Feed, Clash and Destroy

"Feed Vampire.. Feed and DESTROY EVERYTHING!"

Feed and destroy..? Is she commanding me to feed upon these demonic corpses? I looked down on them and saw dark red liquid pour out from their wounds. It looks so rich and enticing, I want it.. I want all of it. I felt an overpowering bloodlust overcome me as I begin to stare at the bodies below me. I'm so hungry, I want to feed on them, but I barely have any strength to move.. I must feed, but I've no strength to do so!

I reach for the closest one near me and grab it by the arm. I then began to drag it towards me in order to feast on it. I want to drink, I want to consume it, I want to drain it of every last drop! I pulled the arm of the body near my mouth and the feeling became more intense, like a ungodly craving for a woman. I needed to feed, my whole body ached and longed for it! I need this release! I need it! I opened my mouth and readied my fangs, I pulled the forearm close to my mouth, the veins drew close to me and I felt the warmth of the corpse. Without a moments hesitation, I bit into the veins and a red stream began to pour into my mouth. It tasted sweet, and warm, unlike anything I've ever tasted before. I began to consume more and more, it alleviated my pain as I continued to feed...

My mind began to race uncontrollably, "No! I need more! I need much more! I need to feed more!"

I then released my bite from the arm and sank my teeth into the side of its neck as if I had no control! My teeth fell right in and a new stream of blood began to flow into my mouth!

"More! More! More! More! I need more!"

Bloodlust continued to build up inside of me! My body began to repair itself, I felt new flesh replace the old and my wounds began to close up.

I then noticed something else..?

"My body.. it feels.. stronger! Stronger than ever! What is this new strength in my body!?"

A new power began to surge in my veins, almost overflowing! It feels as though I was stronger now than I was earlier! I need to keep drinking! More! I need more!!

After a few moments, I couldn't taste anymore blood from the corpse, I must've drained it completely. I then dropped the body and picked up the next one, my feast isn't over yet!

"More.. I need more.. more... more... more... MORE!!!"

I raised the demon corpse to my mouth and bit into it instantly, my body lost control, I needed to keep feeding!!

I tasted a new stream overflow in my mouth. My hunger never faded, and only grew more intense!

I let out a loud cry into the Prison, "I need more! Give me more! More! More! More! More!"

The corpse no longer offered me blood... I released my bite and looked towards Shizuku and the Demon. Shizuku was staring at me with a sinister smirk across her face, and the Demon just watched. I looked around at myself and noticed that my prison garments were now stained with blood.

It was then that Shizuku began to approach me, her sinister glare never faded. She began to walk towards me. Her evil stare drilled into me, she then lifted her voice towards me in a gentle but stern tone, "You exceeded my expectations Vampire.. Oh how I've longed for this.. to escape this prison. To get another chance! Now the opportunity lies before me. To leave this place once and for all!"

She kept walking towards me with that evil stare, her menacing smirk grew larger, and I began to sense a malicious aura around her. What is this? Shizuku? What are you doing..? I begun to wonder if she had betrayed me, "Shizuku you're acting strange!"

Shizuku kept moving towards me, and her eyes were as viscous as ever! I then raised my blade to her, "What is this? What are you doing? Did you just use me!?"

She stayed silent, and an uneasy feeling washed over me.. is this why she is regarded as a traitor?

She then stood before my blade, and her eyes never shifted. She raised her finger and slowly stroked it across the edge, I then saw a small fount of blood pour from the tip of her finger.

She looked at the cut, then looked back at me, "I did use you Vampire.."

What!? She betrayed me!?!?!

She spoke up once more, "How did it feel? Doesn't it feel amazing? Don't you feel the power surging within? Don't you want more of it?"

What is she saying? I answered back to her, "Shizuku! What are you up to? What are your motives? Tell me!"

She raised her finger and touched my lip, "My motives? Isn't it obvious Vampire? I'm going to use you.. You are the One who will set us free.. You are the one who's going to stand on top of the Food Chain.. All you need to do is listen to me and heed my words carefully. From this day onwards you will FEED and DESTROY EVERYTHING!"

Stand above the Food Chain? Light of Hope? Set them free? What is going on?

I reply back, "Shizuku.. I don't understand! What is happening with you!?"

She giggled and turned back around facing the Demon and pointed at him, she then said,

"Do I need to repeat it again Vampire.. In this Hell, power is everything. Only the Ones with the Blackest Souls stand above the rest! You've been reborn as a vampire, you already lost your humanity in this Hell, and you can never get it back. Now you must survive, and to survive in this place you need power.. tremendous power.. power that rivals even the Traitorous King! And to gain this power, you need to consume.. consume every last fiend that stands in your way. Consume and rise to the top! Hear me Vampire and hear me well! If you ever want to leave this place, then you must stand above them all!"

