


Am Samson. A high school student, final year, 18 years old. And this woman right here beside me is Cynthia, a very stubborn girl, attractive, well packaged but stubborn. Am one hardworking, coward, selfish citizen.

Way home. (walking)

Cynthia has been blabbing how school was stressful today.

Cynthia: you know? I keep thinking of how to deal with max, that guy is an asshole, how dare he beat you when am not around. I mean.....damn... , oh he is fucking dead. Am gonna make sure I tear a piece of him.

I am busy holding an ice on my cheek, cooling the pain, my face is all bruise, I was beaten blue black by a guy named max. That guy is a bully.

(Quick Flash back to school scene)

Busy arranging books into the locker.

Max: Hey weirdo.

Sam: (scared) What?

He collect everything from me, including some of my teeth.

Max: It's my contribution day and It's your turn.

Sam: scared) I...umm...i...dont have it right now.

Max: (lock my shirt up, slam me on the locker) What the hell did you say?

Sam: scared) Am sorry, I'll get it by tomorrow.

Max: (released me) Don't fail. (walking away) By the way extend my greetings to your father........ in hell. Haha.

(Devil (left mind): Oh, you ain't gonna let that slide are you? I said we is gonna teach that mother fucker a lesson. What do you think?

Angel(right mind): calm down, no need to rush things, he will surely be......)

Sam: Get back here asshole!!!!!!

(Angel(right mind): of cause... They always go for devil choice. I don't know why am still here. (looking at devil😒 enjoying the scene)

Devil: Don't look at me, I only made a suggestion.)

Max: What the Fuck did you just call me?

Sam: Ass...........Hole!!!!!

The rest was history.

I should have gone for the right mind decision.

Angel( right mind): and they always regret.

How I wish I am stronger more than he is. How pleasurable it will be seeing him kneeling in front of me begging for.......

Cynthia: Sam, Sam, Sam, SAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

SAM: ( hold my ears, the ice fall) oh, the Fuck. WHAT?!!!!

Cynthia: are you listening.

Sam: To what? Oh sorry, I was not paying attention. Damn, my ear.

Cynthia: that guy got you good, don't worry, I will get him for you tomorrow.

Sam: why do you have to fight for me. Am a man I should do it myself.

Cynthia: I know, I know, but till then let me keep doing it for you.

How we met, shit, it was surprising, some guys were after me, (why are they chasing me?) (good question. Back to the top) . Am just a gentle guy going, minding my own business, I don't know why and what happen to me that night, mum send me to get egg for her and on my way back, these guys start calling me names, like pussycat , dick head, all sort of bad name, I thought of going but I decide to be a man. AGAIN

Sam: shut the Fuck up, you imbecile balls.

Them: what did you say boy.

The next thing, Some hungry lions(mens), with cutlass, cricket bat and other thug weapon want me dead, I ran till I can no longer run again, I saw a path, when I ran in, I discover it's an old building garage , they caught up to me,

Them: hehe, you are so fucked,

Sam: (I fell on my knees) (tears running down.) please, no, forgive me, I still have a mother, my mum only has me, am begging please I won't do it again. Last warning please.

Leader: We know you won't do it again, but let make sure it stays that way.

They were about to beat me to death, I close my eyes.

Then I keep hearing beating sound, like some one is been trashed. Like serious trashing. I open my eye, I can no longer see them, I only saw a single lady and that lady is the girl beside me. CYNTHIA. . Of all people why will she be the one. Am curious about one thing, how did she beat a bunch muscle head dudes. She never tells.


We reach home, my home, threw the ice back away.

My house is located in the middle of nowhere, Almost like a forest not too far to the city. We don't have the money to buy lands so we found a small area and build up with planks, it's not a fancy one, Just a house built with used planks And some old tree. God am poor.

I only live with my mom, dad died when I was 10 years old, he always struggled to make us live well, sometime he will bring home some food, told us he has already eaten. After eating he would ask if we are okay, yes was our answer. Then lead me to my room, tell me some story till I fall asleep. Later in the night, I could hear some arguments from my parent room, then I realise dad never eat anything since morning. He later develop ulcers. and how he died. It was disaster😢. There was a day he was looking for job , some kidnapper apprehend him and ask for $50,000 for his release. We can't afford a place for ourself, where can we see that kind of money. They did not understand that language. Dad was later found in the river with multiple cut and gun shut😢. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Since then I and mom have been working hard to finance ourself and my education. I have some petty job which I do to keep the well-being going. That's pretty much the story of my parent. I never once forget the man's face, someday, just someday, I will get him for papa. People like him live long.

