Slash, Freeze and the Rally

"In the name of the Gracious Kuroakami! I Shizuku Yuki of the Kottan Tsuki Dynasty shall freeze everything! Take this one to the 9th Circle Hell Demon!!!"

A large magic circle manifested before her along with 3 smaller ones around it. The 3 smaller ones poured beams into the larger circle, then in a flash, a large white bursting ray shot out and engulfed the entire hallway! Everything got consumed in a flash! I was being pushed back by the amount of force and covered my eyes! It was a blinding light that vaporized everything!!


The beam started to cease and the whole area was frozen under ice! I gazed upon the Demon and he had his arms protecting his upper body. He was completely submerged in ice!

Shizuku turned to me and cried out, "NOW JEAN! FINISH THIS!!!"

Without a moments hesitation, I jumped forward, packed my blade with all the power left in me and came down on him, "HIYYAAAAAAAAHHHH!!"

In a flash, my blade slashed through the whole Demon, splitting him into 2 and I landed below him!

I swung my blade clean, "I told you already.. I will escape this Hell, no matter the costs.."

The Demon spoke back, "It was.. an honor.. proud warrior.."

The Demon then separated from one end of his torso and fell. He was cut clean from his right shoulder to his left hip. I stood up and looked at him, his blood was pouring out fast. I then lifted him by his neck and brought him close. I opened my mouth sank my fangs into his left neck. I began to drink, it was delicious! I felt the bloodlust enter me again, I kept drinking and strength kept building in me! The power felt overwhelming and my body felt lighter and more alive than when I was alive!

The Demon gave me no more blood, I released my bite and set him down slowly upon the floor. He kept his pride till the very end, I will always remember this battle. I stood over his body and did the sign of the cross. I then looked towards Shizuku and saw her lying down on the ground face down.

"SHIZUKU!!" I shouted.

I ran towards her and picked her up, "Shizuku are you alright!? Speak to me!"

She slightly opened her eyes and said, "J-Jean.. I'm okay.. Just a little.. tired.. I need.. to feed.."

She must've used all her strength in that attack! She needs to feed quickly! I carried her in my arms and ran towards the Demon. I lowered her down to the floor and placed her next to the dead demon. I brought his neck towards her mouth so she can feed.

"Shizuku, it's okay! Here just feed!" I said.

She didn't respond but simply opened her mouth, I raised the corpse closer. She was now close enough to bite into the Demon. She bit into the neck and began to feed. She soon was able to open her eyes and grabbed the Demon herself. I bit into the other side and we both fed upon the demon together. We were draining him of every last drop! This could never get old.. my power continued to grow exponentially. This Demon was far stronger than anything I could ever imagine, and something tells me that they are demons in this Hell that dwarf him at a unreasonable scale. I continued to drink until I was satisfied, I then released my bite and wiped my mouth. I stood up and looked at my surroundings, the place was completely frozen in ice! All the cells and walls were completely frozen and a cool breeze moved through.

I looked at Shizuku and say, "Just what kind of spell was that!? This place is completely submerged under ice!"

She was still pretty weak, she released her bite and wiped her mouth, "That was a tier 13 cryo spell.. It's pretty novice to what I can really do.."

She kneeled down, and was breathing pretty heavy, she must be really weak after all that..

Also that was novice for her? I would like to see what her full power looks like! I walked towards her, I need to help her out. I then kneeled next to her and said, "Hey you need a hand your Highness?"

She smiled and laughed, "Haha yeah, let's go."

I turned my back to face her, "Shizuku, please grab onto my back, we are moving forward."

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and held tightly, I then stood to my feet, looked around and said, "Is this place really empty?"

I began to walk forward while holding onto Shizuku's small legs. Even though it was dark, I could see everything in this Prison! We walked maybe 2 cells before we heard a small voice call out to us, "HEY! HELP!!! GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!!"

I turned around and saw a hooded being grabbing onto Thorny Bars, "HELP! PLEASE RESCUE ME!!"

I ran towards the being with great haste, the being looked at me and said, "Oh thank the Lord Almighty! He has sent us the Deliverer!! Praises be to you Great One!"

I spoke up to the being and said, "Stand back, I'm breaking you out of there!"

I raised my blade and slashed the frozen bars, the being then burst through them and revealed themselves.

He knelt before me and said, "My Savior! How could I ever repay you for this?"

I waved my hands, "You don't need to praise me for something like this! I was only doing what was right, but tell me do you have a name? You don't seem like a Demon or Angel?"

The being lowered his head, "It is as you say, I am neither Demon nor Angel, I am what they refer to as Fallen Angels, as for a name.. I abandoned mine a long time ago.."

Just during our conversation, I heard another voice shout from the cells, "WAIT ARE YOU HERE TO FREE US!? FREE ME TO!!"

I looked at the Fallen Angel and we both nodded, we ran to the Cell and I slashed the Thorny Bars and freed him. The being that emerged from the cell was deformed figure with multiple eyes and 3 arms, this one has to be a demon.

"You saved me! I heard the commotion but I thought you died honestly!? Then I heard you free that Fallen Angel and I couldn't believe it!"

I replied, "I already died, I won't die again. Is there any others that need to be saved?"

The demon answered back, "There is plenty in here and they all want to be free, but what do you plan on doing now? Now that you escaped, what's your next plan?"

"My next plan..? Well isn't it obvious? I'm going to escape this place!" I said proudly.

The demon gave me a puzzled look, "How? It's forbidden to leave this place, not only that but you declared a war upon the Sovereign of Limbo by killing one of the Ambassadors! They are going to send everything they got against you! How are you going to fight them!?"

I think about it for a bit, me versus all the forces of Hell..? Can I really do it? Deep down I knew I couldn't take them all on by myself.. I needed people to support me.. I needed help..

Then it clicked in me, I remembered something I said! This is going to go against everything I believe in but it's the only way to have a chance to survive!

I looked at all the cells, I began to see hands on the bars of the cells but no one spoke a word, as if they were all listening to our conversation.

If I can just rise up a powerful rebellion, then I may have a chance of survival. For now I'm unsure if I can even leave but at least I won't be bound in shackles and chains. I need to do everything I can, I won't give up so easily! I made a vow to leave this place, even if I have to destroy everything! I looked around once again and gazed upon all the Prisoners, they all stood in silence. I can sense their longing for freedom, if I can use that to rise up a powerful rebellion, then I can escape this place!

I gave a sly smirk and answered with all confidence, "Of course I can escape this place, but I can't do it alone. I need help, I need support. I am already an enemy to this wretched place, but I won't be dismayed nor disheartened! I will do everything it takes to leave this Inferno, even if it means taking on the King himself! I will consume everything, I will grow stronger and I will be the One who will stand at the top!"

I looked at the cells and shouted, "Prisoners hear me! I will give you 2 choices! You can stay in those cells and continue to rot away! Or you can have a second chance! I offer you a second chance out of here but at a cost! If you band together with me and fight, then we will all have a chance to escape this place and destroy everything and everyone who put us here!"

The demon then grabbed me by the shoulder and shouted, "Do you even realize what you're saying!? This Circle is one thing, but the others to!? Do you realize how powerful the demons become as you descend!? They are on a whole different level than the ones you face here in Limbo!!"

I grabbed his wrist and moved it away from me, "If that's the case, then I will grow stronger and consume them all with or without you!"

I gazed upon the cells once more, "Hear me once more Prisoners! I will escape this place, no matter what it takes with or without you! If you decide to stay here then go ahead, but if you want to escape, then join me and we will destroy everything together! Who's with me!!!"