Blood, Sorrow and the Corpse

"Did she just try to say Royal Vampire?"

I call out to her again, "Did you just try to say Royal Vampire?" I waited patiently, it must've took a ton of strength to muster out those words.

In just a short moment, I felt a weakened grasp around my hand. "Oh Jesus of Nazareth! Just how 'Royal' were you? And how did you end up here?" She gave no response, I figured as much. I don't know what else to ask the Living Corpse, but at least someone else is here with me in these final moments. I released the hand of the Living Corpse, and stood to my feet.

I walked towards the Thorny Bars and looked out, only to see nothing but shadows and darkness. I was curious if any of my crusaders were also locked down here, I knew there was only one way to find out. I then call out into the darkness, "Can anyone else hear me out there!? Anyone at all!? Is there anyone else alive!? Crusaders! Hear me!!" I stood in silence waiting for a response, but heard none.

I began to shake the Thorny Bars violently as they ripped into my skin, I then started to yell, "Anyone! Is there anyone there!! Where the hell am I!! Get me out of the place! Answer me!!!" No response... I'm really doomed am I?

I then heard a loud metal door open and create a loud bang down the shadowy corridor.


I then saw a orange light with a shadowy silhouette down the corridor. I called out to the figure, "HEY DEMON, GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! LET ME GO!!" The monster answered nothing and proceeded towards me. I heard the footsteps draw closer and closer to me...

*Step.. step.. step.. step... step*

The dark creature continued to step towards me and a overwhelming aura started to build up around. I kept hearing the footsteps proceed closer and closer, but I couldn't see the creature too well due to the thick darkness. Before I knew it, I saw a dark creature stand before my cell and with large glowing eyes. Those eyes looked straight into my soul and I took a step back, "Who are you!? Tell me! Get me out of here!" I shouted. The creature just made disgruntled noises and snorted like a ox. Fear washed over me and manifested over my face, I gritted my teeth and waited for an answer. The creature grabbed the bars of my cell and spoke in a deep and dark tone, "You.. You don't belong in my Prison. You are just a mortal.. What is a mortal doing in the bowels of Limbo, how did you come here mortal.."

I was taken back by these words, I didn't know how to respond so I just answered, "I have no idea how I got here, last thing I remember is seeing sorcerers cast a grand spell and I was taken here! I don't belong here, I belong to the Lord! Let me go fiend!!"

The monster began to laugh hysterically at me, "Hahahahaha! That's rich! You belong to the Lord? Don't make me laugh! Sinners like you deserve only Hellfire and destruction! And now it's time to pay for your sins!" I grew furious and shouted back, "Hellfire, destruction, sins!? Only evil rebels like you deserve this God forsaken Hell, and I will exterminate all of you! I swear that I will exterminate every last demon in this Inferno!!!" The monster continued to laugh at me, "Hahahahahaha!! You kill all the demons of Hell!? You must've gone mad from fear! If you couldn't even fight the Lesser Demons that captured you then what makes you think that you can even challenge our Lords!"

I grasped the bars and stared the creature dead in its eyes, I tell him sternly "Release me from this place or I will kill you right here and now!!" The monster stood silent and looked behind me. The monster then diverted all his attention to the Corpse, "I'm surprised that you're still alive... I didn't even realize you had a Ancient Vampire with you, I can see the hunger in her eyes, like she hasn't fed in centuries." I turned around and looked, I saw the Corpse curled up and with her mouth wide open. I turned back to the demon and said, "What happened to her? What did you do and why is she in here? Tell me now fiend!" The demon backed off the cage and began to walk back towards the door leaving me behind, he said, "You ask too many questions sinner. All I came to say was that your execution has been finalized, our Sovereign will eat his sacrifice shortly. See you then sinner.."

I shouted, "My execution!? Wait a minute!! Hey wait a damn second!! Don't you dare leave me in here! I will kill you!! I will kill all of you!!"

The monsters footsteps continued to move away from me, he didn't say anything else to me. I began to violently shake the cage in a fit of fear and rage, "HEY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!!" Nothing but a deafening silence was heard. My hands were completely covered in blood, I must've been cutting them up really badly as I was shaking the Thorny Bars. I dropped to my knees and became overwhelmed in tears and sorrow, my spirit was low in the depths of despair.

I began to cry out in my cell, "Lord! Where are you! Why have you forsaken me! Why have you left me in this Hell! Lord remember my Holiness and my works for you!" I broke down completely, I was lost and my heart cried out, "Lord!! Help me!! Don't leave me to die in this place!! Lord where are you!! Save me!!"

