
The runic card lit up the dark hole that Drakai and danya were in, making drakai smile and danya gasp.

A popping sound could be here throughout the deep hole. Two big eyeballs could be seen and drakai felt a furry limb grab his shoulder.

"I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKING SPINE OUT DRAKAI!" Souting loud enough to make ripples in the air jakre shouted

Digging through the ground jakre finally got to the bottom of the hole and was greeted with nothing but thin air. "What the fuck, where are they?" Jakre continued to dig deeper but he found nothing.

That night the forest around the entirety of the city was destroyed. The people didn't hear about the events leading up to that for days and when the news got out Drakai became even more famous.


400 miles from the Kingdom of Vansk three people could be seen on a cliff that overhangs on a frozen lake.

"Well mind explaining what that was." Lorkan looked visibly frustrated at drakai.

"Sorry about that lorkan; I am glad that you made it in time, I thought we were gonna be killed." Drakai looked over at Danya to see check if she was okay.

Noticing his gaze she smiled.

"I am okay drakai, just a couple of bruises." She stood up and stretched out her arms. For the first time in her life, she was looking at a different scene. She was never allowed outside of the city.

"There are no trees here, it's weird not seeing green everywhere." Danya didn't know the feeling she was feeling but it made her excited and her smile turned from happy to radiant.

Drakai looked at lorkan and smiled. "We just wanted to leave our oppressive society. And the king didn't like it." Drakai had a sad smile on his face. Drakai stood up and bowed in front of lorkan.

"Thank you for saving us, and for keeping your word after all of these years."

"Your welcome boy; your lucky that I wasn't busy!" Laughing lorkan looked at the two that were smiling happily now that they were away from their prison of a home.

Drakai looked up at the sun that was hanging in the sky a stark contrast to the two moons that they were just looking at.

"I appreciate that you teleported us out of there but where are we exactly?"

Lorkan scoffed. "About four hundred miles north of the kingdom you were just in." then pointing to the east lorkan's face darkened, and twisted into a huge smile. "That is the way that you need to go."

Moving his arm to the north lorkan's smile somehow grew even bigger. "And that is the way that you want to go."


And just like that, the furry little fae had left.

"What did he mean by that? What I need and what I want?" Glaceing at danya he voiced his opnion. "It's better to get what we need rather than what we want right?"

Danya closed her eyes in thought and rubbed her temples. "I think you are right, if it's just something that we want we can just get it a later time."

Having figured out their direction they started to walk on the crispy snow. The day passed rather quickly both danya and Drakai had many things to talk about, which ate up the time.

Night settled in, and the twin moons casted their cold halo on the frozen earth.

"This is good, I don't want to wait any longer to set up camp. It's getting cold fast and I don't want to risk it." Drakai took his bedroll and tent out of his D-Ring. Laying them on the ground drakai started to replay the day's events in his head.

"Danya clear the area of the snow, so we can sleep on the solid ground instead of snow," Drakia said barely paying attention to her.

"Why don't you do it, mister put everything on me!" Danya's sass had found its way back into her heart; she wanted to remind drakai who was boss.

Drakai looked at her for a second and shrugged. "Fine then princess sleep on the cold snowy ground for all I care." Closing his eyes he lighted a small flame in his hand which soon turned gold and lit up the area and sent out soft waves of heat that melted the snow.

Danya just stood there with a perplexed look on her face. "Fine!" Closing her eyes she lit her flame that sent out heat melting the snow. "Happy?"

Drakai thought of something that sent a shiver down his spine. Drakai looked up quickly with a face full of anxiety. "Ember!"

Falling into a panic drakai started to feel dizzy from the stress. Then a light passed over his eyes. "I understand why he told me that now." Clenching his fists drakai looked in the two directions that lorkan had pointed out.

"Who is ember? Is she another girl?" Danya asked with a smirk.

"She is my closest friend! I can't believe I forgot about MY FUCKING DEER!" Drakai shouted in the cold air. "Fuck!" Tears started to run down his face as he remembered all of the times they had spent together.

A huge amount of guilt settled on Drakais shoulders springing him into action. Then he remembered jakre's voice twisted in rage as he dug through the earth looking for him and danya.

"I need to go right now! Danya, you go on without me." Drakai grabbed his things stuffed them back into his bag as fast as he could and started to sprint north.

Danya just stood there with a stupified look on her face. "DRAKAI!" She shouted after him but he was too far from her already. He was pushing his body to the max using Aura and Mana.


Stumbling through an unfamiliar forest Drakai had deep bags underneath his eyes. 'How much further do I have to go?" He fell to his knees to rest. He saw something that caught him off guard. Tiny red spots lined the snow creating tiny red frozen crystals.

"Was someone hunting here?" Fallowing the blood droplets he also saw some chunks of flesh here and there. And then he stopped. "No, no , no." Rushing forward he saw an animal head that was surrounded by broken bones and frozen organs.

Embers head laid in the snow; separated from her body.

Drakai at first couldn't muster any words. And just stared at his best friend's decapitated head.