Chapter 10 The Story of the Herut Family

    Hadar exchanged a few words with Amiye, and then expressed his intention.

  Amiye felt very surprised when he heard that Hadar wanted to ask himself to help compose the historical song "Sakya" of their family.

  Looking at Hadar and Olaf, who were sitting steadily, Amiye coughed and asked: "Mr. Hadar, forgive me for being unreasonable. I don't know anything about the history of your family, and I don't think it's necessary for Iceland. Some people know that it's not that I declined, it is really impossible to write!"

  Hadar took out the booklet written by Olaf from his arms, handed it to Amiye, and said with a smile: "Sir, please take a look and then decide?"

  After Amiye took it, he flipped through it carelessly. When he saw two pages, his eyes widened, his face serious, and after a while he put it away unsatisfied, first glanced at Olaf, and then asked with a long sigh: " Was this written by Olaf?"

  Olaf's heart moved, knowing that Amiye found the paper and handwriting very familiar, and thought of himself, so he stood up and said, "Yes, respected elder! My father just ordered me to record the story he told."


  Amiye nodded, then leaned forward, looked at Hadar eagerly, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Hadar! The story of your family already has a basic outline. Did you write it down?"

  Hadar shook his head and said, "This is a story passed by word of mouth from my grandfather's generation, and then my father and I have added things from recent decades."

  Amiye was a little disappointed, but he really didn't believe that this wonderful story would come from the hands of Hadar who looked like an illiterate.

  Hadar asked, "Your Excellency, do you think this story can be written? If I can't write it, I will go to other churches to find a way..."

  Saying that Hadar was about to get up, Amiye hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him, and said in a deep voice, "God bless! Your family's story is very suitable for our Icelandic Sakya. Apart from me, I think there is no Icelandic priest suitable for writing. After all, I am a pastor who has studied at Copenhagen Cathedral for ten years, where there is the deepest knowledge and the most elegant art."

  "Oh, I think so."

  Hadar smiled and shook hands with Amiye. Then the two discussed the details of how to write Sakya. Of course, this made the discussion of the details. Hadar would ask Olaf for his opinions like a father, and Olaf would pretend to be The appearance of a child who loves to listen to stories put forward some insightful ideas, which surprised Amiye very much, patted Olaf on the head and smiled: "Olav is so smart! He is my proud pupil!"

  Olaf curled his lips secretly, thinking: pretending to be forced to slap his face, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and adventures on the cliffs, I have used a few cool writing routines, can I still not take your little pastor who has never seen the world?

Because Denmark converted to Protestantism, Iceland only has Christianity. Although the pastors of the church have different beliefs from Catholicism, they all have one thing in common. That is, the civilized people in this world based on European theological civilization hold the torch of civilization, and Represents a category of people at the highest level of culture.

  There are tens of millions of pastors. In addition to becoming saints, one can only write a book if they want to stay in history. No one can resist the opportunity to be famous and make a fortune. When two opportunities are put together, most Westerners will choose to be famous. , Because it's not difficult to make money by being famous.

  After the Renaissance emerged in Italy two centuries ago, Protestants who also opposed the repressive and blockade rule of the Catholic Church supported the Renaissance. Even every Protestant priest wanted to write some handed-down works like Dante.

  Amiye is no exception. He was attracted by this simple story after seeing the pamphlet called "The Hroot Family" handed to him by Hadar.

  He can guarantee in the name of the Lord that this story is much more exciting than any Sakya he has seen.

  Amiye's instinct told him that if he wrote this sakya, the story of the "Hroot family" and his own name would be famous in Iceland, and even in Norway and Denmark.

  In the process of discussing creation, time always flies quickly.

  It was almost night in a blink of an eye, and Yoot drove a carriage full of goods to the church.

  Hadar declined Amiye's invitation to have dinner, and then left the church with Olaf, Tom and Solrak. The three children got on the carriage, and Hadar drove the horse behind the carriage, and everyone accelerated to leave the university. Gangnan District, walking towards his hometown dozens of miles away.

  When leaving, Hadar and Amiye agreed that Olaf would bring back the latest manuscripts every week. After the Hadar family checked the problems and points that needed to be corrected, Olaf would bring them back to Ami. Yeah.

  Therefore, Olaf is now the "Hroot Family" epic story writer and material provider, but he is the real screenwriter.

  Three weeks later, the first draft of the Herut family was born. It was about one hundred thousand words long, and it was considered a medium to long story in Icelandic Sakya.

  The whole story begins in 1179 in the Julian calendar and ends in 1627. It spans more than five hundred years. It tells the story of nine generations of the Herut family, but it really focuses on the first generation of Patriarch Herut. With the third generation of Patriarch Odin, the sixth generation of Patriarch Jr. Herut and the ninth generation of brothers Hadar and Hagrid.

  The first generation of ancestor Herut was called the "Gray Cloak Jal" because he helped the King of Norway defeat the rebels in the Northern Territory during a certain naval battle. Then he was named Jal and was given a cloak. .

  Groot was an Icelandic, and owned a long Viking ship and more than fifty serfs. The entire Sertian Peninsula on the south side of the port was the estate of Groot.

