equation, the other eldrasie couldn't help but think that drakai was going to be an easy fight. Yes, he had seen all of the other fighters that had lost to him. Still, he wasn't like the other fighters. He was more robust, much more defined.

His father had paid good money to get him taught by some of the higher-ups in the military. The house of hearth wanted their son to be ready when he went to the army to serve his time as all young eldrasie men do.

They continued to stare at each other without moving and without words. There was nothing really for them to say to each other, so they didn't. Then, suddenly, both charged forward, catching both of them off guard.

Persisting on, drakai twirled his sword to the side into a horizontal strike meant to level his opponent's head from his shoulders but was blocked by the others Kai-ra. Drakai felt the vibration go all the way up his arms making his nerves tingle in pain.

Planting his foot on the ground, drakai sprung back so he couldn't get hit in his moment of weakness.

"Wow, he is one strong bastard to block my attack so quickly. I should have known that this fight would not be an easy one. No, in fact, me not thinking about this is sloppy. Even if I can use dolor-aura and dolor-kai, the other people that have made it here have been fighting using dolor-tas alone, making them outstanding fighters."

On the other hand, qonst was in awe by the shorter eldraseis power. His arm was also tingling, although only a little and not bad enough to make qonst wince but still sufficient to make qonst feel the blow. "Damn, just who is this guy? Where did he learn to fight like that, and why is his weapon so over the top?

Both fighters had to reevaluate their opponent. They had both underestimated the other and now we're concerned if they would win or not. "Damn, what should I do? Should I use my dolor-aura and overpower him completely. Doing that would let my opponent finally know about my trump card and thus make it less effective against them!"

Thinking for a second, he came to a conclusion. "If a battle of strength is what he desires, then a battle of strength he will get!." Drakais eyes started to glow, and his skin got slightly red from the amount of blood flow going through his body. Qonst instantly copied his enemy, and his skin started to get a little red as well.

Both of them rushing in, they hit their weapons together. This time drakai used no tricks or footwork to overwhelm his opponent and started to use raw strength. The two kept bashing their weapons together, hoping that their blade would meet flesh instead of steel.

Qonst was starting to sweat. The other eldrasei didn't seem to give up and kept up with his tempo, sometimes going faster than what he could handle and then pushing himself back a little.

After about five minutes, that's when qonst saw it. "An opening, NOW" Screaming inside his head Qonst kicked out his leg and kicked drakai with all of his strength right into his solar plexus, making drakai spit up blood and clutch at his now two broken ribs.