
Drakai woke up to the sound of mummers and light giggles. His head hurt pretty bad and his muscles hurt. Turning his head to the sounds drakai groned. He saw tiny children huddled around him wearing clothes many times too big for their bodies.

"How cute." Drakai smiled.

The steeping forwards the biggest kid out of the bunch who looked to be no older than five-years-old steeped forward. "H-hello mister w-we were cold so we t-took f-f-from the chests because we were c-cold please don't be a-angry.

Drakai stared blankly at the child that visibly scared and at her wit's end. Drakai kneeled in front of her and put his best smile on. "Worry not child I am not here to hurt you; in fact, I would be angry if you refrained from taking the clothes!"

Pinching her cheek, he looked at the other kids that started to smile realizing that Drakai wasn't going to harm them. "So little ones; mind telling me why you are here? Where are your parents?"

He shifted among the kids seeking an answer. The oldest girl worked up her courage and spoke once more. "We were taken in the middle of the night a-an-and th-they k-k-k-killed our p-parents."

"She has a lot of tramas, but one question remains." Looking the girl in the eye he asked the important question. "Did you see their deaths with your own eyes?"

The girl paused while she was crying and a light of understanding crossed her eyes. "No I didn't, I just heard their screams; Do you think they are still alive?"

"Most definitely they are alive little one; they sold you like cattle." Drakais's eyes started to glow red with anger while he mused inside his head. "It is possible that they are still alive, but if you heard their screams then most likely they are not."

The girl once again started to cry again losing all hope that her parents were alive.

"One day when you are older than even me, you will realize what I did was for your own good." Drakai internalized. He stood up and took a couple of steps to the huge chests that were in the large covered wagon.

"Well if anything good came from this it would be the loot If I am lucky I can even find something to do with magic." I creepy smile spread on his face thinking about the gold and gems.

He dug through the things in the first chest and found several bags of gold and a single jade coin"Holy shit, what a steal!"; there were clothes made of fine wool that felt smooth and gentle on the skin as opposed to the rough scratchy feeling that normal wool gave.

The other kids just watched as he took from the chests without a care in the world. The next couple of chests after that were just dried foods picking some up he started to chew on it.


He looked back at the sound with a frown on his face. Then he saw the kid's embarrassed faces. sighing drakai stood up. "Children should never have to feel embarrassed about asking for food, so just takes some."

The kids looked at him with disbelief on their faces. They mumbled amongst themself and slowly started to make their way to the chests of food. Then he realized that there were guards outside.

"Shit I completely forgot about the gaurds outside!" Rushing outside he looked around with a concerned look on his face. He saw what he was looking for but he was beyond shocked.

All the guards were frozen some still standing apparently freezing standing up. He went and looked at their faces all of them had the same dead look. Then he came across the two men that he had killed the other day.

"I don't feel bad at all. They were evil men that corrupted with a single touch. " Then he grabbed the two corpses and stacked them on top of each other along with the frozen guards on the bottom.

"But in the grand scheme of things Im sure they must have had a mother that loved them and a father cared for them. Out of respect of their lost child I'll give them a proper pyre."

A small golden flame roared to life in Drakai's hand; tossing the small flame on the pile drakai dropped to his knees and sent out blessings to the parents.

One of the kids came up to him while he was meditating. "Mister, what do we do?"

Drakai looked at the girl with haggard eyes. "You will follow me, we are going to the capital, once there you will be okay."

While walking away with a group of children behind him he thought about the day before and the dark voice in his head that urged him to kill. "Next time you won't take over so quickly."


Drakai felt a slight tingle in his brain and he clenched his fist in rage.


Danya was currently walking through heavy snowdrifts her long legs made easy work of the high banks. "I feel like he should be back by now what is taking him so long. I don't like to travel by myself."

The last couple of days had been nothing but walking hours on end and the vastness of the land made Danya feel very small and insignificant.

Every once in a while she would come across a goblin or some type of lower beast but had yet to fight anything that would give her a challenge.

"Not only is it boring but I'm tired of seeing white, this whole place seems to be made of snow." While she was lamenting to herself she heard a roar.

And out of a small group of trees, a huge wolf started to run full speed at her. "Ah shouldn't have said anything." She whipped her longsword out of her D-Ring activated her Dolor-Kai and broke the ground with her steps.

Later that night Danya was chewing on some wolf meat with a happy look on her face. "Wow this is good I should save some for drakai, he looks cute when he is eating something he really likes."

The wolf pelt was quite large and could easily make an entire set of clothes even for someone as tall as Danya. So she stored that in her D-Ring with the hope of making it into a cloak.

She stared at the night sky for a while watching the dark cloudy twist and turn her thoughts drifted to drakai.