  Herut's voice is very legendary, and it is a model of heroes and heroes in the most typical Sakya poems.

  When it came to Odin, the third-generation Patriarch who also inherited the height, physical strength and swordsmanship of the Herut family, the situation changed.

  Odin's youth was when Iceland reverted to Norway. Odin was also a pirate. Under his management, the population of Hrutstaki once exceeded 200, and he had as many as five Viking warships. More than a dozen small islands in the Faroe Islands were once controlled by it. The most fascinating thing in Odin's story is that he has seen a plesiosaur monster and a big lantern fish on the sea, as well as a stunning mermaid who can sing.

  The sixth generation of Patriarch, Little Herut, is called Little Herut because he has blond hair, is tall, handsome, and has outstanding martial arts.

  Iceland in the era of Little Groot has changed a lot from before. Most of the serfs in the manor have become free people. Villages have begun to appear on the peninsula. After being an adult, Little Groot still imitated the ancestors and went to sea by boat and arrived in Greenland. , And then arrived in Wenlan, where he conquered several tribes of Skrelin savages and Unipad apes, and lived for a long time.

  Once the young Herut was defeated and almost killed when he was defeated in the Kingdom War between Vinland and the Skellin savages.

After chasing into the cliff, I met an old white-bearded grandfather, who was given a gift from the old grandfather to recover from his injuries, and at the same time, he received a handful of iron-cutting soldiers.

  After the young Groot went out of the valley, his martial arts greatly improved, relying on the magical soldiers to defeat the army of the Skellin savages, successfully rescued his men, and prepared to return to Iceland together.

  It's a pity that the ship encountered a big storm on the sea. In order to pray for the wind and rain to calm down, Little Herut threw the divine sword in his hand to the sea god. Sure enough, the storm subsided, and Little Herut and his team returned to Iceland unscathed.

  Whether it's Olaf, Hadar, or Amiye, they all know that for Icelanders, the story of Gerut and Odin is a regular Sakya model. Some people may like it, but they can't surpass it.

And the story of Little Herut has a breakthrough in the deeds of the first two legendary ancestors, strange, dangerous and mysterious adventures, the legendary rich and fertile Wenlan, the grandfather under the cliff and the iron-cutting man. The story of the Excalibur, the request of the Sea God, etc. interspersed to stir people's heartstrings.

  That is to say, since the story of Hroot from a young age, every reader will have a sense of intimacy and love for the Hroot family, but the bombs that Olaf really lurks in the story are the ninth-generation Hadar and Hagrid brothers.

  Olaf's plot and Amiye's writing make Hadar and Hagrid's story even more exciting.

  The first half is a story of a tragic hero. Two brothers, Hadar and Hagrid, one person and one Kirk ship, went out to looting merchant ships while fighting for the great cause of the Icelandic people replacing wood, flour and beer with fur.

  There were also peculiar experiences along the way. For example, they encountered sea lions and walruses that could talk humans and huge whales that were thousands of meters long. More importantly, the two brothers met gypsies who knew fortune-telling in Sweden. The gypsies used divination for the two brothers. It is concluded that Hagrid has the scourge of death after all, but if he imitates the footsteps of his ancestors, he will become a hero and even rebuild his homeland called "New Iceland".

  Hadar also has disasters, but the disaster of destruction will be ten years after the disaster of Hagrid. At that time, a nasty seagull monster will take control of the big man's brain and kill the Hadar family. If Hadar is killed, Hagrid will return to Iceland with a revenge army.

  After the two brothers returned home, they met the son of the Siegfus family. Hagrid and the little Siegfus fought for the daughter of the leader of the Dagangbei District. As a result, Hagrid, who is strong in martial arts, and tall and strong, missed. Killed the little Siegfors, and then Hagrid, who didn't want to be killed, left Iceland and took his crew on a wonderful sailing adventure. They went to the real India and saw an elephant riding a battle. The Indian army also went to Daming and saw the roots of the powerful and prosperous Eastern civilization. They went to Japan, Ryukyu, North Korea and other countries, and saw the special tributary system of the mysterious Eastern Celestial cultural circle, which is similar to Western Catholicism or Christianity. The true disclosure of the culture of the Great Ming Dynasty, which is completely different from its religious civilization and culture, is fascinating and shocking at the same time.

  Hadar, who stayed in Iceland, compensated the Siegfoss family for a large amount of property.

  The story reflects Hagrid's adventure through the treasure presented by a sorcerer named Zhang Sanfeng in the celestial dynasty, the "Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Talisman". This talisman can transmit sounds to thousands of miles away. So Hagrid told Hadar about his experience.

  After seeing the wonderfulness and mystery of the Far East, Hagrid took his fleet to the mainland near Wenlan, where he lived and imitated the fertile land near Wenlan by his sixth-generation ancestor. Established a base area on Shanghai, and at the same time conquered the savages as slaves, and became the leader of the ruled area for thousands of miles.

  The story of the Herut family is over here, but there is a blank space. It seems that I want everyone who hears and sees this story to imagine the beauty of Wenlan...