His Choice

Drakai was currently sitting in his room and meditating, drawing in the tiny blue flecks into his sphere and making his Aura and Mana course throughout his body. Of course, he couldn't keep this up for long because it put a tremendous amount of stress on his body, but training both got him further than training them both separately.

Drakai had ultimately decided to tell the princess that they both had the same goal. "If she is going to be banished when she turns ten, then I will just go with her. But, of course, I will just have to leave home first and figure out a way to get to the capital."

Sighing to himself, he stood up and stretched, and his eyes fell on his furry companion. Ember had been put in another room while he was healing from his battle with Qonst to not interrupt the healing process. Even if potions could do wonders, it's better to leave the body alone while working, or else the process could be ruined.

Ember was getting bigger by the day. Drakai concentrated and looked at her abdomen. "Her core is bigger than mine, and I think it will be completed soon if I am not wrong." Then, smiling at his friend, he had an idea. "If she keeps getting bigger, I can just ride on her to the capital, right?

It had been a couple of days since the fight, and his father had told him to come and see him after he was done training his Dolor-Aura. So standing up, Drakai made his way to his fathers' office.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

His fathers' rough voice sounded from across the room. Walking in, he was greeted by an almost identical replica of his father's office at the castle. "Sit," Dov spoke with no emotion. Then, doing as his father told him to, Drakai sat down in the chair directly in front of his father.

"What is it, dad?" Drakai asked with an expectant look. He had been waiting for a couple of days and dearly wanted his prize. He already had a weapon, but another one couldn't hurt. It would be cool to look at as a trophy at the very best.

"I am guessing you want to see your prize, right?" Dov asked his son with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, very much. I want to see what my spilled blood has earned me!" Drakai spoke with enthusiasm.

"We will have to go see the king about that." Getting up from his chair Dov grabbed his boots and slipped them on before leaving the room. "Fallow me, we will go see him now," Dov spoke with a crisp voice that sounded somewhat strange.

"Why does he seem so tense? My father is the most relaxed person I know. I mean, he is grumpy but still relaxed most of the time." Following in his father's footsteps, they made their way out of their residents and stepped out onto the lukewarm air. Hoping on ember, who took his weight like it was nothing, the duo started to walk down the street.

People who watched the contest would call out a greeting to him, and if their friends didn't, they were quickly told that he was the champion of the Nobles contest. He didn't mind it too much. He liked that the people liked him, but he liked the respect that he was getting from his peers and adults alike, more than anything. He was no longer treated as weak because of his height.

The castle was home to many people. There were hundreds of families living in the court. The king's home was so vast and expansive that some people could live their entire life in the castle without ever seeing the king.

Such was the life of a castle caretaker. The halls seemed to never end, and Drakai was getting rather bored after ten minutes of walking. Then, finally, they came to a massive door with two considerable guards in front of it. The two guards were giant. Their frames were more extensive than his father's, and they were both taller than him by at least a whole foot.

Dov walked up to the door and knocked loudly. A booming voice could be heard from the other side.

"Piss off. I am busy! And on your way out, tell my guards to come in here in about 20 minutes," Jakre shouted from across the door. The guards started to sweat out of fear. It's not like they could stop him, Dov was a boron, and they were just of the Knight rank, the lowest ranking noble. They couldn't do anything in fear for their lives, they might be bigger, but Dov was much stronger.

Drakai was taught by his father the rankings for nobility. From lowest to highest in the eldrasie culture, this is how it was introduced to him.

-Knights, noble warriors that have built up a little social credit.

Barons are mainly lord over a single town within a Kindom and are warlords.

-Viscount, rulers of one or more towns

-Earl, rulers of a city, and often very strong.

-Dukes work directly under the king and are his personal assistants in daily matters.

-GrandDuke, the kings' children or closet assistant.

-Royal Knights, Cousins, and nephews to the king protect the king and are considered family.

Dov looked at his son with a pained expression. Then, pulling his fist back, he hit the door with all of his might. It was utterly shattered. The door was sent flying into the room with great force. Standing up, the king backhanded the door out of the way. The king's face was red and had veins pooping along his face. "Who the fuck dar-" Once he saw dov, he calmed down. "Oh, it's you." He made eye contact with Dov for a few moments and then looked at drakai that now seemed more interested in the paintings than his father and the king.

"So dov have you come to a decision yet? He looked at dov with an expectant look in his eyes.

Clearing his voice, he looked at his son and then back at the king. "I have not told him yet. I think you should ask him directly; it is his future after all, and it's not mine to control. Well, not anymore, not with his talent."

The king nodded his head in approval and looked at Drakai with a smile. "Drakai, your power is great for your age, and with the right guidance, I can make your power soar even higher. So I have one question for you, will you be one of my Royal Knights?" The king wasted no time because he had none.

Drakai looked at the kind with a confused look. "A what now?"