Dark Claw

Drakai had practiced late into the night and then stopped in the early morning, at which point he simply chose to focus on his MSP. He had continued pulling in The blue flecks almost every day, and his sphere had been showing results. Now the size of a small baseball, it continued to grow larger by the day.

He was rudely awakened by the sound of hundreds of people talking. Parents and their kids started to pour in, ruining Drakai's state of mind. "Well, no point of forcing myself to do it. It's not like I will get much done with this type of noise anyway. But I can practice with my sword some more! After all, I will be fighting the King's daughter today."

Today was drakais last fight, and the last one of the competition, it was just down to Qonst, the Princess, and Drakai. And With Drakai fighting off qonst and claiming victory, he had earned his place at the top along with the Princess.

Jumping up on the stage with a face full of anticipation, the referee called out into the stands. "Today, we have the last fight of the contest Drakai Vs. Princess Danya!"

The people heard his words and started to shout and scream. The biggest fight that these people had been waiting for had finally come. One loud explosion could be heard, and then many followed suit. The eldrasie people were stomping their feet which caused load cracks to sound throughout the area.

"Drakai, Drakai, Drakai!" People Shouted his name as he walked up onto the stage with his Kai-Do. "I am looking forward to this fight! I will finally be able to use my Dolor-Aura in battle." Clenching his fist as he walked to the middle, some of the people in the stands thought he was trying to hype himself up because he was scared of the Princess.

That's when the other side started to scream out their favorite fighter. "Danya, Danya, Danya!" The two sides kept shouting until the referee had enough of the back and forth and inhaled a massive amount of air.

"SILANCEEEEE." His shout broke through the air and caused multiple geysers of air to twist out of his mouth. But it had the desired effect, and the people shut their mouths and waited for the fight to start.

The Princess walked up on the stage with a smug look on her face like she had already won the fight. " I bet he is super confused, no eldrasie in their right mind would fight without their weapon! I can't wait to see his face when he sees my magic."

"She is unarmed? Does she think that she is stronger?" Drakai's whole demeanor changed, his face grew dark, and his entire demeanor switched. His face morphed from happy to pure rage.

Everyone that was still talking in the stands stopped. They could tell the difference in Drakai's mood. "What the hell? Is he trying to scare me? Does he think intimidation would make me back out of the fight?" Then, feeling angry as well, the Princess started to scowl.

"Alright, guys, you know the rules, so don't try anything stupid!" Then clapping his hand, a shock wave sounded, signaling the start of the fight.

"Why don't you bow to me now? Unlike you, I was born special. So what can you do anyway? You are weak, compared to me, that royal knights have trained. So jus-" The Princess what trying to humiliate Drakai to add salt to the wound and prove that magic wasn't weak and her brother had been wronged. But in an instant, she saw a blade coming at her face.

Springing on her backhand and steadying herself, she frowned. "That was really close, I know I called him weak, but he really is strong." She looked him in the eye, and her blood ran cold.

Drakai was smiling with his eyes wide open giving his entire a demonic look. His eyes were bloodshot but not glowing. He was shaking with rage all over, sweat dripping off his body. "This feeling! I feel so GOOD." Working itself through drakais body was the dark claw, ripping into him, making him lose control. Drakais irises got darker than normal, but nobody could tell.

Pushing off the ground and breaking it in the process, he sped towards Danya, blood rage rushing through his system pushing his body to the max. "DIE" Screaming at Danya, he swung his blade as fast as he could.

Danya dodged at the last moment, but her nose was cut horizontally, splitting it in half and making the bottom of her nose fall on her upper lip. Laughing, Drakai started using his blade roughly, using raw power over grace.

She smirked at drakai and rushed forward and aimed a punch at his stomach. "That won't hurt me!" Drakai stood with a cocky smile on his face when her fist made contact however, that's when Drakai knew something was wrong, he was sent flying back into the air, and blood was forcibly ejected from his mouth as Drakai's organs were damaged from the blow.

Falling to the ground, he puked up blood, coating the ground in front of him with it. He lost consciousness for a few minutes as his body recuperated from the shock.

"I told you were weak." Looking up at her father, she smirked. Closing her eyes, she concentrated, and flames started to burst from her hand.

She looked at her father and screamed. "How useless is it now! How useless was he?" She looked her father in the eyes and was surprised that he didn't look like he was bothered.

"Sister, like a brother, both of you are rude and headstrong, and both of you have chosen the path of magic." Then, sighing loudly, Jakre looks at everyone in the stands who is sitting entirely still watching the event unfold.

" I am tired of playing games with you. So as soon as you turn ten, I am banishing you from the kingdom. I do not need you or your brother anymore, and you were nothing but failures and disappointments. Plus, on the brighter side, this means I get to take another woman to my bed!"

Danya's face turned bright red at her fathers' words. Tears started to streak down her face but evaporated before they hit the ground due to the small fire dancing in her hand."

Drakai groned on the ground. His teachers' words were playing through his head. "Power without control will just lead to an early death!" Feeling embarrassed, drakai got on his knees. "I have been a fool."

"I should have controlled myself better and used my aura right away!" Then, standing to his feet while The king and Princess were looking at each other, he activated his Aura thinking about someone hurting ember and his need to protect her.

The incredible feeling of Aura surged throughout his body, and in a second, he was behind Danya and put his hand on her shoulder."

Speaking with rage on his face but a calm voice, he tightened his grip. "Are you trying to hurt my deer asshole?"