Chapter 7 Planning

   The big head Orin punched over, and Olaf didn't panic in his heart. As soon as his footsteps slipped, Orin's fist brushed his left face, and he could feel the wind across his face.

  After dodging his fist, Olaf slipped and took a step forward, hitting with his left fist, taking advantage of the moment Orin stretched out his hand, and hit Orin's left cheek with a right uppercut with a force of ten percent. It made him feel confused and took a few steps backwards, swaying like he was drunk.

  Although knights' duels in the Middle Ages had great influence, Icelanders were never so gentle. They never prepared gloves or handkerchiefs for duels, let alone give up great results for the so-called gentleman spirit.

  Olaf is more Icelandic than the Icelanders in this one. He took advantage of the moment when Olin was hit by a punch and became faint. He strode over again, smashed with two punches, and was still beaten when Olin was parried. A pig's head with a swollen nose and swollen nose.

  When Orin lay on the ground and screamed and screamed, Olaf let go and took a step back. He bent down with his hands on his knees, his chest heaving violently, and he was breathing heavily.

  After all, Olaf is too young. A quick punch just now made his physical strength overdrawn. If the big head Orin can hold it for another ten seconds, Olaf will not be able to hold it anymore.

  As soon as the big head of Orin fell, Redhead Tom and the other five teenagers rushed towards Orin's two younger brothers with their fists, and then they had to walk back swaggeringly.

  Olaf rested, then walked to the big head Orin and sat down and asked him in a low voice, "Hey! How are you?"

  The big head Orin opened his eyes and looked at Olaf, and said in annoyed muffled voice: "Damn it! Why are you so powerful? Do you still have another Herut from your family?"

  Olaf knew Olin was convinced. Because of the simplicity and simplicity of life in most Icelanders, and the failure of robbery in ancient times was equal to death, they would not find reasons for their failures, but chose to admit them very frankly.

  "Get up! Orin!" Olaf smiled slightly, bent over and stretched out his hand. The smile on his face and the bright blond hair made Orin feel a little lost for a while.

  Grabbing Olaf's hand and standing up, Olin, the big head, patted Olaf's unsturdy shoulders happily, and grinned, "You don't have much strength, but it hurts to fight!"

  Olaf was about to speak when the church bell in the far north rang. This time the bell was struck three times, and after a while it struck three more times. This was repeated three times.

  These are three hours today. Looking at the sun hanging down, Olaf knew that it was three o'clock in the afternoon. Because the summer nights in Iceland are very short and the days are very long, people went down before the first hour. Weeding work, and in the third hour, it stopped work.

Olin's father was the mayor and tax officer of Weir Village. He was responsible for helping the Governor's House collect the agricultural tax, water tax, timber tax, fodder tax, and grain tax in Weir Village. Although there was no salary, it was compared with For free people, they are decent people.

The village of Will belongs to the Sertiana district, and the leader of this district is Hadar, but the three villages in this district are in charge of their own, and Hadar does not control the village of Will.

As soon as the three bells rang, Olin, the big head, became a little impatient. He said with a look of panic: "My father is going home from work. If he sees that I am not studying math at home, he will use a whip to slap me. Olaf, let's fight again next time!"

  Olaf shook hands with Orin as an adult did, and then Orin hurried away. On the way, he stopped the two younger brothers and disappeared into the long path.

  After Orin and others left, Redhead Thom, Sollac and others invited Olaf to go to the riverside to play together. Olaf was so upset at this time that he had no intention of playing, so he waved his hands and refused.

  Seeing Thom and others leave dejectedly, Olaf suddenly remembered that Sollac had recognized a church elder as a teacher some time ago, and said that he would go to the choir to study on the weekend, so he hurried to chase after him, and said with a smile: " Let's go back early today."

  "I know Olaf, you are the most loyal!" Several people hugged Olaf in surprise, and then the seven went to the river to catch fish.

  During the play, Olaf asked Solrak's teacher as Amiye, the elder of the Dagangnan District Church, so he said he wanted to visit Elder Amiye. Solrak immediately slapped his chest and agreed with him. On weekdays, I took Olaf to see Elder Amiye, because he will be living in the choir of the Southern District Church next Monday to learn sacred songs.


  Olaf wants to alleviate the death of the Siegfus family and the governor of Iceland. This is impossible in the history of Iceland. In the history of hundreds of years, the people who were dealt with by the chief of Dagang and the governor were either killed or killed. Exiled to Greenland, if the chief and the governor deal with a family at the same time, the family will be sentenced to death.

  Olaf's countermeasures to get along were to move his family abroad to escape, and to seek support from other leaders. After thinking of Solrak's godfather, Olaf thought of the guidance of public opinion.

Icelanders do not have a formal school and a memorable history, and can be regarded as a wasteland of civilization. However, in the history of hundreds of years, Icelanders themselves have created poetry and articles of heroic biographical nature.

  These literatures are rich in content,

There are stories and poems. The literary carrier of narrative prose is called "Saga", and the literary of pure poetry is called "Ada". In the 21st century, hundreds of years later, it is also a representative of Icelandic civilization and even Nordic civilization. Spiritual wealth and cultural heritage.

  Each of Saga and Edda is the favorite story of Icelanders. Both adults and children can recite all the stories they have heard. Olaf's ancestor, "Gray Cloak Jal"-Groot is a certain Saga.

Olaf thought that if he could use Saga to spread his family's affairs, the people of Iceland knew that Hadar's family had paid eight thousand marks and a large amount of ancestral land for Hagrid's fighting and killing. There will also be some fear that if you try to deal with the Hadar family again, it will have a bad effect.

  In Iceland, where there are no newspapers and media, how can one thing be spread quickly? Olaf thinks that it is related to Saga, or written as a new Saga.

  For hundreds of years, more than 80% of Saga in Iceland have been written by the most educated Catholic bishops or Christian priests, so Olaf wanted to ask Solrak's teacher Amiye to help his family make a short film. "Saga" focuses on Hadar's efforts to compensate Siegfors and the integrity and sincerity of the Hadar family.

  How to write, what plot to write, where to exaggerate, where to downplay, and so on, a series of questions, Olaf had his ideas and thoughts when he thought of asking Amiye to write Saga.

After all, Olaf's previous life was an old worm who had been studying for more than ten years at a certain point. He was always involved in history and fantasy. Even if he could not write, he could help the author discover some exciting refreshing points...

  It's just that how to impress Amiye to get him to agree, this is a matter that can only be decided after scrutiny...

  Note: Ringing the bell: Before the pendulum clock was developed, the more accurate time was judged by the sundial. Ordinary people knew the time by the bell of the church. The church bell was struck eight times a day, with an interval of three hours each time, so from around 7 o'clock in the morning The first bell struck to the eighth bell at four o'clock in the morning is considered eight hours a day.

  Handshake: The social etiquette is customary in Northern Europe. In the south of France, it is customary to use face-to-face and kiss-to-mouth etiquette. Handshake has not been promoted.