
Drakai looked at the king with a puzzled face. "A what now?"

Jakre laughed out. He had never seen a boy much less an eldrasie that had never heard of the Royal knights or actively didn't have the dream to become one when they grew older. Then, clearing his throat, he looked at the young Eldrasie.

"A royal knights, is how it sounds, they are royalty and knights as well. They are the highest-ranking nobility. They have the job of protecting my family and me from threats. I don't really need it because I am stronger than every royal knight here combined though. What they actually do is protect my closest family, mainly my daughter and some of my sons who are still living here. And some of them stay with some of my past wives that I still take to my bed every once in a while."

He walked around his desk. "Like I said, you are strong and have much potential. I want you to protect my family. But the duties of a royal knight are nothing to scoff at either it won't be all fun and benefits. The royal knights work the hardest, fight the hardest and live the hardest. You must be able to match them in raw power and intellect!" So what do you say?"

"Hmm, he offers me a deal, but I didn't really hear anything would benefit me other than the training, which might make me stronger, but I bet that I can ask for something that might benefit me in the long run and maybe some stuff that will help me right now." Thinking about the things he wanted, drakai started to make a mental list.

"Plus, this means that I don't have to escape since I will already be here. After all, even if I am strong, I would rather not leave alone. Not in this world, not with the monsters that prowl in the dark and even in the light."

Drakai seemed to come to a decision, and even the king held his breath. Aura users were a big deal for the king. They were basically one of the biggest things that kept a king in power. The more aura users they have, the stronger their overall strength is.

"I will become one of your royal knights, my king." The king sighed out in relief, and Dov did the same. If Drakai said no, then trouble would probably fall on his family. Dov was glad that his son made the decision that he did.

"But I have some request if I am going to join" The words stopped everyone in their tracks.

"He won't ask for some ridiculous, will he? Did Dov but him up to this? Jake looked at dov, who was sweating. No, he wouldn't be this worried if he did." Then, looking at a drakai, the king opened his mouth and spoke to the young eldrasei. "What are the things that you need?"

Drakai cleared his throat. "First, I need a lot of books, most magic and runic related. Second I want the weapon that I have now but with better materials. Third, any small requests that I have are within reason I want to be granted. And the fourth and most important one, I want my deer to be taken care of. I want her to have buttermilk baths. I want her petted and brushed every day. Her hoves must be in the best condition. And I want her to be taught how to fight!"

The king's face slowly got redder and redder, "Why the fuck do you want magic books and runic books? Are you harboring the same delusion that my daughter and son are"

"No, of course not my king, I simply want to learn about it a bit, I will probably have to fight mages at some point, and as of the runic books, I want to know what ones are which. It might help me In battle!" Drakai quickly corrected his blunder.

"Damn, I should have said that while I was asking for the books!" Drakai nearly shouted in his head.

The king looked at drakai but couldn't tell if he was lying or not. Jarke was a super being. All of his senses were many-man time greater than most living creatures and Jakraa. And thus, he could hear heartbeats, and over the years, he had learned to listen for irregular heartbeats that would tell him if someone was lying to him.

"Well, it doesn't seem that he is lying to me right now, so no real reason to deny him his wish." Jakre thought to himself.

"I see no real reason to deny that wish. So I can tell you are not lying. And as for the others, I have no issue filling those requests. We have many Ramlik trainers here that can help with the deer and make her a worthy steed. And as for your last request, I have no problem filling those if they are in reason.

Drakai heaved a sigh of relief. He had not been caught because he was telling a half-truth, Drakai actually did think that he would fight a mage at some point and that it would be helpful, and he had the same idea for the runes. Of course, Drakai also wanted them so he could learn magic as well, but the king didn't need to know that.

"Alright, Drakai, I am going to introduce you to the other Roal knights that are starting out. They will be your friends and brothers in arms, so make sure to make nice with them." With that, Jakre left with Drakai in his wake.

This walk was even longer than the one to see the king, and it was dreadfully dull. They would pass many maids and butlers that were cleaning the dusty walls. They finally made it outside into a vast courtyard. "Holy shit, this is bigger than my fathers' castle!" Drakai was in awe of the raw size of the place.

"Alright, little one, your companions are over there on the training dummies." Pointing in the distance, jakre laughed. "Have fun and make sure to make a lot of friends. There is strength in numbers!"

Walking away with a pip in his step, jakre made his way back to his office.

It took Drakai five whole minutes to make his way to his companions that were bashing the dummies with their blades. Then, seeing a new kid coming, they tapped each other and started to talk amongst themselves.

He finally came up in front of them and started to wave. "Hello, my name is Drakai. The king has appointed me to be a royal knight!" Drakai had an innocent look on his face.

The boys snickered. Then the biggest kid walked up to him. " I don't think you are cut out to be a royal knight. You are short and funny looking! Not to mention weak as well."

That hit drakai sore spot, but he deicide to be nice for the sake of the kings' request. "Ah, I see, all you have to do is point me in the direction of a teacher. It won't take you more than a minute."

The boys laughed amongst themselves. "Why don't you make us?

Two minutes later, drakai walked away from a pile of bodies, they had their limbs broken and were having a hard time breathing, but they would survive. The important thing was that Drakai had got his information.