Royal Knight

Crashing into the ground, drakai really didn't feel much since he had his dolor-tas activated, yet he knew he was hurt. He felt his ribs break, and something was wrong with his organs. He struggled to get back up when he did. He heard it.

"DRAKAI, DRAKAI, DRAKAI" People were chanting his name amongst the chants. Qonst name was also being called, and the two names were at a tie, both sides screaming them as loud as possible. The kids that were already out of the competition joined in with their parents.

"You ready to end this?" Qonst looked at the little eldrasie in front of him and sneered. After he had landed that one perfect kick, he knew that his victory was set in stone. What else could drakai do that would balance the fight?

"Sure" Drakai was beyond pissed. Another person was making him feel weak. Which sent him over the edge.

Rushing in Qonst used all of his body weight and the weight of the weapon to deal a devastating blow. For a slight moment, a feeling of pressure came from drakai, and in the next moment, it was gone entirely.

"No, I can't use it yet, I want to save it for the end, so I can show people that I didn't defeat them at my strongest!" He saw the blade descend toward his face. Then, he heard the collective sigh as the people realized this match was over.

" I don't care if my body explodes. I'll use everything that I have!" Activating his Dolor-Kai to the maximum, Drakai moved faster than Qonst could react to. While he sprung up from the ground, his muscles ripped, pushing against his skin which tore, the rapid muscle fluxion broke his bones.

The last thing drakai saw as his veins popped around his eyes and he lost his vesion. Was his mangled hand and arm traveling for Qonst's chin. He had so many endorphins running through his body that he couldn't feel the pain or anything else.

Drakai didn't feel it when his punch landed, breaking Qonst entire facial structure and moving Qonst's head back so violently that the spine became dislocated, pinching most of the nerves in his spine and paralyzing him.

Drakai liked the feeling of overcoming the odds, more than that, he remembered the look on other people's faces when they thought drakai was about to lose. he liked proving them wrong.

So as blood dripped out of multiple wounds on his body, he kneeled on the ground, not able to see or hear. The people were silent. They didn't know how to react. They just saw a child sacrifices his entire body to win. What type of monster would he become in the future?

None of that mattered to Drakai that couldn't help but think about his overwhelming Domination in the fight. It made him smile.


The king could be seen walking through the halls of his castle with a face that somehow seemed extremely pissed but also very happy, or more like his face changing between happy and angry. He was walking towards a room with multiple voices ringing out in anger and some trying to defuse the anger.

He walked up to the door and pushed it open with quite a bit of force, stoping all the other eldrasie in the room that were arguing. Then, walking past the many people in the room, he sat down at the head of a long table.

"So, Dov, at first I knew your boy was special, but I didn't know that he was that special. To be using Dolor-Aura so young he is truly a protege, not even I unlocked my Dolor-Aura aura so early."

One of the people in the room was clenching his fist in rage. "My lord, now do you believe me? You felt it for yourself! Dov clearly has used Body manipulation magic on his son!"

Von, the man who had confronted Drakai and his family when they had entered the city, had held a massive grudge against the Braden family and went to the king at once to tell him about Drakai. He blamed his sons' loss on Body Manipulation magic, which the king had outlawed.

After Von had spoken, everyone in the entire room went quiet and started to look at the king and Dov. Dov looked bored out of his mind while chewing on a slab of dried meat. And the king had a slight smile on his face.

"Von, Asking and the man who makes the laws, why do you think I outlawed Body manipulation magic?"

"I-I don't know your lord." Von had a bad premonition that started to form in his mind.

The king took a deep breath and shouted. "BECAUSE I ALREADY HAD SOMEONE TRY TO UNLOCK AURA THAT WAY, YOU FUCKING SNAKE! The sheer amount of wind that came out of the king's mouth was enough to launch Von into the wall and break the wall a little bit.

Everyone's hair flew back, and the slab of meat in Dov's hand flew out. "Shit, that was perfectly seasoned too!" Dov was slightly angry at the king for the show of force but didn't say anything to the king.

"Now, Dov, your son is extraordinary. I would like to talk about something with you in private." Looking around at all the people still in the room, and started to inhale once again. The people catching the king's hint left the room in a hurry.

"I would like for your son to stay here and train with my daughter." Then, getting up, he folded his massive arms behind his back and looked out of the room's main window that looked out on the kingdom.

"Quite frankly, your son has massive talent. He has 5 years on me. I unlocked Dolor-Aura when I was seven, and I was a genius! Tomorrow your. This will defeat my daughter in battle. This, I know, not be good for my standing.

I wish to train him as a Royal Knight to keep my standing. If I do that, the failer that my daughter is and my son as well will be overshadowed by his strength." Turning around to look at the noble, The king studied Dov with raptor eyes.

"I don't need your answer now, but I will need it shortly after the contest. So be sure to make the right decision." Walking out he looked over at Von who was awake and looking at the duo with hate in his eyes.