Resolve, Hunger and Unbound

We heard a loud door slam open down the hallway. As we heard it, Shizuku looked at me and said, "Are you ready Jean? What are you going to do?"

I hadn't thought this out yet, I need to think of something quickly! A small but risky plan came into mind shortly after that. I looked up at Shizuku and told her, "Shizuku! I need you to pretend as though you're asleep! I will act like I'm hurt, then when their guard is down, I will attack!"

Shizuku nodded her head, then she curled up in the corner, I then sat down in a praying stance, I knew I needed to pray before doing this. I began to ask God, "Lord, if you can hear me down here, please guide me and lead me out of this place once and for all! I will believe and trust in you, just please.. help me!"

I then hunched over and faced away from the Thorny Bars and started to act like my stomach was hurting. I heard multiple heavy footsteps approaching the cell, I began to feel anxious. This moment is going to determine everything, whether I live or die here! I began hearing voices speaking in the distance and knew that it was about to begin.

I waited patiently before hearing the footsteps stop right outside the cell. Then one of the monsters called out, "Human! The Sovereign requires of you, come out that cell and let's go, we shouldn't keep the lord waiting."

I hear the cage unlock and crack open. Then one of them stepped behind me and I felt a strong malicious aura overwhelm me. The creature then grabbed me by my head and picked me up, he told me, "What is this? Hey mortal.. Are you still alive? You seem half dead? Something isn't right? What happened to you?"

It was at that moment that he turned me around and I saw a three faced demon with large glowing eyes and four arms, his skin was black and had a large build. He held a large sword from what I can only describe as a large slab of steel. The creature then threw me out of the cage and I landed outside. It was at that moment that I looked up and saw 3 more smaller human-like demons with large physiques and spikes covering their shoulders and heads. They had smaller weapons and looked weaker than the Three Headed one. In a flash, I plopped upwards and grabbed the blade of the one closer to me and ran the sword right into the heart of the 1st demon!

"HIYAAAAAAAAH!!" I shouted.

The other demons were caught off guard and quickly drew their swords, one of them said, "What in Oblivion!? Subdue the human now!"

I readied the sword and charged inwards at the next demon as he was drawing his blade and attacked in quick succession! He blocked my first few strikes, then his partner followed up with a sideways surprise attack, I jumped back fast and nearly dodged it. Then the Three Headed beast walked forward and swung his large sword, the swing was slow enough to dodge, he ended up striking the cell behind me and the bars instantly got slashed through!

*Slash, CRASH*

In my head I thought, "Tsk, the three headed one is powerful but slow! The other small ones are fast but weak! If I just deal with the small ones, I can probably survive this!"

I readied my blade and grabbed all my resolve and strength! A fire began to burn in my soul as hatred filled my body. One of the small demons rushed me and did a downwards slash and I step dodged it! With the demon now exposed, I took the chance and jabbed the blade into his throat! I yanked out the blade and the demon went limp instantly, the last small one grew angry and charged at me with fury, "DIE YOU HELLBOUND SINNER!!!".

I kept my composure and momentum, it was do or die! The small one swung his blade and it clashed against mine! I pushed back with extreme force and knocked him off balance. During his guard break, I rushed in and jabbed inwards, I then pierced the demon straight through his chest and held it in for a few moments, I then slowly pulled out the blade and a fountain of blood proceeded from the wound and splashed me. I looked around and saw 3 demons lying in pools of darkened blood, and I felt a strong compelling urge to drink the blood, I had to control it. The last demon stood there and looked at me, his eyes stared deep into my soul, he spoke up once more saying, "Mortal.. Those moves aren't human? I see an intense hunger within your eyes. When did you lose your humanity? At what cost did you give it up for?"

He got into his fighting stance, he said again, "Mortal... no.. Vampire.. Why do you fight? What are you planning? Do you realize that you are about to become an enemy of all the forces of Hell by doing this? Do you really think you can win this by yourself?"

I already knew the cost, I already knew that I was about to start a war in the pit of Hell. This was the beginning of an intense struggle for survival. One thing I did believe in my heart was that my Lord was going to give me the strength I need to tear this place asunder! I will win back my Freedom, by any means necessary!

I lifted my gaze upon the Demon, and with all confidence said, "Alone.. what makes you think I'm alone in this.. You will never understand Demon, you who are condemned will not stop me from my Salvation. I made a promise to leave this Hell, and I will do everything to fulfill that promise! Even if I have to start a Crusade to do it!!"

