The first date part 1

The morning had arrived and Cane was getting more prepared than usual for work today, today he was expected to take Akari outside the facility while she wore an estium collar for "rehabilitation purposes".

The plan was he would arrive at the facility to pick her up and from there would be taking her on a tour at a location of her choice. Akari despite a noted amount of resistance had eventually conceded to this after the overseer had threatened to take away her book privileges should she not comply and had chosen to be taken to a small cafe sitting on the border of La Wiser

In other ways, it was an enforced date for both of them.

That wasn't to say Cane found her unattractive or anything, it was simply a matter of enjoying dates that were organized by himself or his partner, like yesterday's outing with Kira instead of one arranged by another, like those blind dates his mother had arranged a few years ago

In the name of transparency and survival, he had informed Alice and Jasmin of his "date" earlier today… that was an unpleasant phone call. He could hear Alice tearing at the walls of her cell and Jasmin's quiet chuckles had not been much more soothing. Thankfully however they had somehow agreed to not go on another slaughter spree, on certain conditions of course.

Cane now owed each of them a date, something Jasmin promised to organize herself and any attempt to avoid said dates would likely end up in a mass slaughter so he quickly agreed, not that he minded going in the first place anyway

So now he put on a nice button shirt and jacket, smoothed his hair, and walked out the door to his car. Hopping in he turned on the radio and drove out his driveway

Upon arriving he found Akari, standing near the front gate, surrounded by a dozen guards waiting for him with a scowl. Wearing slightly more pronounced clothes than usual and with a small hint of makeup on her face.

When he got out he ignored the guards altogether, instead of getting out and walking over to her before greeting her with a smirk and a polite "good morning" before indicating towards the collar clasped around her neck tightly, made of leather and metal and possessing a large green stone sitting in the center, below her chin "not too tight I hope" he said, hoping she would take it as a joke rather than mockery

Instead of reacting however she simply began walking, causing the guards to flinch as a whole and prepare their stun guns, and walked passed him, opened the passenger door of his car, and sat down, closing the door

Slightly taken aback by her childish behavior Cane let out a small chuckle and rubbed one of his temples in preparation for the likely ensuing headache this "date" was going to cause him before giving the guards a nod and following her example by simply getting back in the car, not saying a word before turning the key and beginning the drive

They drove in silence aside from the chatter of the radio, which Akari changed a few times before settling on the classical channel and going to "sleep" in order to avoid conversation. The drive lasted around twenty minutes and for its entirety cane could feel her eyes on him, no matter how asleep she seemed

When they arrived, Akari was still "asleep" so Cane went to nudge her shoulder, this was apparently the wrong choice as faster than he could see a switchblade slashed at his hand, and if not for his timely reaction he may have lost a finger

"Hands off, Perv" Akari growled at him, now fully awake and glaring at him, still gripping the switchblade and holding it between them "this is an enforced outing, not a god damn booty call"

*sigh* Cane, instead of trying again just undid his seat belt "well if you weren't pretending to sleep in order to watch me, I wouldn't have had to try to wake you up" he growled right back, causing her to flinch and blush as she realized he had seen through her act.

Opening the door and getting out Cane walked to the front of the door to inspect the Cafe, "The Blue Feather" was written on a sign, directly below a depiction of a blue macaw, turning back he looked towards the girl who was now getting out of his car, asking "Why this Place"

"Shut up" she responded briskly before walking in without him. And walking out of his sight

Really?! He couldn't help but think as he sighed for the second time and followed her in, only to find her already browsing the sweets menu as if it were the holy bible. She seemed to be looking at it with more intensity than an accountant doing his tax returns

"You do realize we need to get some actual food right?" he asked incredulously, seeing her confused look he explained "Healthy Food"

"Carrot cake is healthy" she responded, and he couldn't tell if she was serious or not "also pavlova has tons of fruit in it" she continued before taking out a notepad from her pocket and handing him a list

"I want one of each of these"

Oh god