
Checking his watch Cane found the time to be only 11 in the morning, still another 6 hours before his "meeting". Meaning he now had left himself with a large portion of time free and as he walked out of his apartment building he felt a rare absence of people watching him

Leaving him with no idea what to do

So he simply began walking, taking a gentle pace he made his way down the street and across the roads until he reached a small yet lush park. Taking in a breath he closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the gentle air touch him and the scent of pine and oak enter his nose he walked down one of the concrete paths, simply enjoying the atmosphere

Over the past few weeks he had dealt with the constant issues surrounding Alice and Jasmin, an assassination attempt, hospitalization, and more than a few headaches, so just walking alone for a moment felt rather therapeutic. He had to admit when he had first applied at the catacombs he had no idea how tiring the job would be.

Eventually finding a small bench he sat, down and reflected, something he found he had been doing quite often nowadays, it was strange to think he had only been working at the facility for a little over a month now and had already dealt with so much trouble

Now he had had 6 hours until he was supposed to meet Kira for some fun, and by the fun that meant going to a fight club run by some of the most powerful crime lords outside of the Ivory Syndicate. But whatever, he might as well give it a go

Rising from his stool he began walking again only to find himself suddenly facing someone standing in his way,

They were unmoving and staring at him from across the path, a knife clenched in their hand. Their breathing was a mix of slow and ragged as if they had been running recently.

Not moving or saying a word Cane took them in, Male, standing at roughly the same height as himself and judging by the way they were holding the knife, with the blade facing out in a reverse grip, the wrist slack and the grip tight it looked like they knew how to use it.

Taking a deep breath and feeling some annoyance at being pulled out of his peaceful moment, Cane simply stared at the man blankly, as one would look at a peise of furniture or an empty box, nothing but an object in the background. And as the man began to slowly shuffle towards him, he began to walk onwards him, as if he hadn't seen him in the first place.

One of the main points in a fight is the first hit, it starts and can potentially end a fight, and at an early age Cane had learned that not starting fights was how you won them. Simply acting as if the person didn't exist, when they were sure they had seen them, always caused hesitation. And his thoughts were proven as to when he reached within striking distance the man paused, a mix of confusion and trepidation entering his system as he took in the man, ignoring him as if he weren't even there.

And by the time he attacked his death was assured, having now entered to a distance too close for a swift cut, the man shifted the blade in his hand upward, going for his midsection and placing a hand on his shoulder to pull him into the stab. But what he wasn't expecting was Cane's knee, now safe from the reversed gripped blade to launch up into to bottom of his hand and the knifes pommel, knocking it upwards, and before he could react cane had taken the same pommel of the knife that he had just kneed, cupping the bottom of the man's fist in his palm, pushing it downwards and back, working the elbow so the blade slammed into his chest

Killing him almost instantly as the blade cut cleanly through the side of the sternum and into his heart

As Cane took in the shocked face of the man he had just killed he let out a gentle sigh, tired by the constant threats on his life he had recently been dealing with and hoping to beyond hope neither of the girls had just seen this.

Kneeling down and shifting the corpse he began to go through his pockets, thankful that he was in what appeared to be an unpopulated part of the park. Sadly he found the man's pockets to be empty of anything useful, no wallet or identification. And he was about to just walk away, pulling the knife out as he did so, as to leave no evidence when he spied something

On the man's neck, peeking out of the collar was a tattoo, and not the usual crackhead or thug tattoo but instead an insignia or crest, one similar to that of his own families but different from any he had seen before. Colored in a dark blue it depicted a reaper sleeping beneath a tree, with a name under it

His own, Cane

Admittedly a little freaked out and intrigued he pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the tattoo before quickly moving away from the scene, dropping the knife in a nearby puddle, and moving it around to remove any fingerprints

Checking his watch he found the time to only be 12 pm, only awake for seven hours and he had already had to deal with another assassination attempt and create a fragile peace between two of the most dangerous women he had ever met, he couldn't help but bemoan

This fight club better be good

Fucking Saturdays

(author note: Favourite jojo stand?)