The Strength Of Five

The giants walked around Drakai with a smile on their faces clearly enjoying the shocked look on his face closely followed by one of dismay. "What type of bullshit is this? Like how the fuck am I going to take all of them down?" Sinking his blade into the first giant's throat Drakai stood up and twirled his sword around.

"Well come on then you bunch of oafs! You wanted to challenge me but yet you stand and just smile at me?" The giants continued to smile at the young eldrasie that was trying to provoke them.

Speaking in unison the giants literally looked down on Drakai. "Such words won't work on someone my age little boy, much less anyone. You suck at trash talk!" With that, they all charged at him throwing out their fists.

Drakai saw the threat and grimaced."Fuck!" Cursing in his head he dodged the first one but was hit by the second and fourth. The raw power sent him flying into the air. And crashed into the far wall.

Getting up from the wall he charged in once again his broken bones piercing his skin as he ran at the giants' rage on his face. Not directed towards them but towards himself for being too weak. "I am so sick of this shit, so tired of this struggle already. Why is everyone else so strong?"

{I cann makess uss strongss brotherrr}

Falling to his knees before he could even make it to the giant's drakai clenched his head.

"What is the cost? Let me guess you want to control my body? Or sacrifice something? Do you think I am stupid, I already know nothing is free in this world. Hell, not in any world! All people do is take and take! SO TELL ME WHAT DO YOU WANT" Drakai shouted deep into the depths of his mind.

The dark voice spoke in a calm voice. {Your love brother}

Drakai paused as he was used to it speaking in a broken tone. "What are you?"

{Hate} The dark voice spoke in a sad voice.

"I don't understand, but if you can get me out of this I will take you help" Then screaming in pain drakai gripped his head, the dark claw ripping his body to shreds. "ARGGG" Screaming out again drakai made the giant's pause.

"What the hell is wrong with him? I didn't even hit him that hard! He shouldn't be in this much pain over tha-" Then he heard it, a deep beating sound.

*Bump, Bump, Bump*

Drakai felt as if his body was being tortured over and over again, his body ripping apart with every movement and thought. "I can'ttt controlll thisss." The last thing drakai saw was the worried expression of the giants.

The giants watched the young eldrasie pass out, but as he was falling drakai threw his hands out and caught himself before he could fall.

A deep voice came from drakai. {Hello old one}

"Who are you?" the giants asked in unison clearly aware of the change in the young man in front of them.

{Oh well, that is none of your business now is it old one?} Stepping forward the dark voice walked the body of drakai towards giants who went on the defense.

Like a perfect puppet master it twirled and twisted drakais body. It was like art and even the giants were taken aback by the raw amount of beauty. Slashing at the arms and legs of the giants he walked through the midst of them.

Like a lion amongst rabbits, the dark voice slaughtered the whole crew with perfect form flexing drakais muscles and snapping his limbs at the right times.

As the three giants lay on the ground bleeding out they started to fade. {You can come out old one, there is no reason to hide I know that you are there.}

The ground started to break again and a huge hand popped out of the surface, many times bigger than the other giants. "I am surprised little one or should I say little ones." The giant moved his hand and the earth morphed itself into a throne which the giant sat down on.

{We are one being just two sides of the same coin, he refuses to acknowledge me is all. But old one I have a question for as well. Are you real or are you some type of specter?} The dark voice asked through drakai while pulling his lips up into a devastating smile.

"I am real enough since I can't really die in this plane of existence. I am what you would call a lich or frost king whatever they call it nowadays. Well If I recall correctly you have a friend to go save and you are talking too much of your time up here chatting with me."

Snarling at the giant the dark voice started to pilot drakais body to the hole from whence they had fallen from hours ago.

"No need to stress about it little one I will send you close enough to her. Oh! And tell the other one I said hello when he comes back from whatever sleep he is currently in." Then waving his hand he teleported the voice controlling drakai into the cold main-lands of vansk.

-As I sent the dark one away I knew for a fact that he was lying when he said they were the same person just different sides to the same coin, after training my body and mind to a level that not even some of the strongest warriors can comprehend it was very easy for me to tell by the bodies heartbeat.

If a normal super being heard the heartbeat they would think that It was normal, but I could hear the blood flow in a different way from his normal. Knowing this I wonder how they would change and grow up.

Thousands of years are nothing to me and millions of babies are born in between the time I blink and yawn, so It was natural of me to think that I would never see the strange persons again-