Sam: (sigh) Am all over the news.

Lady: All over the world. So, let me guess. You are a vampire right?

Sam: What? What are you talking about.

Lady: but how are they still able to see you.

Sam: I don't know......, please am confused. Stop asking..... Wait a minute. If am wanted, they will definitely trace me. Mum. I need to see her.

I stood up, dash out of the house.

Lady: Wait don't go. You can't go out now. Its dangerous.

She followed me.

I saw a car outside.

Sam: is this yours? .

Lady: yes, listen to me. You Can't go there, they already found out who you are. You may be trapped.

I got into the car, hit the gear, she jump in.

Sam: why are you following me. You wanna see where I live.

Lady: nah, am just interested.

Sam: In what?

I got home in minutes

I hit the door.

Sam: Mum, mum.

She came out of her room. I grab her hand.

Sam: we need to go.

Mum: where.

I move to her room, Pick some clothe for her. Grab her hand.

Mum: What's going on.

Sam: I'll tell you later.

I pull her along. She hold me back.

Sam: Mum please there is no time for this.

The lady comes in.

Lady: what are you still doing. Wow, this where you live?

Mum: who is this.

Sam: please mum, (I kneel down). We need to go.

Mum: No, tell me what happened. Or am not going anywhere.

Sam: trust me. Mum

Mum: I can't. You have been missing from home recently, and everytime you miss home, you come back in the morning with a girl.

Lady: whao. I don't even know him.

Sam: Mum they will be here any minute.

Mum: Who.

Lady: the FBI. security agent... military.... all

Mum: What? Why? what did you do. When did you start this.....

Lady keep checking outside.

Sam: if I tell you, you won't believe me. When we get to a safe place I will tell you everything, I promise.

Mum looked at me for some sec.

Mum: promise.

Sam: I promise.

I grab mum hand when we get out, there are cars already waiting for us to come out. soon helicopter arrive. Like 6 of them, the wind from the chopper blew the house off.

I walk toward the car, they blow it off before we got there.

Cop1: You are under arrest, put your hands where I can see them.

We all raise our hands.

Lady: Do something.

Sam: (I look back) Like what?

Lady: Use the scream of chaos.

Sam: What the what?

(I see mum raising up her arms. I walk to her, pull her arms back down.)

Sam: Relax mum, everything is fine. (I raise my arms up again.) Don't raise your arms. It's me they want.

Mum: What's going on. This does not look alright.

Sam: (Crying) Am sorry mum, I failed you as a son. I don't deserve a mother like you. Forgive me mum. (sniffing)

Mum move closer to me. Wipe my tears.

Cop1: put your hand where I can see them.

Mum: No, am proud of you no matter what. I know what you did that call this much attention is not your fault. No matter what you did. You will always be my son.

Cop1: (last chance.)Raise your hands up.

I move toward the cops until the distance between us is 15 Meter.

I kneeled down. They face their weapon downward.

Sam: Am the one you want, am here, I surrender. Take me, do what ever you want with me but please leave them out of it. They are innocent. I killed them. I commited the murder. I am guilty.

I look back. Mum looked at me.

Mum: (mouth read) It's not your fault.

I face the cops, they move their weapon up. Facing me as the target, All red dot pointed on me. I breath in and breath out

Sam:( Close my eyes) (in mind..... So this is how I end. I wish I can take care of my mother. She suffered a lot. (Tears roll down on my cheek.)

Mum: If you are taking my son then you are taking me.

I open my eyes, mum is in front blocking my view.

Sam: Mum, what are you doing.

Mum: Don't worry, where ever you are going am going to. No matter what, I'll protect you.

Sam: But.... Mum.....

Tears roll down on both our cheek.

Boss: ready,... aim.....

When I heard that, I wanted to push her out of the way but she grab me first.

Mum: Live a satisfying life. And remember. I..... Love...

Boss: Fire...

She pushed me away.


Before I could stand up so I can use myself as the shield. The shot has been fired, a lot of bullet hit her. Mum fell, my eyes open wide,

Sam: Mum? (tears roll out) mmmm..mum.

She closed her eyes.

I screamed.

Sam: (breath in) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Everyone in the vicinity burn to ashes. The cars, choppers, every mechanical equipment available in that area at the moment blow up in an instant. The scream was so loud people in the city will hear it. I stopped, I wanted to scream again. Suddenly, I felt something piecing my neck, my vision blurred, I saw a figure, like a woman standing before me

Sam: Lady?

then I collapse.

