The Chase


Suddenly, I notice a light movement, I thought it's just an air. But I was wrong, the carriage, fatso, the man driving us all split into two and fall apart.

Boooom.. As the carriage hit the ground. I was left on my seat, all the warriors, more than 1000 are dead.

Sam: Who could do this.

I stand up to make my escape, I find my self hoping. just a part of me stand, the second in still siting.

Sam: hmhm. What's going on.

I can see my left side sitting and the right side here standing, blood still connected. Like a chewed gum. what's weird Is I move my hands to clear my eyes in case am not seeing well. and it respond.

Sam: God. This is insane, is this real?

A gorgeous woman show up, with red hair, wearing a tight black cloth, her cleavage showing. Holding a big sword, and another behind her.

Aunty: Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous vampire king, what are you doing here all alone. Looks like you need a company.

The way she talk is sexy, everything she is doing is sexy.

The left side hop to me and join the right side, am whole again. This is a lot to take in.

The way she is looking at me feels like she is going to eat me. So I think I should run. I turn around to escape and she is already there. I change focus, she appear again. So I decide not to move again. I can't escape.

Aunty: wow, you are so cute, I will love to have a nice time with you but.... . Well, fun time is over.

Sam: Aunty, please whatever I've done to piss......

Aunty: How dare you call me aunty....

She drop her sword, transform to a warthog, then she start increasing in size, big, bigger, biggest.

Sam: I start running, she followed, the ground keep shaking which is making me uncomfortable, am not balance. I fall, she is getting close to me, I stand up again and trip, she is already on me. She open her ugly wide mouth full with brown gigantic teeth. Yaikes

Sam: No, Please wait, ahhhh

She almost took a bite off me. Another man pulled me away.

She transformed back.

Uncle: he is mine.

Aunty: Am almost done, why don't you wait for you turn.

Uncle: Sorry but I don't have that patience.

Sam: uncle please.....

Uncle: Did you just call me uncool.

He transform his head to snake head about to eat my head. Another guy use rope to pull me up, a little girl appear from nowhere grab me, as soon as she hit the ground, she speed off. They all follow her.

She tie me with the rope while she run. I try to move but I can't, she is strong.

Sam: What is all this. What the hell is happening.

Girl: Now you are mine. Am going to make sure you face the greatest punishment ever created.

Sam: Am just a high school kid. I don't even know you exist.

We soon run into the forest. The way the little girl move, she is fast like a motorcycle running the highest speed, we keep passing tree like vroom vroom vroom.

When I look back, the number has inflated.

Sam: What the?

They are more than 150 chasing Us.

Sam: Oh you need to run faster faster. (In .....mind.. I will prefer to go with this girl. What harm can she cause.

The little girl mutate to lioness form, her ear, eyes, hands, she also grew out claws longer that usual almost 6 inches. some fur covers her body. Her skin become more tough.

Sam: Why? Why? Am just an innocent guy. How can this happen to me.

Some guys start throwing knifes, she keep dodging them. Jumping from one tree to another, it's get to a point I began to feel dizzy. She suddenly threw me up. Most of the guys follow me, They all transform about to take a bite off me.

Sam: hey, hey, stop, stop. Please. HELP!!!!!!!!!

before they could get me, She threw another rope pulling me back to her.

SAM: (breathing heavily) thanks slot.

Boy: You are welcome.

Sam: yeah..... Wait, hey, hey. Who the hell are you.

I look up, a guy with green eyes, long hair, long sharp teeth, rubbing his claws on my head.

Boy: It's dinner time.


She show from nowhere push the boy off the mark, I was sent flying up, she jump up, grab me, start running again, we were almost out of the forest. Just a little More. A sudden unfortunate rope rise up causing the girl to trip and we keep rolling on the ground till we were out of the forest, when we finally stop. I stood up, my body is still very much active no harm done. But the girl, what a pity, her body is full with deep cut and bruise. The fall was a great one. Soon the others appear running towards us. I start running leaving the girl behind. I look back at her, the look on her face stop me from running, I ran back, try to pick her up.

Sam: Oh my God, no wonder you are wounded greatly, you are so heavy.

Girl: Go, leave me alone. I have failed my mission. This is where I meet my end. I will be eaten within minute. You should go.

Sam: Why are you helping me just suddenly, I thought you also want to kill me.

Girl: yes, I do. But I don't want them to get to you first, am saving you for another guy from my clan to get you. I want the power to fall in my clan and....... I also..... want my clan to end you permanently in the most terrifying way. .

Sam:( Wow, that's a lot of honesty. And I thought she change her mind. this girl is selfish)

They are almost here. Well it's not like I can out run them. Something came to my mind. Since am the strongest, I will just be the strongest.

They are almost here. I stand up. Face them. They began to slow down, okay it's working. I raise my hand toward them. They all stop with the distance of 20 meters.

Sam: am giving you a last warning. Stay away from us.

They all start laughing.

Them: Hahaha, are crazy, you know that. .......He is so stupid....... you think we will fall for that...... You better surrender and let's me devour you peacefully. ......No am eating him, me, I am worthy of having him in me. ...What? You are thinking of that at this time. .....

Sam: What did I do wrong, Am just a kid, I did not know anything. I did not kill anyone. What did you all want from me. You have make my Life a lot like hell since I got here.

Aunty: kid, you will know sooner or later.

They keep moving toward me gradually. I was pissed off by their behavior.

Sam: STAY BACK!!!!!!!!!!

My voice was so loud I had to close my eyes. and when I open them. They are all gone.

Sam: What's going on, where are they?

Girl: Idiot, you killed them all.

And she is out. She also transformed back to her little self.

I look back at the place, and I notice the forest has been devastated completely.

Sam: Is this all because I scream.