She's right! In order for me to escape and fulfill my promise, then I need to fight my way through this Hell! I will consume everything that stands in my way and I will get my freedom back!

A malicious grin grew across my face, I gripped my sword and felt the power surging!

I began to walk forward towards the Demon in all confidence, "You're right Shizuku.. To get stronger, I must feed, and to feed I must kill. I made my decision then... I will not only keep our promise but I will sate this ungodly appetite and consume everything!"

She began to laugh hysterically, "Hahahaha I created a monster didn't I?"

You're damn straight you did.. I'm no longer human, my humanity has already ceased. I've become a monster, a monster hellbent on consuming everything and escaping this Inferno!

The Demon chuckled and spoke up in his raspy voice, "Hahahaha! This is it! This was worth the wait! Are you ready to die now Crusader?"

I spoke back with all confidence saying, "Ready to die? I'm already dead.. but you.. I'm going to show you a fate worse than death itself."

He laughed as I said this, I was now standing before him. His energy felt as dark as ever! The final showdown is about to begin!

In one moment, we both made our war cries and charged forth! "HARRRGHHHHH!!!"

Our blades clashed and the sound rang through the whole prison!


We began a contest of endurance, our blades clashed in quick succession!


My movements and reactions were much faster than earlier! I can actually see his movements now! Consuming those demons really did give me a power boost!

The Demon spoke up within our duel, "This is the best fight I've had in many centuries! To think I would struggle this much against one of my own Prisoners! I Shirkradon deem you worthy of dying by my hand!"

I packed my next blow with built up power! "I don't need your damn praise Demon! I just need to consume your blood and stand at the top!"

He replied back with pride, "Then come and take it!"

We did one final strike! It made a sound that pierced my ears!


The entire Prison shook, we both jumped back simultaneously! He then summoned 3 more blades from thin air and charged forward! I readied my stance and got into position.

We clashed once again! But this time, I had to worry about his other blades! This can become troubling if I'm not careful! A full on scale attack commenced and I started blocking all 4 blades!


Our blades continued to echo into the halls! And my strength began to weaken.. I need to end this fast or I will die! I evaded backwards and grabbed my handle with both hands. Shizuku then stepped beside me..

She then raised forth her arm, "Jean, we need to end this once and for all. I have enough strength to unleash one high tier spell but I will need time to ready it. If you can buy me time, we can finish him. Can you do this?"

I grabbed the cross hanging from my neck, "I place my pride as a Crusader upon this. Let's finish this... together and get the hell out of here!"

She chuckled, "Hehe, I knew I could count on you, let's do this!"

She stepped back and began to chant, two magic circles appeared in her hands and a frozen mist appeared around her.

The Demon then charged forth at me and our blades met once again!


We were at a stand-still and trying to push each other back!

The Demon gritted his teeth, "Do you really think you can escape this place!? Do you really think you can take on the forces of Hell alone!?"

I answered back, "I'm not leaving this place alone, I'm taking her with me! Together we will rise up a rebellion and tear this place apart! I will stand above them all!"

He grew infuriated, "Do you really think you can make them follow you!? Such a foolish and delusional dream! Very well I shall make you all perish, along with that ridiculous dream!"

We then knocked back and rushed in with haste! Another flurry of attacks commenced!


As our blades clashed, my strength began to waver, just a little more! I need to hang on just a bit more! The Demon continued his pursuit and kept me on the defensive! I couldn't find any openings nor any flaws in his stance. It was obvious that he has been in more battles than me! I just needed to hold on and keep him at bay! Hurry up Shizuku!!

He spoke up, "What's wrong Vampire? Your strength is beginning to fail! How much longer can you hold out? A few minutes at most? Just stop delaying the inevitable and accept your fate!"

He began to pack more power into his blows and his attacks became quicker!

I can't hold out much longer! I need to find an opening quick!

I gathered the rest of my strength and fought with everything inside of me!! It was all or nothing!!

I shouted with all my might, "I WILL STAND AT THE TOP!! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!"

It was at that moment that I heard it..

Shizuku raised her voice for all to hear, "JEAN! IT'S READY!! GET BACK NOW!!!"

In that very instant, I jumped back! Finally!!!

I looked at her, her eyes were filled with fury, and the frozen mist completely engulfed her!

She looked upon the Demon and shouted her last incantation with everything in her!

"In the name of the Gracious Kuroakami! I Shizuku Yuki of the Kottan Tsuki Dynasty shall freeze everything! Take this one to the 9th Circle Hell Demon!!!"