Chapter 9 Going to School

    After Yot presented the silver coin, Elder Amiye's expression relaxed. Although he did not lack the money, Yot's attitude made him very fond of him, so he asked Olaf and Redhead Thom some simple questions. Later, he accepted the two children with satisfaction.

  So that night, Olaf, Sollac, and Thom settled in the Southern District Cathedral. Because Yotte donated copper plates to the church, he exchanged for a simple dinner plus the benefits of staying in the Tongpu dormitory for one night.

  The next morning, after a few words with Olaf and Thom, Yotte said goodbye to Elder Amiye, and drove the carriage straight to Dagang to pull some goods of wood and cloth back to the white hazel forest. In Lute Village, people in nearby villages and local villages who need to make clothes, repair houses, and make furniture will all ask him to buy them, so he can earn some copper.

  After Yoot left, Olaf and the three took a bath under Yi Luji's leadership, and then went to the church school behind the church.

  Yi Luji is a student who just graduated this year. He is very familiar with the deacon of the school. He helped the three of them find a dormitory and then left.

  The mission school has classes five days a week, Saturdays and Sundays are closed, so Olaf and the three of them have agreed with Jot that he will come to pick the three of them back to the village every Friday, and send them back to school on Sundays.

  Teachers in church schools are all pastors of churches. Sometimes Elder Amiye will also teach some Bibles. Although this kind of school aims at cultivating believers, in the current era, if you want to learn regular knowledge, you must go through the church school.

  Olaf knew that he was too young now to have an equal opportunity to communicate with Amiye. Asking him to write "Sakya of the Herut Family" was afraid that he would have to wait, so he settled down in the church school and lived in peace every day. Learning to sing hymns, Latin and other single and boring knowledge.

  In a blink of an eye, on Friday, Tom and Solrak were absent-minded from the beginning of this morning, looking at the gate for a long time. Olaf knew that they were homesick after they hadn't left the village for a long time.

  In the afternoon, Yoot hadn't waited, but Olaf was also pleasantly surprised by an unexpected visitor.

  During class in the afternoon, Yi Luji walked into the classroom, stopped Olaf among a dozen children, and said, "Your father is here."

  Olaf followed Yi Luji to the front church, and saw his father sitting on a chair bowing his head in prayer.

  "You father and son, talk." Yi Luji left after speaking.

  Olaf took two steps forward and waited until his father's prayer was over and whispered: "Dad, why are you here?"

  "Araf?!" Hadar looked a little thin, hugged Olaf with surprise on his face, and then said with a smile, "Child, I was surprised when I went home yesterday and heard your mother say that you came to the Southern Church to study. ,what are you  thinking?"

  Olaf heard his father's subtext, and he whispered: "Let's sit at the end, I will tell you slowly."

  Hadar realized that he was too excited just now, and his voice was a bit loud, so he apologized to the other praying believers and smiled, holding Olaf and ran to the corner where no one was sitting.

  Hadar first told Olaf about his visits to other leaders. The result was really unsatisfactory. Except for Kyle, the leader of the Diyupiore region under the Snee Mountains in the east, he made it clear that he would help Hadar. The other leaders heard that it was from the West. Gefors and the Governor wanted to join forces to deal with Hadar, and both found excuses to decline.

  After all, the Icelanders nowadays are no longer Viking pirates who are not afraid of life and death and power hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of years of digging on the land have consumed the blood of Icelanders, making most of the leaders fearful of offending the governor. And Siegforth.

  Olaf has been very unhappy since he arrived at the Southern District Church, because both teachers and others regard himself as a child, which makes Olaf, who has always been an adult, very depressed.

  Now sitting with his father, Olaf has regained the feeling of being valued by others and being treated as equals. He first comforted his father, then smiled easily and planned to let Elder Amiye write the family Sakya, and then promoted him. The family's reputation and status made the Governor and Siegforth cast a bully.

  After hearing Olaf's plan, Hadar thought for a while, and happily patted Olaf on the shoulder and said, "Olav, your little head is so smart! That's right! If we can ask Mr. Pastor to write about our family's Sakya , That will not only make the Siegfoss family and the governor jealous, but also make our family famous in Iceland! Whatever you do in the future will be much smoother!"

  Olaf nodded, and Hadar frowned as he spoke, and asked in a low voice, "But where is there a legend in our family besides the ancestor Herut? There is no story to write, will Amiye agree to it?"

  Olaf said in his heart: No story to write? That's because I didn't come, I showed up long ago, and there is already a story!

  With a mysterious smile, Olaf took out a small papyri book from his arms, which was interspersed with Danish and Latin to record the outline of his prepared outline. It only needs to be full of content, a family that runs through hundreds of years and has nine generations. The epic long song will appear.

  Hadar took it and looked through it carefully. His education level is limited, so he can only ask while watching. Olaf knows that this is already at the level of landlord chiefs in his family, and he has the conditions to enjoy education, otherwise Hadar will be with the vast majority of Icelanders. Like Europeans, he is an illiterate who doesn't know big characters.

When Hadar understood the story written by his son Olaf, called the "Hroot Family", he was still unfulfilled, and at the same time he was shocked and speechless.

  After a long time, Hadar patted his thigh.

Said: "Olav, you must have drunk the spring of wisdom! I think what you wrote is like seeing "Ada" (a poem that records Norse mythology)! But do you have too much fiction?"

  Olaf remembered the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that had become popular in East Asia during the same period, so he blinked and said, "Who knows about the affairs of our ancestors except us? Do we say that there are any? Besides, poetry stories, It's just three points true and seven points false! If it's true, no one likes to watch it."

  "Three points are true and seven points are false..."

  Hadar pondered for a while, feeling that the sentence was good but not clear, so he shook his head and asked, "Why don't I go to Elder Amiye to talk about it?"

  Olaf thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes. But we want to go together, but you have to say that this story is passed on by word of mouth in our times, otherwise Amiye might not believe it."

  "Okay, listen to you."

  Hadar laughed, pulled Olaf and walked towards the back door of the church.

  Yi Luji suddenly walked out of the back door, frowning and asked, "What is your business, Mr. Hadar?"

  "I have something private and want to see Elder Amiye."

  Yi Luji smiled and said: "Elder Amiye is eating, please go if you have important things." After saying that, he shrugged and left.

  Hadar walked through the two corridors under Olaf and knocked on the door of Amiye's room.

  "Come in!"

  Hadar and Olaf opened the door and saw Amiye with thin hair eating sausage and bread, and there was a cup of steaming honey water on the table.

  Hadar admired Amiye's wealth. He was able to drink honey water. Then he performed a cross and greeted him and asked: "Sorry to disturb the elders. We haven't seen each other for three years. You are still healthy and young. ."

  "May God bless you." Amiye smiled and stood up and shook hands with Hadar. After all, Hadar is a small leader and deserves the respect of the elders.

  After asking Hadar to sit down, Amiye jokingly said: "You have to get on your boat every year to England, Scotland, Norway, and Denmark. You did not attend the three-year court meeting. It seems to be a success. Merchant! Dear Hadar!"

  "I also want to be a successful businessman. Unfortunately, the war has made the sea more and more dangerous... Maybe soon I will return to my old business and become a Viking pirate!"

  "Ha ha..."