When I woke up, every thing was blurry, I wipe my eyes and everything was clear. It's like a cell. A little bit wide, nothing else is in there just me and the empty dark room.

Sam: Where the hell is this place.

I wanted to stand up but I couldn't, then I realise my hand and legs are chained up.

Sam: what? What's going on.

Some one open the little space on the other side of the door, looked inside.

#: (cool voice). He is awake, bring him out.

A guy came drag me by the ear, pulling me out of the cell to a stage. He release my ear and left me there. At first everywhere Is dark, then a light came. The light is pointed to my eyes directly, I can't see pass it.

A voice speak out.

#: welcome ladies and gentlemen, this will be our last auction for today, the moment everyone has been waiting for.

Sam: auction? wait, what is going on.

The voice continue. Ignoring me.

#: Here lies the man, the man everyone is so afraid of. The mystic man, the legendary, the most powerful there ever is. absorbing this man, then you don't have to be afraid of poison, assassins, demons, werewolf, witches, devils, including death, you will be an immortal. This man here can create a sound waves which can destroy a whole city of mankind call the sound of chaos.

Crowd: hoooooo

Have the power to control mind, strength, invisibility, all sort of things in just a man. Now having that kind of power in you. How will you feel.

Crowd: woooooow

But you should be careful of one thing though, he is wanted. Wanted by every being, humans, demons, devils, beast, wizards, witches, everyone wanted him. Once he is out of here, be vigilant. Because he is THE NEXT FUTURE VAMPIRE KING. a divine weapon. You know what that means.

I can hear a thud sound.

#: ah ah ah. You can't get your hands on him, he is contained in the most powerful prison spell that only he can break. But unfortunately he can't, the power has just been transferred to him.

Someone: Shut up and tell us the price already.

#: Be patience my ladies and gentlemen. And the price that goes for this gentle man here is 1.............



















Golden coin.

Crowd: are you kidding, I'll pay $150. 200, 500, 1000, 10,000. 200,000, 1000,000, 20,000,000, 50,000,000. 200,000,000. 500,000,000. The crowd voice begin to reduce. 700,000,000. 900,000,000. 1,000,000,000. $500,000,000,000, 1,000,000,000,000................. The crowd goes silent. They all look at the one who utter such amount. I can't see anything. The light focus on me. There was total silent.

#: A.....are you sure. It's....its a big amount.

A thick voice echoed.

@: who else wanna bid.

No one say anything.

Voice: going once, going twice, there we have it. The Vampire king goes to Mr?

@: just send it to my carriage.

Then I heard a heavy footstep fainting away.

Someone walk to me, release me from the chains. Took me to a room.

Man: The great king is now a slave. Well Not for long. A short term slave. You really are a profit. Haha

Sam: wait, wait. Where is this place.

Man: Oh yeah, right, you come from the human world. Welcome to the mystic world, that is, HELL for you. Where all supernatural being live. Hahaha.

A lady show up.

Man: Ahh, your price this time is heavy. You will be rich for life.

Sam: Lady.

Lady: My name is Samantha. And yeah, don't let me get my hands on you. (cross her finger across her neck)

Sam: What the? ( In mind..... Was it because I killed her boyfriend) (sigh)

When i saw the carriage, I was amazed, It big, way bigger that the place I lived. The warriors around the carriage are massive and many, front, back, left and right. The carriage stays in the middle.

Sam: Wow. This man must be foolishly rich (in... Mind... I guess working for him won't be that bad)

After some minute I was bombarded into the carriage, What I saw there was the most disgusting things I've ever set my eye on in my life. there is a man, fat, Ugly, hideous, he stinks too. Horrible, decayed and gigantic teeth, He is so fat and big, he occupy the whole space leaving me to a tiny space.

Sam:( In mind.... Am dead)

We were silent through the whole trip. After a while, he decide to talk.

Fatso: So!

Sam:(cover nose) Coughing (in mind.... oh my GOD, OH MY GOD. OH MY GOOOOOD)

Fatso: You are the so call vampire king.

The stink was so much I could not hear what he is saying.

Fatso: I don't like repeating myself.

Sam: ye...ye... n.. no... sir.

Fatso: Never use sir, am your lord. Say Yes my humble lord.

Sam: yes my humble lord.

Fatso: am going to skin you alive. Am going to make sure you wish you are dead, you will be tortured, heaven will come for your help. You will never be free. Then I will slowly rip you apart and eat you part by part for 500 years.

Sam: Yes my humble........ What?!!!! (silent) Wait a minute, is he referring to me.

Fatso: You are going to surfer.

Sam: For what?