The Petty Man

Jakre looked into Von's eyes. "I have seen that look many times throughout my very long life, Von. In all the time you have been trying to weasel yourself closer to me, you should know by now that the one thing I hate is petty people, and right after that is people that lie. You have shown me that you are both a petty man and a liar."

Looking over at Dov, who watched him talk to Von, jakre spoke. "I might be asking you for your son to be one of my royal knights. But this is an order. Kill Von." After that, he walked out of the room.

Dov looked over at Von. "I have always disliked you a lot, but today the king is right, not only have you crossed me, but you tried to get my son in trouble. You have gone too far, and I have no issue with removing threats to my family!"

Von laughed. "You really think you will be able to kill me so simply, you may be a Lord-class magic warrior in the higher realm, but I am still a lord-class as well!" *Swosh* In less than a second, Dov was in front of Von.

"Did you forget that I can use all three stages of Dolor-Tas? Just me and a few others have this ability in this kingdom. Maybe my genes are super potent, or my son is a freak of nature, but you almost took one of the most valuable assets that this kingdom now has away from the king."

Dov's skin was red, and an Aura haze formed around him. "But even worse than that, you almost took my son away from me, which is an even worse crime. I don't care if you are in the same class as me, I am a whole stage higher, and I have Aura. So die weakling!"

Without any warning, Dov shoved his hand through Vons' head. His hand instantly broke the sound barrier, making a loud clap that eclipsed the crunch that Von's head made when he broke through it, pulled his now jumbled and mashed up brain out, and threw it on the ground with a satisfied grin.

"Nobody fucks with my family." Then, walking out with a deadpan face, he left to see the condition of his son.


Drakai had his eyes closed. He was currently floating in the golden expanse. He didn't have a name for it, so he simply called it his Soul-Core. The place felt warm, like when his mother held him in her arms. He felt at peace. He was deep in his thoughts, going over the fight that he had just fought.

He remembered the ecstasy from losing himself in his dolor-kai. The feeling he got when he saw his mangled arm traveling for Qonst's head and his surprised face. He remembered the collect gasp of the people watching. It filled him with joy. The act of winning was incredible and appealed to the eldrasie blood in his veins.


Drakai woke up in the middle of the night. His eyes drifted around the room, looking for his parents or somebody that he could too. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a single person.

Not even ember was around. Not seeing his friend made him slightly sad. He figured she would be at least be by his side. Someone must have undressed him because he was stark naked. Grabbing some pants, he put them on.

"I don't want to go through that again. Even if my family has many potions, I am tired of waking up in my bed naked without clothes on. I bet my family is getting tired of it as well."

Clenching his fist, he remembered how he was knocked down because his defense was lacking and then when he was overpowered by Qonst. "I need to perfect myself to retain both my freedom and my life...nothing is free in this world."


The princess was sitting on a window sill with the moonlight shining down on her hair. Her brother's face was etched in her head, his sad face when she saw him being escorted by the guards.

The Contest platform right below her, cracks and blood splattered all over, a testament to the rough culture that the eldrasie people live in.

She heard a noise and looked down. A boy was walking toward the platform with a huge double-sided sword. His eyes were glowing, and his face revealed a pained expression.

"That's the boy that can also use dolor-kai!" She felt a little excited seeing him here so late at night. "I wonder what he is doing? Is he training? This late at night?." Her excitement was overshadowed by disgust. "It's meatheads like him that wanted my brother gone."

" I can't wait to beat him tomorrow, And I will do it with magic! I will show my father just how weak muscle is against higher energy." The eldrasie princess was sired by a King, and that alone made her unique, her birthright alone set her apart from everyone else


Drakai decided that he would work on his Aura control. His parents must have given him a high-grade potion because he felt no fatigue. Instead, he felt refreshed.

While he was walking out, he noticed something out of his eye. He saw a girl with purple hair stomping off. "So the princess was up as too. Well, it's to be expected. If I were to fight someone like myself, I would also have trouble falling asleep." Drakai laughed to himself.

His eyes started to glow golden slightly, and his Aura broke out around him.

Swinging his sword around at high speeds, drakai was at peace. The simple movements that he had already gone through made his mind relax. This time, golden energy could be seen mixing in with his attacks and making them faster and stronger.


Sighing to himself, Dov looked at his child already using Aura quite easily. "Lucky bastard, be glad I am your father!" Then, laughing into the night, Dov looked at the moon with an expectant face.