The load of work got me the glass am using. Yeah I can't see well. So am using glass.

In front of my mum house.

I keep staring at her (Cynthia). (facing down)

Cynthia: why are you staring at my b**bs. Are they that big.

Sam: what.... hmhmhn (clear throat) okay, thanks for the escort, but as you can see, no one can come in to beat me or whatever. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

I went in.

Sam: mom am home.

Coming in from the kitchen. Which was outside behind the house.

Mom: oh my darling, how was school today.

Mom smile was different this afternoon. She just keep smiling.

Mom: so why don't you introduce me to your friend here.

Sam: friend? ( I turn my head around) what the? Why.... Oh never mind. Mom- Cynthia. Cynthia - Mom. (facing Cynthia) Happy?

I went straight to my room, just a space that contain me and my little luggage. lock the door. After some second I heard a gentle knock.

Sam: who is there?

No answer.

I open the door

Cynthia: why do you lock the door.

Sam: Cynthia, it's my room.

Cynthia: and so.

She force her self in.

Cynthia : wow it's look wonderful I love your room.

Sam: You love my room full of holes?😒 i mean wow, you are so generous.😒

She stare at me for some sec then burst out laughing.

Sam: (serious face) its not funny.

Cynthia: ok, sorry.

I sat on the math. Checking out my assignment. One more thing, I am not too brilliant or too intelligent nor am I too stupid.

Cynthia: do you think my ass look fat.

Sam: I will just pretend like I never hear you say that.

Directly at my ear.

Cynthia: does my ass look fat.

Sam: for Fuck sake. (calm) Cynthia, am a guy, you don't say such thing to a guy like that, it make us uncomfortable.

Cynthia: you mean it turned you on.

Sam: yes Cynthia, exactly.

The rest of the day was horror. Finally she left at night.

The next day, I woke up did my chores, dress up, straight to school. School was horrible, different guys keep bullying me, and Cynthia keeps them away from me. Am such a looser.

Going home.

Today was horrible. Well every day has always been horrible for me.

Cynthia : when we get home I will help you sow your shirt.

Sam: thanks. But you have done enough.

We.... I mean, I had a horrible evening with her. She just keep hurting me emotionally...

In the night.

Mom: Can you get me some sugar.

Sam: silently) ohhhhh, (loud voice) yes mom.

I check her box, nothing's like sugar.

Sam: Mum I think we have run out of sugar.

Mom: oh, please can you get some for me in the city.

Sam: now? Look at the time.

Mom: Okay, let's make it tomorrow.

Sam: (sigh) don't worry I'll get it for you.

I collect the money, went straight to the super market, on my way there I saw a strange bat with a bright red eye on a tree, Looking at me, am surprised to see a bat standing like a normal bird. I stopped by, looked at it for some sec.

Sam: well, it is how it is. (walking away) As long as you live long, you will see wonders. (I moved on)

On my way back, I saw the bat again, I just keep moving on, before I reach home, I saw it again.

Sam: Wow, I've never see them but tonight this things are many,

When I get home, front door, I saw it on the roof. Staring at me.

Sam: what are these.

I walk in, deliver my errand, went straight to my room.

Sam: good night mom.

Mom: have a nice dream.

Sam: sure.

Enter my room, close then lock. I lay gently on the mat ready to sleep, turn off the Candle. Opposite me is my window and its open, the wind blowing the torn clothe I use as curtain here and there, suddenly I saw the bat again by the window. Looking straight at me with is red eye.

Sam: What the?

It flew in, I was scared, I sit up on my mat, the bat keep hovering on me, I keep waving my hand in the air to keep it away from me, it land on my shoulder and bit my neck....

Sam: Ouch.

it bit me so hard and refuse to let go until I grab a book, hit it several times, then it let go, everything was silent, I reach for the local lamp turn it on, found it on the floor.

Sam: what the Fuck.( Breathing heavily)

It's a weird looking bat, I have never seen before. What kind of specie is this.

Knock knock.

I opened the door.

Mom: son are you alright.

Sam: am fine mum.

Mom: are you sure, I hear some loud noise coming from.... What's that on your neck. is that blood?

Sam: nothing mom, It's Just some crazy bat disturbing me but it's all cool now.

Mom: Are you sure.

Sam: don't worry mom, am fine, good night. Get a good night rest.

I don't know where the courage come from but I was not bothered about the mutant bat. I picked it up and threw it out of my window. I scratch my neck before I went to bed.