Rescue and pizza

Quikly stepping towards the sound, Cane could soon easily make out the sound of Akari's hushed yet rapid breathing and the sound of her groaning against whatever was muffling her, a gag likely

Creeping over, Cane could soon see her outline through the open doorway of one of the rooms in the hallway and after doing a quick assessment of the hall and what he could see of the room and stepped in

Akari was sitting in the corner of the room, her arms and feet tied, sobbing and curled up into a ball. Thankfully she seemed to be unharmed but she was obviously physiologically and emotionally shaken, not a trait you wanted to see on an outing that was supposed to help heal her mental health.

Gently walking towards her and kneeling beside her, he gently began to speak to her, as not to frighten her further

"Akari…Akari, it's okay now" he whispered, trying to soothe her if nothing else, but sadly she didn't even respond to his words "Akari, it's me, Dr. Barlow, you're safe now"

Still no reaction, she just kept sobbing and curled up tighter

Deciding to take the more blunt approach, Cane slowly raised a hand and moved it towards her, holding it a few centimeters away from her shoulder, before gently touching her, causing her to flinch sharply and freeze

Not removing the hand, Cane began to gently tap her, considering the situation grabbing or stroking her shoulder would likely scare her further, so he went with this. Tapping gently and repeating his words

"Akari, it me, Dr. Barlow, you're safe now"

Waiting for a few seconds, Cane could soon see her move her head, shifting slightly as to look at him and upon seeing his face, her eyes widened, filling with relief as she launched herself at him, locking her bound arms over his head and digging her face into his shoulder, trembling

Pulling back slightly, he gently removed her gag to let her speak as she pulled him in for a hug

"H-he knocked me out!" she sobbed, her tears dampening his shirt "I just woke up, alone and tied up here, no one could hear me!"

Keeping a calming and gentle tone Cane moved on to an important question

"Akari, Where is he?"

"Right here" a voice sounded, as he felt the cold of a muzzle touch the back of his head

Both Cane and Akari froze at the words, Akari lifting her head sharply to look at her captor as tremors ran through her body, tremors cane could feel as she held onto him for dear life

"Let her go!" the voice, Mason Donald yelled, sounding slightly unhinged "don't your dare touch her!"

Gently turning his head and raising his arms Cane spoke in a neutral voice


Cane felt the gun push harder against his head as mason's breathing became uneven before suddenly he grabbed the tied arms of Akari, pulling them off Cane, despite her renewed sobbing and dragging her away from Cane, who couldnt move as the gun was still against his head

Turning around slowly and standing Cane could now see Mason, his eyes were bloodshot and he had bags under them that were so dark they seemed like ink blotches. He was now sitting Akari down in front of him, his gun still pointed at the face of Cane

Despite their situation, he seemed to ignore Cane entirely, instead of speaking to Akari with a face that seemed to morph as he talked

"Do you know how much I have been waiting for this moment, my love" he whispered, stroking her hair "ever since the day I caught your scent, I have thought of you. It was like, like an itch. I couldn't sleep without seeing your face, your smile, a face I had never even seen before!

"But today! Today i saw you for the first time! You are so beautiful, my love!" he continued his dialogue, oblivious to his surroundings, or the smile growing on Cane's face as he saw something in the background "I knew I had to have you! So I waited and then I swept in like your actual prince and took you away!

He began to pull at his hair, tugging out clumps as he turned back to gain, his gun barrel shaking "but you! You had to follow us! She isn't yours, she's mine! I will kill you!

"I swear to god I will torture you until-"

He didn't finish

As he was speaking a familiar silhouette walked up behind him, towering over him and as he continued his shouting was silenced as a hand slammed into the back of his head, impaling it on the wrist of his killer


"That's quite enough of that" she harrumphed, before smiling "now who wants pizza!"


From there on what happened was mainly structured procedure and a bit of Kira style ignoring procedure

Kira as Cane's bodyguard escorted Akari and himself out of the hotel and onto the street where around twenty armed guards and a few armored vehicles were waiting for them.

Cane was supposed to escort Akari to her vehicle. After a reluctant goodbye from the woman who had been holding onto his shirt like a lost child, quite a difference from the Akari he knew, she would be shipped back to the compound and he would be instructed to go home and file a report.


Deciding to ignore procedure however Cane, Kira and Akari went out, got pizza, and ate while watching the sunset from the roof of the hotel

He still had no idea how Akari was able to fit in more food after running the Cafe from earlier dry