I just stayed there weeping bitterly, my whole spirit was shattered. The thoughts of spending Eternity in this Hell completely broke me down, I had lived my life for the Lords Work and His Perfect Will! How could this happen to me! Why did this happen! What did I do to deserve this!? I cried for what felt like hours, I began to lose my Faith, everything inside of me was telling me that I lived a life of Vanity. I kept weeping and weeping and weeping.. The tears never stopped and my throat was beginning to hurt and my eyes were beginning to burn..

It was at that moment that I heard it, a raspy and eerie voice behind me say, "Do....n.... cr.... y"

I looked behind myself and saw the Corpse begin to move her mouth ever so slightly, did she just tell me not to cry?

I crawled towards her and say, "Did you just me not to cry? How the hell am I supposed to do that! I'm about to spend Eternity in this God Forsaken place and you're telling me not to cry!!! You have no idea----"

The Corpse mustered out some more words interrupting me, "I... so...ry.." She just apologized didn't she..? I just realized I must've scared her by yelling so suddenly, I began to feel pretty ashamed at my outburst. She's been here even longer than me and here she's trying to comfort me. I just sat down next to her and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just freaked out, I just don't know what to do anymore, my Lord, He isn't helping me, I don't want to die here!"

I cried a little more and my heart continued to grieve, no one will ever know what happened to me, I will just disappear forever without ever leaving behind anything to remember me.

During my cries, she spoke again, "I... here.... fo... you..." When I heard this, I began to weep even more. I wasn't alone, this hungry vampire was here with me and she was just trying to comfort me. After some minutes, my tears began to cease. I looked at the Corpse and said, "You must be pretty hungry huh? When was the last time they fed you in here?" She gave no response, I just sat there in silence waiting for my pending demise or just for her to say something.

I spoke up again towards her, "Hehe, it's funny, I'm a Holy Crusader but I'm going to die here in Hell and spend my Eternity here as well.. What a way to die.. such a cruel end.." The Corpse said nothing...

I looked over at her and was able to see more now that my eyes were adjusted to the light. She was a actual corpse, she had grey pupils, completely skeletal body and had grey skin, her clothes were also tattered, bloodied rags. She had many exterior wounds all over her body and a deep wound through her heart. I felt so bad, I have no idea just how long she's been here for, she must be in so much pain and hunger yet she still tries to comfort me and talk to me.

She spoke up again, "Its.. oh..kay... I... here.." She really is trying to comfort me huh..? A Corpse is trying her best to comfort me. She spoke up once more, "I.. hun...gry... how... you..?" Did she just say she was hungry? I can only assume she'd be hungry, who knows how long it's been since she's fed. I wish I could help her---

Wait a second.. another thought then appeared in my mind, "Since I'm going to die anyways, maybe I can leave a parting gift for her kindness. Something to help her or relieve her of some pain. I've already accepted that my life is done anyways, but she still has a ways to go. Yeah, maybe I can do that? It will also spare me from the pain of being sacrificed by a demon!"

I look over at her, grab her hands, and say with all confidence, "Hey... I know I've only known you for a short time, but my life is limited here, I know I'm going to die but I don't want to die by the hands of these beasts. So I have one final request for you. I would you like to consume all of my blood, and let me die a peaceful death. Squeeze for yes.."

She squeezed my hand and muttered, "" I don't know what she tried saying but it was a yes. I say back, "Okay, thanks for everything, thanks for just being here during my last moments, never forget about me okay? My name is Jean Sinclair by the way, never forget it..."

This is it, this is where my life ends. I'm giving myself as food for a ancient vampire in Hell. Hopefully this good deed is enough to absolve me to Heaven. Lord please remember me and forgive me of my sins and transgression, let me be with You this day.

I then lean in and press my neck against her fangs, I heard her crackling jaw close in and she completely bit into me. It was a sharp and piercing pain.


I felt some of my blood pouring down my garments as she was consuming it, I felt her slowly draining me away little by little. She kept drinking and drinking and I started to become dizzy and weak. I kept my neck in her jaw and fought to stay still. Soon my vision began fading and I set myself to a resting position on top of her so I wouldn't accidentally fall on her. She continued to drink and I became colder and colder. These are my last moments, soon I will be reunited with the Father, and soon I will never know pain again, a smile appeared over my face as I closed my eyes.

I went into a deep and peaceful sleep knowing I was able to help one more person before I died. I never got to know the name of the Vampire, but I'm so glad we met and I pray that someday she will escape this Wretched Inferno to!