Magic vs Aura

A chill went up danyas spine. She felt the raw power coming from Drakai. It was like her Mana but different. And then she was confused. "Did he just ask if I was messing with his deer? What the fuck? Has he completely lost it?"

Heating another flame up in her hand, she tried to smash it into Drakai's stomach.

Flinging himself back, Drakai skidded on the ground and had a bewildered look on his face. "Is that magic? But I thought you had to be 15 for it to form. What the hell! She can't be much older than me. How did she achieve it?"

Looking at Drakai with a look of superiority, she watched his face waiting for it to turn into fear. But the opposite happened. He started to smile, not an evil one but one of joy. "T-That's the same look my brother had on his face when he would practice with magic." The look in Drkais's eyes sparked something in her heart, and her heart felt funny.

"I didn't know you knew magic! Is fire the only thing you can do?" drakai asked with a face full of anticipation, hoping he would be able to see something other than fire.

"W-well, I can summon water." Then, moving her hands, she made water manifest right before Drakai's eyes. "And I can also freeze it solid." In a second, the water was frozen and hurdled toward Drakai, who simply swung his sword and tore them to bits.

"Ah, right, I forgot that we are fighting, and I apologize for my crazy behavior a couple of minutes ago. But, unfortunately, I...sometimes lose control." Drakai twirled his Kai-Do around his small frame and launched himself at Danya. Then, with a significant haze of Aura hanging around his frame, he twisted and swung his blade at her throat with no hesitation.

"Leaning back and making her mana course through her body to speed herself up, Danya dodged the blade just barley and launched another small fireball at drakai.

Looking at the small fireball coming for his head, he simply backhanded the small flame and made it crash into the ground, where it puffed out of existence. "I know you must be happy that your Sphere is formed, Danya, but you are still in the mortal realm. The most you can do is simple everyday magic. You will have to be a mage to hurt me."

Danya knew he wasn't lying; she could feel the pressure coming off him. Drakai had more than enough juice to deal with her and then some."I just wanted to prove that my brother was right. What kind of monster can use Aura at age two?" She thought she was special, but she was proven wrong. The wake-up call made her sad.

Using Aura at age two was much more of a feat than waking up your Sphere at such a young age. About one in a million awakened the Sphere early. But only one in three million managed to awake their Aura, and the chances of that happening at age two is simply unbelievable.

"I don't care. I will use all of my Mana at once to defeat you!" She nearly shouted, and with a smile, she started to weave her next attack. Nobody but drakai could see the tiny black flecks that danced on her palms, twisting and turning erratically.

Soon a cone of fire sprung up from Dnaya's hand, concentrating even harder than flame grew bigger and bigger until it was the size herself. Danya's flames twisted and curled around her waiting to be released.

"I will show you the true power of magic!" She condensed the ball of fire, making it grow even brighter and hotter, and then threw it at drakai with all of her strength.

Drakai saw the ball of fire that was rushing towards him at high speed but didn't seem worried about it. Instead, twisting his torso while planting his feet firmly on the ground. He brought his sword up and slapped the ball of fire away from where it hit the ground and burnt out quickly.

Danya looked at the ground where her ball of fire just got snuffed out like it was nothing, and then at drakai that was looking at her with a weird face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think that you are better than me?" Danya's face started to get red from embarrassment. After all that talk, her last attack was blocked like it was nothing.

"No, but who the hell tells someone that they are going to attack before they do? Like, I get that you are a princess, but you couldn't possibly be that sheltered, right? Drakai was honestly confused by Danya. He had never heard someone actively tell someone that they were going to attack before they did.

They both stared at each other for a second. "Didn't you do the same thing when you were fighting...what is his name again? Kakak? Keke? , you get what I mean!"

Drakai paused. "Yeah, but I actually won, so it doesn't matter!" His face heated up as well, surprised that she committed that to memorize. "Damn princess, how do you even remember something so stupid like that?" He thought to himself, with a grimace.

Stretching out his limbs and screaming out into the air. "Enough! Let's end this battle!" Concentrating all of his Aura in his legs, Drakai broke the ground where he had been standing and lept forward. Using all of his body weight and his swords to perform a horizontal strike, he sliced towards the defeated princess.

The princess just stood there with a red embarrassed face and closed her eyes. She was surprised when she felt a slight amount of pain in her neck. Opening her eyes, Drakai was righting front of her with his giant sword resting against her neck and cutting in slightly.

Drakai leaned forward and whispered in her ear."If you think I am a monster and your enemy already, you are sorely mistaken princess, I have the same goal as you and your brother." Turning his back on her, he left, leaving the princess with wide eyes.

"DRAKAI IS THE WINNERRRRRR." The referee's voice brought everyone back from their inner thoughts, and the crowd made loud noises to celebrate their champion.