Place of Power

Walking in with careful steps he summoned his magic to the front of his hands and touched the ground. He wanted to test the place for any lingering magic spells or runic formations.

Drakai's magic spilled out like a wave, the last bit of his reserves spilling out on the floor in a black wave. Twirling on the ground they made their way to the walls and onto the runes. The runes lit up with a soft glow and shone on the ground bringing light to the dark massive room.

"Glad I checked that, Could have been bad if I didn't." The lines continued to grow even after drakai stopped his flow of magic, and dark orange flames came to life lighting the place up, casting warmth to the dark corners of the huge room.

"Wizzard's have touched this place with their power, I can feel the mana humming!" Excited drakai pushed forward and started to look at all of the lines closely following the patterns. Something caught his eye, a door that was still covered in the dark had a huge amount of runic line converging to it.

Walking up to the door Drakai tried to open the door, but when he tried drakai couldn't even make it budge. "Ah I see it must be like the one my father has!" Pulling a knife out of his D-ring he cut his hand and smeared his hand on the door.

The door unlocked and drakai stepped inside. "Weird that that worked since doors like these are family-specific. Although it might be race-specific."

The room had too orange torches glowing in it. The room itself was rather small, with only a few chests lining the walls. What drew Drakai's attention was a huge book in the middle of the room with an orb right above it shining light down on it. The book rested on an ivory stand, with trees etched on it, the art was so good that it looked like the trees were alive.

"This doesn't seem safe. But I am too curious to just ignore the huge ass book." Walking up to the book with quiet steps drakai looked at the cover. "Yep just as I figured this is in a language that I can't read. Might as well keep it though."

Placing the book in his D-ring he went to look at the chests that were butting up against the walls. They were rather big and bulky; the wood was made from a dark polished wood that reflected the orange glow in the room.

Opening the chest up with ease Drakai dug through the contents hooping to find something magic-related, but he turned up empty-handed and only found clothes. His luck continued to dwindle when he went through the other ones and still turned up empty-handed only finding clothes.

"I might as well take the clothes as well, who knows they might have some magic properties!" Drakai spoke out in a quiet voice.

Sighing drakai started to walk out of the building but then he remembered something. Turning around he went back to where the alter was and climbed on top. "I also want the orb!"

He reached up and put his hand on it, and then he felt a terrible surge of energy course through his body; the ground started to shake and a deep voice rang out.

"You take something that doesn't belong to you, if you want to keep it you must prove yourself worthy. Defeat the guardian of this tomb!"

The ground started to shake even harder and drakai heard a loud crash from the other room. Whipping out his Kai-Do he sprinted into the room. The middle of the floor showed a rune he hadn't seen before; a giant hand started to break through and climb right out of the floor.

"Well fuck! I didn't expect this, should I run? Or should I fight?" Drakai pondered in his head and came to a quick conclusion. "I am a warrior, I won't run away from this fight."

His mana reserves were empty and he couldn't use aura. So while he watched the huge armored being pull itself out of the hole he stood with a smile waiting for the creature to finish getting out of the hole, his eyes glowing with the power of Dolor-Kai.

The being pulled itself out of the ground and looked at drakai with a cocked head. "Little eldrasie why didn't attack me the instant you saw me coming out?"

Surprised that it could speak Drakai looked at the creature with a face of puzzlement. "It goes against my beliefs, It wouldn't be fair. And there would be no point in fighting if I use cheap shots. I want to improve myself and the best way too do that is through fighting and pain!"

Nodding the huge creature took off his helmet and his armor. " So the eldrasie race may have gotten smaller but they have the same amount of fight in them eh? My name is Othra, my blood is of the old race the originals that use to walk on this land."

Drakai frowned at the giant's words. "The originals? What does he mean by that."

Othra's hair was long and touched the middle of his back; it was blood-red with silver streaks, his skin was two shades darker than Drakai's and much rougher. Othra's body was beyond anything drakai had seen before. Every inch of the giant's body was corded steel wrapping around his bones making him look like a statue.

And unlike the normal eldrasie male he had a small waist. His face was handsome and bore the same Blood-orange eyes that Drakai had.

Rushing forward Othra delivered a punch that created wind currents spirling around his fist due to the size of his fist.

"He might be strong be he is also pretty slow, I guess that just comes with size." Drakai sidestepped the huge fist and cut along the arm as it traveled past his body.

The spinning on his feet he cut at the feet his blade slicing through the top of Othra's foot spraying blood on the wall and revealing the white bones in the giant's feet. Causing the giant to fall to the ground on one knee.

Drakai pushed off the ground with a smile on his face he sped toward the giant's hanging head and held his blade at the throat of his enemy. "I win!"

Othra merely smiled at the little man in front of him.

"Against my first clone, yes you did. But what about the others?" Othra spoke.

After that five more giants appeared out of thin air with smiles on their faces