Assumptions And Trama

Drakai stared at ember's head for what seemed like hours. Drifting through the memories they had made.

*Whoooo* An owl squawks into the night screaming its hunting call. Drakai flinches and looks at the bird. Then turning his head back at ember he was puzzled. "How did she get so far away from the castle? Wasn't she in the stables when I left? Something here is wrong."

Looking closer at the head he saw lines in the fur, they twisted around the horns and were very faint. "This isn't ember!" Drakai sprang to his feet looking around he felt that something was off." Why would he send me here? What do I want?"

Drakai started to kick the snow looking for something, anything to give away why Lorkan had sent him here.

*clink clink* Drakai heard what sounded like metal tapping on more metal and he turned his head around to the sound.

"What the fuck was that?" Then Drakai saw what was making the sound, he didn't notice it due to the inner turmoil over what he thought was his best friend's dead corpse; but a road ran near him and on it was a caravan making its way down the gnarled path.

"Oh, people! They must be one of the older tribes that still embrace the oldest traditions." He murmured under his breath he walked towards the moving carts.

When he got close enough to see the people and the caravan Drakai he froze.

*clink clink* He saw children in chains made to march single file, they barely had any clothes on and they were shivering. Guards were walking around with them, but their eyes were glazed over.

Drakai wasted no time and sprinted up to the children. "What is going on here? Where are your parents?"

The children kept on walking without talking all hope lost in their eyes. "Don't tell me, not here too."

{Yessss here tooo, they sufferr."} Drakai clenched his head in pain and screamed.

Drakai pulled out his Kai-Do and spun it around his body to fight off the voice.

Jolted by the scream a big eldrasie man stepped out of a carriage. "Who the fuck are you and why are you messing with my product?"

{Heee hurts themm, kill him!} Drakai screamed in pain again. Not paying attention to his centers of power Drakai started to leak his mana and aura at the same time sending his power out in soft ripples.

"Oh, the little fucking runt is challenging you!" Another man stepped out to see what the commotion was.

The bigger eldrasie frowned. Taking it as a direct insult he charged forward and punched at drakai with all of his power.

Time seemed to freeze for the man who punched at drakai; he looked into drakais eyes and he saw absolute hate.

Drakai caught the man's fist and gripped the fist breaking it; green veins started to pop on drakai's forearm and torso. {Yes, give in to yourself! Makess him SUFFER.}

Laughing in a deep voice drakai lost all sense of self; he punched the man in the stomach and his hand tore through the muscles and flesh and ultimately broke through the spine. Causing blood to splurt out on the ground.

Drakai turned his bloodshot eyes on the other man that was pulling a weapon out of a D-ring; his face twisted into a gnarly hateful expression. "Get ready to die you piece of shit!"

The man pulled out a long sword and thrust it at drakai's head. Moving his head ever so slightly just enough to barely dodge the attack; a snarl came from drakais chest. "BURN BITCH"

Rushing in Drakai force-palmed his hand onto the chest of the man; a small golden flame started to burn and melt through Edward's skin making a spluttering sound.

The man was caught off guard and tried to slap Drakais's hand away, which he succeeds at, but the flames still didn't go out. "WHY WON"T THEY GO OUT??" The pain was extreme it felt like his insides were being eaten by fire ants.

Drakai took his hand and slammed it into the man's head this time.



The usual dark claw that liked to come out when drakai used his Aura in a state of anger was ravaging his body; it was no longer a tiny claw, but it felt like a deep dark energy that twisted through his insides; the feeling of power that was running through his veins was comparable to using aura at the max.

He watched as his hand covered in golden flames melted through the man's flesh and bone making popping sounds as the skin developed boils.

Shortly after that Drakai passed out. "Some of the kids that weren't so far gone came back to their senses after the shocking fight and helped Drakai into one of the carriages.


After Drakai had left, danya wasn't sure what to do. She stood there for a while mulling over the situation and trying to come up with a plan.

"Without drakai, this will be much harder, I know he is stronger than me and that's why I had so much confedence in leaving. But now..."

She ultimately decided to go in the direction that lorkan said that she needed to go. She was sure drakai would meet up with her after he found his companion. And she had full trust that he would do so uncaught.

After she made up her mind; she set her tent up and fell asleep to the sound of winter owls cawing out their war cry.

"It feels lonely already, He might be an idiot but he is good for conversation."

Danya smiled lightly at the memories she had of drakai and their various conversations.