"fun" trip

A few visits to the malls of La wiser and a couple of calls to the catacombs to make sure Alice and Jasmin had not caused too much trouble in their escape later Cane was dressed up and ready for his "date" with Kira

Having chosen an older and less restraining set of clothes that somehow still were able to match his formal attire and topping off the ensemble with a few hidden blades and some fist wraps he was now both stylish enough to look good and lethal enough to represent the Barlow household

Remembering the text Kira had recently sent him, telling him of her impending arrival, he checked himself in the mirror, he ran a list over in his head

Knives? check

Steel capped shoes? Check

Deagle that is definitely NOT for the fight?, Check

Abilities? check

Presentable? check

And as he heard his doorbell go off he gave a confident grin and went to greet the likely excited bear woman, of course not before checking the door to make sure it was actually her, never could be too sure these days

The second the door opened he was greeted by both a gush of cold air and a fist swinging towards him, but thankfully just a simple moving of his head was enough to avoid what would likely have been a crippling blow!

"Haha, good to see your in good shape!'' Kira laughed, standing in front of him and displaying her usual crazy grin, ignoring the glare he sent at her "Can't have you caught on your ass now can I!?"

Stepping past her and putting his jacket on he simply sighed questioning "was that really needed?" he hated to sound sulky but the tone of his voice slightly betrayed him due to a yawn that hit him as he talked, feeling a large arm land on his shoulders and wrap around him he couldn't avoid the booming of Kira's voice

"Of course it was!" she declared walking with him and shaking a fist in front of her jokingly "Always be prepared! Think of it as a warm-up before our impending Battle!"

"I thought we were going to a fight club!" he asked, faking a tone of surprise

Grinning alongside him as they marched out onto the street, gaining some stares due to her large size Kira exclaimed animatedly "Every fight is a battle Cane! Every punch is your last and as such you can bet I'm counting on your ass to fight like it never has before!" the pedestrians had at this point created a near circle around the two of them to avoid being hit by one of Kira's swinging arms

"Fair enough" Cane nodded with a smirk "so care to tell me which direction we're heading," he asked grabbing one of her wrists to stop her from walking into a pole backward, likely saving the life of the pole in the act

"Up" Kira said, stopping and looking down at him

"Up?" Cane repeated, feeling instant regret

Not explaining further Kira simply picked him up, princess style and before he could react, jumped, Cracking the pavement and sending shockwaves into the people nearby. As they flew up they moved at such a speed that Cane couldn't even scream as gravity slammed into him during both the rise and fall. Landing with a crunch as the cement cracked, on a nearby roof Cane let out a breath filled with enough colorful language to make a sailor blush

"Pfffffffffftt!" Kira let out, clearly trying to hold back her laughter "you should have seen your face"

"Oh Fuck yo-" he didn't get to finish his curse as she took off once more, launching forwards, jumping across the buildings, and smashing probably thousands of dollars of roof tiles and cement before after a dozen gut-churning moments of high-speed parkour they stopped and Kira put Cane down before he promptly ran into a nearby public restroom to throw up

Thankfully he was able to regain his composure but for a few moments, he couldn't help but wonder how hard it would be to hide a body of her size. However, he decided to cast such thoughts aside when he saw her rather remorseful expression

"Haha, sorry about that" she chuckled nervously "got a little excited there"

"Reaaaly, I would never have guessed" Cane grumbled, still annoyed before letting out a sigh at her slightly crestfallen look, a look that seemed rather strange for a mercenary the size of a small truck "where are we?"

Understanding that he was letting it go Kira quickly energized, waving her arm towards the building they had landed in front of "welcome to the greatest battle dome of La Wiser!" she exclaimed as if revealing the location of Atlantis

Running a critical eye over the building Cane was… neutral. The building itself looked as if no one aside from squatters and the homeless had touched it in years but he knew for a fact that concerning crime a low profile was important so he kept his judgment in check

Ignoring his lack of reaction Kira walked up to the door and knocked, whispering a few words into a small speaker as she did so and stepping back, wrapping an arm around Cane's waist, to which he decided to not comment upon seeing as she appeared to be already slightly down about his reaction to her form of travel

"Don't Clench" She whispered down to him

"Pardon?" he asked before suddenly the floor gave out from under them like someone had pulled the rug out from under their feet and revealed a hole, like in cartoons and as he fell all he could let out was an indignant "Are You Fucking Kidding Me?" that was soon drowned out by Kira's booming laughter as they fell