Main Land

The morning was young and drakai decided to head out early, the morning frost already biting at his lips. "I have to catch up to her, she has been alone without a friend long enough."

Feeling the pressure nagging at the back of his head he urged ember to go faster.

Summer in vansk was could but not as cold as the other seasons. The birds were out looking for anything they could find underneath the snow and in the trees. Embers' footsteps made small crunching sounds in the thick snow.

Crashing through the snowbanks like they were paper she plowed her way to their destination. Drakai had come to the conclusion that he should just go in the same direction that she was going in when he left in a hurry.


"What the hell was that? It sounded like wood." Pulling on embers hair to tell her to stop he hopped off. "Melting the snow is the fastest way to find out what that sound was."

A golden flame could be seen igniting in Drakai's hand. The warmth from the flame was intense and the snow started to melt away under the pressure of the heat. "I can't see anything, was it my imagination?"

He continued to melt the snow sending up vapor to the heavens, while the vapor twirled away he got frustrated. "I know I heard something! It's sounded hallow."

Letting his flame go out he decided to go another route. Grabbing onto the feeling that the dark claw gave of he let it rip through him. Slamming his foot down Drakai broke the ground and sent chunks flying into the air at high speeds impaling trees in the distance from the sheer speed of the flying chunks.

Drakai kept gathering his energy and slamming his foot into the frozen ground breaking large chunks of the ground, and then kicking them away. Then Drakai heard the hollow sound again and grinned.

Gathering his energy in his leg once again he kicked the ground and broke right through it and fell into a massive hole. He tried to grab the sides of what seemed like a neverending hole as he kept falling.

Unfoutinalt vansk has been cold since the beginning of the creation of jakraa and the permafrost reached unbelievable depths. Drakai's hand just slipped on the frozen ground as he continued to fall deeper and deeper.

Thinking fast he kicked the walls of the place with all his strength slowing his fall but also ripping parts of his skin off when he hit the walls the jagged icy walls acted as razors.

Drakai saw the ground coming closer and closer. Using all of his aura and mana he gathered it in his legs and hit the ground kicking it out.

The whole structure vibrated when he realized all of his energy. He started to feel his legs to make sure that they were okay and not damaged. "They seem to be working fine. Now where am I exactly?" Drakai lit a small regular flame because he was almost exhausted of his mana reserves.

*Splish splash*

Walking forward he stepped in puddles. "Ah so this is built and not natural!" Coming up to an archway he saw engravings on the wall that hinted at the tinkering of an advanced race.

Going through the arch he made his way down a huge tunnel. The walls were full of life bringing forth grand battles of the past. Great warlords were detected holding heads and slaughtering enemies with a mere wave of their hands.

"I would not be surprised if this is one of the old temples, all this blood and gore almost makes it certain." Drakai thought to himself, as he rubbed the walls with his hand. He could almost feel the war from here.

Dov taught drakai a few things but one of the things he did teach his son about was the past of his people. Dov told him about the old religion like this.

"Son, we are an old race. We built this land with our hands and toiled in the cold, we suffered greatly is blood spilled so much that we helped plants grow here for the first time!

Do you understand now? That we do not nearly just live here but we are the very land itself? Unlike the others of our race, I do not abandon the old beliefs. The beliefs that helped us stay alive for thousands of years!

I will tell you the first rule now, and the rest when you are older and much wiser to the ways of the world.

The first rule is this. Personal Power is Everything!"

Drakai scoffed at his fathers' words when he told him that long ago, but now he understood. Without power, you can't have anything happily because someone could come and take that away from you with ease.

"Father you were right" Whispering in the dark drakai made his way through the dark underground tunnels.

The tunnel never seemed to end and just kept going not stopping. The ground was warm a surprise to drakai who had expected it to be cold even this far down.

He knew well how cold it got here in winter, and the perma-frost had many millennia to crawl its way down to the center of the world.

"I should be getting somewhere now, it's been a couple hours and I have a mission to complete I can't waist to much time here. Plus ember must be worried about me!"

Picking up his past he rushed through the halls and came across a huge room with runic lines cross-crossing all over the walls and the celling.

Walking in with careful steps he made his way in.