New World

Crain woke up in a calm state, he had been taught to do so since he was young. Ever since he was young he had done nothing but train. Hours after hours his father drilled him into a stronger and more intelligent creature.

His mind filed away the memories that he had received in the last day. One of the lessons his father had thought him was to always be calm and think with a preditor-like brain.

"It seems that the angel sent me to the new world she was talking about. What was the name again? Ahh right jakraa." It didn't take long for Crain to plan out his next steps.

Then feeling intense pain coming out of nowhere he gripped his stomach in pain and gasped for air. "What the fuck, is going on!" Ripping off his shirt he screamed out into the air, waking a couple of the people that were also sleeping next to him up.

After four minutes of pain he could feel all of his magic leave him completely, he could no longer access his soul weapon when he tried. "I feel as I have lost something great.

Then as soon as the pain stopped it came again this time he felt he was going to explode from the pain. Crain's muscles grew to huge sizes and looked like they were about to burst apart.

His skin started to rip apart and black goo came out of it, spilling on the ground and turning to a dark ash. After what felt like hours to Crain his body went back to normal. "Agh what just happened?"

Clenching his fist crains body felt better than it did on earth. "Ah I lost most of my power... but this energy is...purer?

He closed his eyes and searched his solar-plexus looking for the source of energy. "It's so blue! It looks beautiful like it was made for me and for me only."

Playing around with the energy in his solar plexus he made the energy move up his limbs and through his muscles. "This isn't much different from my soul magic, it's just easier to use."

Closing his eyes he waited for his father to show up. "Even if he lost his magic, his body is still too strong, after all not even a nuke could take him down."

-So as I waited for my father, I meditated on the newfound energy inside me and cultivated a new strength. At first, I was angry that I was being moved without my consent as any normal creature would. But after being in this world for less than 2 hours and receiving the gifts that I have been given it doesn't seem so bad.-


Drakai looked both ways before crossing a street. It was dark and the new moon. With no light illuminating the sky he made his way through the capital of vansk.

He was on a mission to get his best friend and the most beautiful creature that has ever graced the land of Jakraa, ember back.

Steeping into the stalls where the animals were kept he kept in the darkness and searched for his friend.

And that's when he found her, the most radiant creature to ever breathe air. Ember was sleeping quietly on a large pile of hay with a content look on her face.

"Oi you great shaggy beast!" Wisping in a harsh tone drakai poked the deer awake.


Waking with a start ember squinted. At the blurry eldrasie in front of her. Once she saw who it was her ears perked up and she started to lick his face with gusto. "Yes I am sorry sugar I shouldn't not have left you like that, I am horrible aren't I?"

Prodding her to get up the duo got up and left.

They weaved their way through the streets not making a sound.


Jakre stood in his office looking at the two leave. "They really think that I wouldn't notice you sneaking in my kingdom and then sneaking away? The only reason you aren't dead is because of that angel!"

Sighing to himself Jakre sat down and looked at all the men that were sitting down around a huge wooden oak table. Then he cleared his throat and made a pained expression.

"So, who can tell me the latest news on the 7 FUCKING CONTINENTS THAT DROPPED OUT OF NOWHERE." Shouting at the man in anger jakre looked with expectant eyes.

Gulping one of the men raised his hand. "I have news, sir!"

Pinching his nose jakre sighed. "Then speak you sad looking cunt."

The man started to sweat. "Um, so they seem to have advanced technology! But they are also very weak and they just started to devople magic spheres and are requesting to make deals and treaties."

"Wow you are a sad cunt aren't you! Guards pull him out of this room and have him executed."

The talk with his men went deep into the night. Other men followed the one that was sent out to be executed. Jakre was beyond fed up with current events.

"First It was my daughter and that brat and now this!"

"What am I going to do?" Jakre called his advisor in and started making plans.