Chapter VI Fight

After a while, Olaf was about to take a nap when he heard someone shouting outside.

  "Blonde! Olaf! Blonde Olaf!"

  Olaf heard that it was the redhead Lixstrom, remembering what he had said this morning, he knew in his heart that he was here to tell him to fight with children in other villages.

  Olaf, who has been mixed up with the children, used to be purely to pass the time. Now that I think about it, if I escape from Iceland, there must be some reliable people in my hometown. It is not easy to refuse. I went out and saw the red-haired Lixstrom and the other tall and short. Five differently thin children stand together.

  These five children are also friends in the village. The shortest one is half a head shorter than Olaf. He is called Solrak. His grandfather's grandfather was once a bishop in southern Iceland, and he is considered to have better family conditions among the free people.

  The tallest one is the little white bear Halik. He is tall and powerful, but his character is too impatient and doesn't like to use his brain, so he listens to Olaf's words very much.

  There are also three children named Yiluji, Harry, and Val. They are all children of free people in the village. Counting the redheads, the ancestors of these six children are slaves of the Olaf family, but now everyone is equal.

  Several people greeted each other, and then Olaf asked, "What's the matter?"

  "Big Orin and they asked us to fight this afternoon. His fists are very hard. How do we deal with him?" Solrak was very active, and he took the lead in inquiring Olaf.

  Olaf thought for a while and said, "I have heard of the big head Orin. He has learned to fight, but he is the only one in their village who can fight. If Harik drags him, let's knock down the other boys in their village first. , That's it."

  "But, what if he asks for one-on-one?" Redhead Thom said, "None of us can beat Orin the big head!"

  Olaf smiled slightly: "If one-on-one, Harrick will wrestle with the big head Olympi first, and then I will deal with him."

  "Okay! Your fighting is also very good, so that's okay."

  Everyone agreed and went all the way to the north.

  A few people walked through a small bush, and then walked through a wetland, and they saw a wide pasture, which belonged to Olaf's family at first, and was later distributed to the freemen of his manor. Now Olaf's father still owns this piece of land. One-third of the ownership of the pasture.

  There is a flock of sheep grazing leisurely in the pasture. Olaf took a look and estimated that, except for about 70, Icelanders did not need to guard their sheep at all. There were almost no one to steal because they couldn't escape the law and were sanctioned. It is also difficult to hide.

  Three boys in linen clothes stood not far away staring at Olaf and his party.

  The leader was a young man who was one head taller than Olaf and two laps stronger. Even the little white bear Harik was one size smaller than him. If he hadn't looked at his immature face, he would have looked very much like an ordinary adult male in Iceland.

  Olaf recognized that the big man was the big head Orin, and the two children behind him looked thin and small, but they all looked very smart and capable.

  "Olav! Little Solrak! Redhead Tom! I thought you guys wouldn't dare to come!"

  As he got closer, the big head Olin laughed, looking ugly and ridiculous, Tom shook his clothes, curled his lips and said: "Olin, what are you talking about? We are here to clean up you today, aren't you self-righteous? Olaf said Yes, knock out your front teeth today!"

  The big head Orin stared at Olaf and said solemnly: "Okay! Come on, Olaf, let's wrestle the two!"

  Olaf shook his head and said: "I'm not good at wrestling, we can fight, if you wrestle, let Harik compare with you!"

  Olin smiled contemptuously, and pointed at Halick and said, "Little white bear, do you dare to fight with me?"

  Halick stared at him, rushed over and hugged Orin.

  Orin and Halick instantly hugged each other and tried to knock each other down.

  Now what Icelanders understand is that wrestling is only to stir the legs and move the waist, and the two arms are fighting. Olaf and others watched the two wrestling and shouted to cheer for the people in their respective villages.

  After a while, Olaf estimated that there were ten minutes in his mind, and Halik finally ran out of strength and was thrown out by Olin, and rolled on the ground two times before slowly getting up.

  "Haha! Olaf, are you convinced?" Olin clapped his hands triumphantly. Although he was still panting, he was very confident.

  "Little White Bear has become a Ground Bearer, haha..."

  His two little brothers also clamored.

  Solrak and Thom looked at each other and smiled. Olaf took a step forward and asked, "Olin, do you want to rest for a while? I think you have been chased by a sea lion as hard as you can?"

  Olin is very inflated now. He curled his lips and said with a cold snort: "I am very strong. Only I chase sea lions. No sea lions chase me! Come on, blond boy, let me teach you what fighting is!"

  Olaf has an adult soul. He has never been as emotional as other Icelandic children since he was a child, and his performance is too straightforward.

  Considering that this is an era in which there are various diseases, and once you get sick, you can only carry it by yourself, otherwise you can only be killed by the so-called doctors bloodletting and amputation. Olaf has cherished his body very much since he was a child. Just add and subtract by yourself, eat as much food as possible, and then start to exercise consciously at a very young age, and later learn from my father the empty-handed and use swords, spears, hammers, and spears inherited from the Viking ancestors. Fighting skills such as battle axe, throwing axe, bow and arrow.

Because of his mature thinking and strong body, Olaf quickly learned the fighting skills from his family. According to his father Hadar, if he doesn't count his power, Olaf's fighting skills are almost the same as his own.

  If Olaf becomes an adult and uses this ability to go to sea to rob, it is absolutely no problem to be a rich party.

  Olaf's body is not fully developed, the muscle content in his body is low and the strength is not enough, which leads to less strength, but he feels that he has no pressure to deal with one or two adults who don't know how to fight.

  Big head Olin is fifteen years old this year. Althoughis not an adult in this era, he is still a half-size kid, and Olin has also learned fighting skills since he was a child.

  Olaf felt that he was still struggling to deal with Orin, so he had to expend a lot of Orin's energy first.

  Feeling confident of victory, Olaf took two steps forward, moving his hands and feet through small jumps and hand swings. His boxing-like preparations and defensive movements made Olin laughed at it and laughed: " Olaf is holding his hair and shaking like a chicken!"

  Solrak, Thom, and Halek are bright. They have seen Olaf's strange but powerful moves. They know Olaf says it's boxing, but they can't understand it. But for these kids It's enough to know that Olaf is good at boxing.

  "I hope you still think so when you were beaten and called to your mother." Harik, who had suffered a bit earlier, retorted.

  "Haha! I will show you how strong Olin is!"

  The big head Olin laughed, and he stepped forward to punch Olaf in the nose, and shouted: "Odin's meteor strike!"

  When Olaf was in high school, there was a roommate who learned free fighting and boxing. He practiced with him for a few months. He has a little bit of the footwork and defense of boxing. In this life, he learned to fight with his father. The combination of fighting knowledge made his Viking fighting skills more comprehensive.

  Olaf feels that he has to live before he can knock down the enemy, so his focus is to improve the body and pace of avoiding attacks, as well as the awareness and methods of defensive head. He thinks that this will make Viking fighting skills more comprehensive. However, because he didn't have much actual combat experience, Olaf's perfection of fighting skills was still in the groping stage.