Midnight Escape

Drakai pulled on his boot strings; closing his boot tight and sealing in the warmth. looking around he grabbed his D-ring and closed his eyes. "Alright, it's all in there, now just to pick up danya and leave."

It was early in the morning, around 3 am; the castle was deathly quiet, and not even a mouse could be heard. All the wall torches had been snuffed out. Drakai was lighting the way with his magic; a small flame danced in his palm as he made his way through the twists and turns of the massive building.

Finally arriving he knocked lightly on Danya's door. "I slight scuffling could be heard and a tired voice sang out from the other side of the door. "Who is it?"

"It is me danya open up," Drakai said in a soft voice.

The door open and danya looked down at Drakai. Realizing that she was in a nightdress her cheeks flushed. "What are you doing here? Harassing a princess in the middle of the knight have you gone mad?"

Drakai scowled at danya. "Nothing of the sort, I am leaving."

Danya blinked a couple of times perplexed by his statement. 'I thought we weren't leaving for another 2 weeks or so."

"I know what I said, but you know better than anyone that these walls have ears and eyes, and I believe they might even have noses." Drakai chuckled.

"Get dressed, it's either now or never; you have 5 minutes, I have already wasted enough much time!"

Drakai didn't have to wait long for danya to get ready. Since she was slightly panicked; thinking that Drakai might leave her behind.

After she was out he started to walk down the hall with her in his wake. Drakai finally made it to his destination; a small trap door that he had found by chance. It was dark the night he had found it; many years ago when he had no magic. Drakai had stubbed his toe on the hatch which sent him into a fit of swear words and crying.

After he had calmed down Drakais' interest was peaked. And he opened it. When he did drakai was greeted by the sounds of water splashing and turning; drakai had found one of the rare streams that circulated underneath the castle.


"This is it! Time to leave this prison of a city." DrakaI looked back at danya with a grin, which froze. He saw her with a petrified face looking back at him; a guard right behind her had his weapon to her back.

The guard smirked. "You think I wouldn't be watching you? Did you forget that you lost me my position as a royal knight?"

Drakai frowned. " I don't even know you."

The guard's face twisted in anger. "It's me kakra! I knew it! You don't even remember me. Your father killed mine in cold blood, and after that, my life has been hell." Kakra snarled.

"Okay and? Your dad was an asshole." Drakai spoke straight-faced.

Kakra looked livid. "Guess what you piece of shit! I told the king that you wer-"

Drakai in less than a second had utilized both his aura and his magic at maximum pushing his body to the peak; breaking the cobblestone floor. And sending himself in kakra's direction.

It was too fast for kakra to react to; and then drakai's fist made contact with kakra's jaw ripping it off and slamming kakra's head into the wall, where it stuck.

Kakra was out cold and bleeding from his jaw pretty bad. "Let's go!" Drakai grabbed Danya's arm and threw her into the hole and lept after her.

The stream was very shallow only about ten feet deep and five feet across. "Hold your breath and go under, this channel goes under multiple grates; I don't want to risk being spotted, even if it is late."Danya was pissed that she was tossed like a rag doll but she listened to drakai and dove under; then started to swim in the dark water.

After about 17 minutes of swimming, they made it to the end of the stream and butted up against a metal grate. Drakai drew in his energy and slammed his fist into the gate breaking it into shards sending some of them floating down the stream. "I am finally out of that hell-hole!" Drakai screamed in his head.

Both danya and drakai popped their heads above the water and gasped for air. Two fat moons hung in the sky shining their light on the duo. "Quickly follow me!" Drakai started to run through the streets.

Danya sprinted after Drakai surprised that he was faster than her; since he was shorter. They finally made it to the city wall. A number of guards were patrolling the wall and torches were lit illuminating the ground all around the area.

Whispering in a soft voice drakai looked at danya. "I have been watching their patterns for months, when they switch out we go." After about 5 minutes the three guards that were there disappeared from sight. Heading back to their wives and children.

Both Drakai and Danya started to sprint for the wall; getting right in front of it they both used mana to power jump and latch on to the edge. Kicking their feet over and landing on the wall.

"No time to waste just jump over," Drakai spoke in a low voice.

"Okay." Nodding her head in agreement they both jumped over and onto the ground underneath. Then they started to sprint like their lives depended on it.

*BOOM* The sounding area shook as a loud voice sounded out. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE!" King jakre shouted loud enough for a sonic boom to eclipse the area and wake up every single Eldrasie in the city

Panicked by the jakre's loud voice he started to think for solutions. "What can I do?" He thought; then he got an idea.

Drakai closed his eyes and slammed his hand into the ground, and used his mana to force the dirt into a large hole. Then grabbing danya he lept inside with her and sealed them in. And continued to force themselves deeper into the ground.

Soon the ground started to rumble above them and jakre's voice could be heard. "Do you really think I wouldn't find you fuckers? You traitors!" he started to laugh; king jakre was beyond pissed at Drakai and danya.

Drakai sighed. "I didn't want to call in on this favor but.."

Pulling a card out of his pocket; that was covered in tiny runic lines. Drakai started to pour his mana into it. Making the dark fade away as light-filled it.