Finding Danya

Drakai woke up with a gasp and started to shiver, the frigid air eating through his clothes and freezing his skin. "What the fuck? Where am I?" Springing up to his feet he looked around with raptor eyes trying to gauge his location.

Drakai's eyes met embers she wasn't to far from him and she was also laying down on the ground stareing at him. "you could have at least snuggled up to me to keep me warm!"

*Snort* A rough sound escaped from embers mouth as she snorted a respons back to drakai.

"Fine-Fine I get it, I left you behind I am sorry about that, It won't happen again! I swear it on my mother!" Drakai did feel guilty he left his best freind behined and if that had happened to him he waould also not be so quick to frogive.

{Danyasss, youu mustss goo} The broken voice spread through drakais bringing him a twinge of pain.

"Yes! I must go now!" The he hopped on ember and told her and signled for her to sprint as fast as she could in the direction that danya was heading in

"Can you hear me right now?" Drakai asked in a soft voice, trying to reach the deep dark voice inside his head. He got no answer, than trying inside his head he got a response.

{yesss brother.} The raspy voice broke through his head once again bringing pain to drakai and forcing him to wince in pain

"Alright don't speak unless I say or we are in truble, you bring me nothing but headaches and that I meant literally." Rubbing his temples he kept pushing throught the snow. "I wonder who that old giant was, he looked like me but he was much taller and bulkier. His muscles where somwething else enitrely!

He wasn't even close to his full stregth either I could feel it, the hum of magic radating from him, he was most definitley some type of mage or wizzard. I wish I could have spoken to him longer so I could have learned somethign about magic."

The a though rushed through his head as he rembered the reason why he was fighting the giant in the first place. "The orb! reaching into his D-ring with his mind he took the shiny clear orb out. and rubbed agenst his sleave.

Turning it around in his hand he inspected it, it was flawless without a single nick int the glass like material. It was almost see through to the point where was like looking through a normal glass window. But for some reason it felt empty to drakai.

"I guess I have nothing to lose, I wounder what will happen." Placing both his hands on the orb he started to pour his mana inside.


A crisp sound came from the orb and it started to suck drakais mana out of him. "Fuck!" Startled by the orb he fell of ember and onto the cold snow sinking down through it.

Shaking his hands he tried to through the orb away from him but it wouldn't move from his skin and kept sucking his mana away from him, falling into a slight panic he used his auar to power his limbs, but the orb still woundn't come off.

So instead he just sat down and waited for the thing to stop sucking his mana out, he didn't have to wait long because his mana reseevers where so exuasted. Then the orb fell out from his hand and landed onto the cold ground.

Sighing and pinking it up he looked at the orb again trying t find a difference now that it sucked all of his mana away. "Hmmm, it looks a little bit shiner?" The orb was still compleaty see through but it had a slight glare coming off it like when the sun hits a mirror.

Confounded by the orb he stuffed it back into his D-Ring and made his way to Danya committing to memeore what just happened and to look for answers when they got to a more mage friendly place.


Danya was sitting by a fire and thinking about the angel as she roosted some meat that she had gotten early buy hunting a pack of wild cows. They whee very fat this time of year haveing plenty of trees to grace on and very soft wet snow to drink.

The angel had made her rethink quite a bit of stuff, the other world coming into play was a big deal and she had no doubt that wards for suppression and dominance would insure.

"I will just have to wait for drakai it seems, of course I could figure this out all by my self but two heads is greater than none." So coming to a conclusion she started to melt snow around where she was camping out.

She figured it would be easier on everyone if she just hunkered down here for ac couple days and wait for drakai. "Quite frankly I am tired of all of this traveling already, it's way to cold and hunting is such a pain. I can't wait to fall into a bed!"

Danya had been more than fed up with the travllibng conditions and was ready to get to a war plae hopefully with a bed and maybe something to warm her stomach, it had been awhile since she had some ale.

Falling alssep was an easy task for danya, the trees kept swaying back in forth in the face of the wind,. And she had learned a couple of night ago to find rocks and heat them up putting them inside her sleeping roll.

She had also learned to thaw the ground to the point where it wasn't frozen and also make sure that It was plenty dry, doing this had gained her several more hours of sleep than was usual.

Closeing her eyes she brought herself mental state inside her self and looked at her mostly blue core.

"Just a little bit further and I will be a real mage! I can't wait to see the look on drakais face when I beat him too it."

Giggling to herself she fell asleep with a smile on her face.