Vampire king



Sam: what do you say you are doing here by this time of the night. and did you by accident pick this up on your way or.......

Cynthia: giggling)

Sam: what... What's so funny.

A lightning passed, revealing her body. I could see blood all over. Her hand, mouth and other place I shouldn't have looked.

Sam: oh my God, it you, I start taking step to the door as she follow me.

Cynthia: don't be afraid, am your friend, I mean, your wife precisely. We are meant to get married..

Sam: $still moving backward) no this is not Cynthia. Who are you? and what are you saying.

Cynthia: am not joking, (my back hit the door, she turn around face the other side.) it is destiny, we are meant to be.....

I open the door and dash in.

Sam: mum, mum, mum, something is wrong, There is a monster...(but mum was nowhere to be found. I turn around, she already beside me.)

Sam: trembling) where.... Is.... Mum....

Cynthia: why are you scared...

Sam: scared) what did you do to my Mum.

Cynthia: she is.....

Sam: Please. Don't harm her. Am begging you.

Cynthia: calm down your mum is well and fine, did you check her room.

Sam: she is in her room?

Cynthia: Sleeping. I gave her some pills. Don't worry, she won't die as long as you listen to me.

Sam: (nod.... Yes)

Cynthia: you should have patience and let me explain but noooo you had to run off calling your mum.... Chicken.

Sam: Am sorry...


Well, 200 years back there was a great war between a Vampire and a werewolf due to our ancestors mistake, the war last over 100 years, then I was born, there is a prophecy that I must marry a vampire king and the baby we give birth to will end this war. If not another war will break out and The world may come to an end.

Sam: I still can't believe it. No am not believing this shit. Werewolf, vampires, you watch too much movie. Secondly vampire king. Me? I Am just an ordinary useless boy. I struggle to survive. I hardly eat three square meal a day and you calling me a king? Vampire king?

Cynthia: That was before, now, the power has been transfered to you.

Sam: Am I dreaming. I need to wake up.

Cynthia: I will ask you one question.

Sam: what question. Please, just tell me you are pranking me, and nothing else, all this bullshit ain't real.

Cynthia: What you saw tonight is real. Am real

She grew out a claw on her finger. Cut her hand.

Sam: what...the..... hell...

Blood drop on the floor. My nose tingles, the saint is wow. I feel like I need it. Like my life depend on it. As more of it hit the ground, my teeth grew, It pulls me closer, I rush it, suck it up, grab her hand, sink my teeth into it.

Cynthia:( groan.)

I suck and suck more till am satisfy. Cynthia pull her hand away. sit down weakens. I raise my head up, my eyes change its colour to red. I keep breathing heavily, slowly, gently, I feel strong, I feel so powerful, the power get too much. I collapse.

I woke up, found myself in a well designed room. It's like a kings room. Am wearing a long dark clothe covering my body except the head, with horns on it shoulder, on my head is the crown. I walk out to the balcony, look down, I could not see the ground, it's so far. heard a noise, I look up, saw a man, he is smiling.

Man: welcome.

I reply with a deadly stare..

Man: I guess you are not happy to see me. Well not to worry, we would see again, by that time. It's will surely be over.






In seconds mum rush in.

Mom: What happen? are you okay,

Sam: yeah, why do you say that.

Mom: you scream.

Sam: (I check my surrounding Am in my room.) I guess it's just a dream.

Mum: Dream? (calm) What kind of dream.

Sam: ahh, it's nothing, it's just a bad dream.

I touched my head.

Mum: what happen to you.

Sam: For F**k sake.. Mum it's nothing!!!!!!

Mum: oh (calm) am sorry, I just.

Sam: Am sorry mum. I just (sigh) I don't know what's happening to me.

Mum: it's okay. Just rest, it's must be the stress you are going through. I'll go and prepare something to eat.

Mum stand up. Going out.

Sam: mum, please am sorry I shouted at you. Am really sorry. Please forgive me.

Mum: No, no, (She come back Pet my cheek) my son. I'll never be mad at you. I know what you are going through, working day and night to make us survive. (She hold my hands) Am proud of you. Just please don't leave me.

She stood up,

Mum: let me get you something to eat.

Sam: Am sorry mum but am full.

Mum: okay then good night.

Sam: night mum.

Mum walk to the door, blew of the candle. Walk out, close the wooden door.

I roll over on the mat, close my eyes.


I stood up. Oh yeah am feeling much better. Did my chores. I took my bath, brush my teeth. Dress up for school, went to my room for mirror checking. Yep I look good.


I get into the class. People were murmuring when I open the door. I sat down on my sit. Then I heard my name.

Cynthia: Sam, what's up.

She is at the front sit. She signaled me to sit beside her.

I stood up, went to her and sat down.

Sam: wow today seem lovely.

Cynthia: yeah, maybe it's because you are not wearing your glass today.

Sam: yeah, I don't know why, my eyes are just clears naturally. I mean...It's feel good without those glasses.

Cynthia: yeah, NATURAL . Have you eaten

Sam: Nope but now that you mention it. Am starting to feel it.

Cynthia: So what would you like to eat.

Lecturer comes In

Lecturer: silence, today we will be discussing..........

After lecture.

I stand up. Stomachs rumble.

Sam: am so hungry. Cynthia where should.... We.... (I look around but she's gone) F**k how is she doing that...

I left the class, went to a restaurant. As soon as I enter the restaurant Something almost chase me out. It's stinks. I had to Cover my nose.

Sam: what the hell. This place reeks, And people are able to withstand it. They are not even bothered by it.

I went straight to the attendant, covering my nose. Oh God. She stinks more. I rush out side, people were just looking at me. The stink was so much I lost appetite. I walk home.

Knock knock.

Mum open the doors.

As I got in. I fell directly on the floor.

Sam: oh God, mum am so tired and hungry.

Mum:Welcome my dear. sorry what will you like to eat.

Sam: anything mum, anything.

Mum: alright, there is some left over in my room. You can eat the rest

Sam: okay.

I walk to the room open the pot. I cover my nose immediately.

Sam: oh, oh my God, what the F**k. Mum!!!

Mum: what? Don't you like it.

Sam: no it's just, how old is this.

Mum: 6hours.

Sam: but why does it stinks.

Mum: stinks? She picked up the pot, ate some of it.

I almost trow up.

Sam: never mind mum, I just lost my appetite. am going to my room.

I walk in, close it. Lock it.

Lie down on the mat.

Rest my body, cause the stinks really disturb my Tommy.

I slept off.


My stomach woke my up. I almost scream

Sam: shit. Ahhh.

I walk out to the city. When I get there. Everything smell delicious. I can smell all.