Two Worlds

Danya woke up the next morning very cold, she was under a ton of furs that she had stored in her D-ring but it was still not enough to keep her warm. The wind would still eat through the tent and into her furs.

It was just enough warmth to keep her from freezing to death or getting hyperthermia. "Fuck this frozen ass country." Danya groaned as she got out of the furs and quickly slipped on some of her warmest clothes.

"Its been days now I hope that he is okay; it would be a pain in the ass if he ended up dying." Danya was earning the end of her wit's end, the boredom of no conversation and the endless white snow was slowly driving her mad.

She set off like the last three days with a permanent scowl on her face. Walking through the high banks pissed her off the most due to the fact that her clothes would get wet and then she would have to use her magic to dry them out.

*BOOM* Danya was instantly sent flying back with enough force to send her skiting along the ground. She broke a couple of bones in the process and blood came out of her mouth.

She looked around with angry eyes; then she saw it, the most beautiful creature she had ever seen was floating in the sky. Two giant wings came from her shoulder blades and another two covered her legs, her eyes were that of a pale golden hue.

Such was the perfection of the creature that it made her look cruel even though the expression she wore was kind.

"I am fenal!; I come bearing a message from heaven!" Her voice broke through the entirety of jakraa shaking the very core of the planet. Danya tried to move but found that she could no

"To be blunt; the popultion is going down faster than you can reproduce. This is an issue that needs solveing! So agios and the High-One have deicied that an world merg is in order!"

"Well, not really merg as much as it is telportion of one to another." She rubbed her chin with a thought full gaze.

"To help with the issue of overpopulation will will be teleporting the peoples of the planet Earth. It is a smaller planet that is dealing with overpopulation! Two birds with one stone!"

After speaking the world froze not even the animals were moving every beast, animal, and race was frozen to the point where not even their hearts were beating. The only thing they could do was thinks and even that was hard.

Then clicking her fingers massive amounts of mana started to pour from her her wings started to glow with a radiant golden hue; the waves crashed on the beings closest to her making them evolve and twist in ways unexpected. Some absorbed the mana to fast and exploded from the huge amounts of energy entering them.

"TOO MUCH I'LL DIE!" Danya coughed up a lot of blood; her body was being torn apart by the violent mana waves. Then something clicked within her and her body started to absorb the mana faster than it was being released. Forcing her body to evolve to survive.

With this, her eyes started to glow and she could feel her very nature starting to change, her bones broke over and over again. Causing her to scream out in pain. "MAKE IT STOP."

Contrary to what a normal cultivated being would expect her body started to shrink and got more compact; Danya shrunk a whole two feet and afterward she passed out with tears running down her face and dripping onto the snow.


Drakai was walking through high mounds of snow with the kids in his wake following in footsteps as to not get their boots or socks wet. "I can't get that moment out of my head, that dark voice! I can feel it lurking in the recesses of my brain waiting to take over!"

*BOOM* The same earth-shattering shock wave spread out all over the planet. The force from it was way less and more like a loud sound without much strength.

"What the hell was that?" Drakai looked in the direction of the explosion but saw nothing which made him more concerned than happy, whatever made the sound was very strong to carry a sound that far.

{ANGEL!} The voice shouted out in a voice that sounded like it was happy rather than afraid which made drakai pause, he wasn't expecting something so dark to sound happy seeing something so pure.

Then the same melodic voice spread out across the land making everyone freeze. At that moment all of the kids were frozen in place; drakai himself could move freely. "How odd. Why can I move but they can't?"

He was puzzled but his mind went blank when he heard what the creature was talking about. "Earth? World merg." Then as soon as the talking started it stopped.


A loud sound echoed and standing right in front of Drakai was fenal. "Why can you still move? Are you from this world? Or are you invader?"

Drakai looked at her with blank eyes. "I am under no obligation to answer any of your questions much less with that attitude."

Fenal looked surprised and then she growled. "Such disrespect; do you not fear death?"

Drakai looked at her with a smile on his face. "It's not that I don't fear death. It that I don't fear at all. Once you realize death isn't the end there is no reason to try so hard to live."

The angle squinted her eyes trying to decode what she just heard. "What an odd being, one that does not fear the embrace of death. Usually, when men tell me that they don't fear death they are lying but he was telling the truth!"

Then Drakai walked up to the children with a look of concern and checked on them to make sure that they were okay and not harmed by the powerful mana wave that spread on the planet.

"Although, I do have a question for you angel; this world merg, what do you mean by it?"

She frowned and started to reach out her hand. "Such impudence he needs to be punished for treating a Power like that!"

"Leave him alone I have uses for the boy. Can you not hear it, you foolish angel? The beating of his heart?" A load crisp sound broke through the angles mind and her hand stopped midway.

"What does agios mean? Uses for him, what could he possibly do?" Gritting her teeth she glared at Drakai. "I will be teleporting the 7 continents from the planet Earth here to help with population growth."

Drakai looked over his shoulder at her with a surprised look on his face. "The whole landmass is being moved here? How intriguing!"

The angle nearly smirked. "Yes I am quite powerful! This is nothing for an angel with the rank of Power!"

Drakai coughed into his hand. "So it seems."

She raised her eyebrows at him and then with another pop she disappeared from his sight.

Looking off into the distance Drakai realized something. "He must still be alive! It's only been nine years!"


Without any hesitation, Drakai spoke to the voice with a grin. "You need not try to convince me" He felt the familiar dark claw crawling up his spine but this time he liked it.