The Change



My night was horrible.... couldn't sleep well.... I woke up lazily, do half of my chores, walk to school late, got bullied again, school not fun. The last lesson before the school close.

I was so tired which lead to sleeping in class.

Teacher: Sam, Sam, wake up Sam.

Sam: (looking up) Father?

Teacher: who is your father, Get your ass up.

Sam: oh sorry, (rubbing my eyes)

Teach: stand up,

I stood up,

My class mate began to laugh at me, some called me p***y silently, I look miserable, my life was quite silent today cause Cynthia was not around and I did not know her house, I would have go there to see her. On my way home, the bullies came again.

Max: hey weirdo, where do you think you are going.

Sam: ummm home?

Max: these fucker is going home with my money.

(I borrow some money from him some days ago.)

Mucus began to drop from my nose and I keep sniffing it back wiping it with my hand.

One of max guys: gross

Sam: look, I'll get you your money tomorrow. Am not feeling good.

Max: that's not my problem, give me my money.

Sam: I said I don't have it. Am tired I'll see you tomorrow.

They began to move toward me.

Sam: look guys am begging you, I am not feeling well, I'll see you tomorrow. I promise....

They began to beat me all of a sudden, when they are done, I could not lift my arm, I could not say a word.

Max: I want my money tomorrow.

I closed my eyes, Slept off


I woke up and was able to gather a little energy, I stood up, began to go home, the guys I offended the other day saw me.

Mad guy: hey, where have you been, I've looked...... Geeez dude what wrong with you, your face, who did this to you.

I keep moving, not a single word came out of my mouth.

Mad guy: alright, we will leave you this time.

Almost home.

Some guys saw me with my bag, they thought I have something in it.

#: hey, drop your bag.

Sam: what?

#: you deaf, I said drop your bag.

They move closer to me, then hit me once, I faint.

When I woke up, I found my self by the stream, my body....i feel great, I rubbed my face and it wet I looked at my hand it's bloody,

Sam: What the...

first I thought there were wounds on my body.... but I feel no pain.... I open up my shirt... no cut...

Sam: How the hell?

I move to the stream to wash my hand and my face, after that,

The sun came up. I stood up, run home, knock, mum open up... her eyes were filled with tears... she quickly drag me in. Hug me

Mom: where have you been.

Sam: I... know exam is near so I studied at my friend place.

Mom: which friend.

Sam: the girl you saw the other.....

Mom: oh that girl, you should have told me you won't come home. You had me worried.

Sam: me too, umm, okay mum, I need to dress up fast, am late.

Mum move away and I dash into The room, took bath, dress up, rush to school. When I get there, my face began to blur, I remove my glass wipe it, it's still blurry, I remove and the world is clear, my eyes were so clear, it's like 4k ultra, I walk into the class, No lecturer yet. sat down, The front sit is Cynthia, she look at me from the front sit, I stood up from my sit walk to the front, hug her, she looked at me with surprise.

Sam: what's going on, you missed class yesterday, what happened

Cynthia: nothing much, it's not trouble.

Sam: sniffing Cynthia) Wow, you smell somehow. Didn't you take a bathe?

Cynthia: Okay, I think you are acting weird.

The bullies came.

I don't know what came over me. But I feel like I can do anything, everything, anything at all.

Max came up to me. Cynthia wanted to stand up for me, I stood up hold her back.

Max: where is my money.

Sam: Sorry... I seem to forget about it...

Max: alright, I see you got balls now. I won't repeat myself, where is my money, (frown his face, getting serious)

Sam: like I said... I forgot it...

He decide to slap me, I held his hand.

Sam: dude, I have not said anything.

His minions try to hit, I caught the first one slam him on the desk, it broke, The second decide to push me toward the ground, he was not able to do so, he was surprised, I was also surprised, I shine my teeth, kicked him off hitting the board, he held his back. I grab max neck, I feel like I can lift him up, I did so, and he look so light,

Sam: you should eat more, feels like you are nothing.

Threw him off destroying some desk. The teacher came in, I quickly sat down,

Teach: what's going on in here. (He took a glance at Max). Max you again, detention now, and call your parent.

Closing time.

Cynthia: what's going on with you today.

Sam: like what, am fine, perfectly fine.

Cynthia: I mean you stood up for yourself, and more so, you look strong. that's new.

Sam: what you don't want me to stand up for Myself. You still want me to be a coward.

Cynthia: no that's not what I mean.

Sam: then what.

A guy pass us, he smell good, my veins pop out, feel like sucking the hell out of him. Cynthia pull me back,

Cynthia: what are you doing.

Sam: nothing. (in mind....That's strange, How can a guy smell so delicious.)

Cynthia: something is wrong with you.

Sam: am completely fine, (we reach home) mom we are back.

Mom: welcome back, your food is on the table.

Sam: okay,

I grab my food went to my room Cynthia follow me, I lock my room, pull of my clothe, I grew out packs and muscles, I am build as wow.

Cynthia: you have completely change. She look at the mirror she could only see her self, then she smile and ran out. I heard the door close, after pulling off my things, I look around, could not find Cynthia,

Sam: where did she run off to.

I sat down, Think of what happened today. I was so exited, I stood up for myself. Wow. And I beat them up with no stress. Yep, Cynthia is right, something is definitely wrong with me. And its a good luck.

I wanna go out for evening stroll, looking for some clothe to wear. that's when I notice my clothes are lame. I ask mum for some money, she gave me Some, I add to my saving making $250

Sam: thanks alot mum.

Mum: I know, you have been acting strange lately, you have never ask me anything ever, this is the first time. So enjoy.

Sam: wow mom, thanks.

I hug her then dash out.

I went to a clothe shop and get myself a complete set of clothe. Awesome clothe. On my way back, I pass an alley, I heard some growling noise, I went back, walking in the alley, I saw something strange, it's dark... then it stand turn around... a demon no, a devil, I don't know. It's eating an animal, no a human. open it's teeth,

Sam: oh GOD.

I drop the bag, I pick up race, running like never before, my movement were fast, I don't care I just keep bouncing up and down till I get home, I rush in,

Mom: what's going.

I ran into my room, lock the door, close the window, cuddle myself in a corner. Soon the window open, breeze begin to blow my sick curtains, I keep shivering, my mouth and teeth dancing. I was so damn scared. Suddenly everything stop. Then I heard a huge foot step then reduced little by little, now I hear human footstep.

Cynthia: Sam, come out Sam.

Sam: Cynthia? (I stood up from my hiding), walk out side, I saw a her

Sam: Cynthia?

Cynthia: Yes.

It all dark but I ran to her and hug her Anyway.

Sam: I miss you Cynthia, I really miss you, am still a coward, I saw something tonight. (I release her). Wait.... Oh God you are naked. I remove my clothe and cover her up.

Cynthia: giggles) thanks. So first I brought you something, she bring out my shopping bag.

Sam: oh thanks a lot, I droped it when.....wait.....when.... Ummmmm, Cynthia?

Cynthia: yes

Sam: what do you say you are doing here by this time of the night. and did you by accident pick this up on your way or.......

Cynthia: giggling)