The Demon began to laugh hysterically, "Hahahaha! Do you really believe you can escape this Inferno!? It's forbidden to leave here, no wicked soul in history has escaped this place and returned. You have truly gone insane from fear! I do have to recognize your strength, you just slayed 3 of my personal guards with ease, and now you point your sword at me! Hahahaha!"

I readied myself and spoke once more, "That's where you're wrong monster.. I'm not just a soul, I have a mortal body and a hunger for righteousness, I made a vow to the one who revived me, that I will slay every demon that stands in the way of my Freedom! Even if I have to start a rebellion to do so!"

I rushed in and pointed my sword towards his heart! He then swung upwards and blocked the attack and the blow sent me airborne! I recovered immediately midair and landed on my feet. I thought to myself, "My movements are quicker and more controlled now! This must be the doing of the Royal Blood inside of me."

I step-dashed forward and the Demon swung again, but this time I braced myself and blocked the swing, as we clashed, a loud bang rang through the whole hallway. We began to clash and went back and forth. It became a test of endurance, whoever gives out first loses!


The Demon said, "Hahaha! You are quite the Warrior! Not many have lasted this long against me! How about we start to wrap things up now? I have yet to show you what I'm really made of."

He then packed his sword with fire and performed a downwards slash. I dodged instantly and jumped back. When his sword impacted the ground, it created a huge explosion and broke through the ground underneath it.


Such power! If that had hit me, I would've be done for!

He ripped his sword out of the small crater and said, "I had my fun already.. It's time to finish this Vampire! Behold my Power!"

He then grabbed his sword with all 4 of his arms and the area began to fill with an overwhelming aura. He began to shout, "HIYYAAAAARRGHHHHHHH" as the aura became stronger.

His physical appearance also enhanced, his muscles grew exponentially and his skin became maroon and his eyes had a piercing red glow, he also grew more horns upon his head and neck.

Shizuku shouted at me from the Cell, "Be careful Jean!! He strengthened himself! Don't leave any openings!"

The Demon then looked at Shizuku, he glared at her for awhile before saying, "Is that the Royal Vampire from earlier? She looks different now, like if she just fed?"

The Demon then had a realization, "Oh wait.. is that what happened? Did she actually share her blood with you, and she couldn't share herself with the Sovereign? You actually gave HIM your Traitorous Blood.. how despicable.."

What? What does he mean by that? And who's this 'Sovereign' they all keep referencing?

The Demon then turned to me and said, "I decided, after I kill you, I am going to have my way with that one and finish her! Are you prepared to die again Vampire?"

Fury grew in my heart and in a fit of rage I said, "You will not touch her.. I am going to kill you here and now! Prepare for judgement fiend!"

I rushed in and swung, but in an instant I was knocked back! "GAAAH!!" I screamed.

I flew upwards and landed face first on the floor. "What the hell was that!?"

The speed of that attack knocked me back. I didn't even see it! I stand up and struggle to keep my balance. The Demon then walked forward saying, "You can't beat me anymore Vampire, if you couldn't even see me, then how do you expect to win?"

He then suddenly appeared behind me and kicked me sending me flying forwards. Then appeared right above me. It's like he is teleporting around me now! I can barely even stand. These attacks, they are fast, I have no time to react!

He grabbed me by my face and lifted me up, he looked me straight in my eyes and said, "A Faith without Works is a Dead Faith.. This is the end for you Vampire, it's time to pay for your sins.."

He then balled up his fists and began to launch a flurry of punches into my stomach.


He then threw me up into the ceiling and punched me as I came down. It felt as though my entire jaw had shattered when it impacted. I flew breaking into the cell behind me. I impacted and hit the wall and created a small crater in it. I can't move anymore, my body feels heavy and broken. My vision is beginning to fade and I can't hear anymore. The monster is approaching me, but I can't move anymore.. The difference in power is too great, I can't fight against something like that in my current state..

"Is this it..? Is this how I go? Am I actually going to die in this Inferno!?" I thought.

It was at that moment that I looked up and saw Shizuku walking up behind the Demon.

"What is she doing..? Shizuku... don't.." I murmured while reaching out my hand.

I watched her hair begin to raise and ice began to form around her. She raised out both her hands to her sides and the floor began to freeze. The Demon then turned back at her, and in one instant, two of the demon corpses got flung towards me landing right beside me. The Blood kept pouring out from the bodies, and it made my hunger grow. I want to feed..

I looked up at her, then her lips began to move, I peered closely at her.. She was trying to tell me something...

Her lips read,

"Feed Vampire, feed and DESTROY EVERYTHING!"