The Origin


Sam: Am I that powerful. Amazing.

It's getting dark.

I try dragging her but she is just too heavy.

Suddenly I heard some bark and roar. I look around, I saw nothing. Am getting scared. I think of leaving her. I heard it again, I start moving backward step by step. I spot something far away, almost 500 meters. I focus and I could see them clearly, looks like they are just 50 meters away from me. A raging beast, chained and hold by some things with scale. I grab her leg, pick her on my shoulder, start running.

I ran. As I ran I keep looking back to see the distance.

Sam: What, they are already near.

I keep running. I ran like normal human.

Sam: Don't tell I don't have speed power. I can't make it.

I saw a tall, so tall about 50 meters. with lot of branches. I jump up to it, with little girl on my shoulder.

Sam: Wow. (Breathing heavily) That was insane.

I start climbing like a monkey,perfect monkey. I look down, they are already at the bottom. I keep moving up, up, up. I look down again, they are close.

Sam: what?!!! how Is that possible.

I climb more until I could no more. I get on a large branch,drop little girl on it, never seen one like that in my life, it's like a large bed, that can contain 5 people with extra space. I keep Breathing heavily, rest and relax. After I gather enough strength. I look down. There are almost here.

Sam: Ah. Who the hell are this people.

I rob my eyes, I could not see them again. not just them but the ground... I climb to the top...

Sam: Where did they vanish to. Did I scream again, or did I unseal another ability. Whatever, as far they are not coming for us, me actually. .

I relax my back on the tree. Look down again.

Sam: What kinda tree is this. I could barely see the ground.

It's getting really cold. I began to shiver. So cold. My stomach rumble. Am hungry. I looked at little girl.

Sam: I must be crazy.


Sam: I... I th.....think.... am go....gonna d.....die.

I close my eyes, rest my body on the tree like I wanna get in. Soon I begin to feel warm.

Sam: I don't know what it is, and I don't care.









I keep dreaming of mum.


What woke me up was two people fighting. I look around, I could not find little girl. I looked at the guys fighting.

Sam: wait a minute.

I realise a werewolf and a werelioness (I really don't know what to call it. But you get it) the two were fight, seriously, tearing each other, Its so fierce. The two of them unknowingly pushed me off the tree.

I fall off....

Sam: no, no, no. Help, someone help , ahhhhhh. Am gonna die, I am gonna dieeeeee.

Almost hit the ground.

Sam: Ahhhhhhhhh.

I cover my face with my arms. I was expecting to be crush to the ground but surprisingly I notice that am hanging in the mid air. I open my eyes, notice something behind me. I saw a pair of Very large skin wings.

Sam: What.... The.... Am flying? .... Ahah am flying. Am really flying. .. .Am........

The wing fold up-and I hit the ground hard.

Sam: (groan)

I turn over looking at the sky. A familiar face appear.

Cynthia: How was the flight, did you enjoy it.

Sam: Who..... You?

I stood up. Hug her.

Sam: Cynthia, oh am soooo glad you are here. How did you find me.

Cynthia: I followed your saint. And when I found you. You are already with another whore. You are nothing but shameless.

Little girl land on the ground. Transformed back to her normal self.

Little girl: Get away from him, he is mine.

Cynthia: Why don't you just grab him.

Little girl: Your clan don't need him, why are you protecting him.

Cynthia: He is my husband.

Sam: whoa, whoa, whoa....... Whoa. Calm down. I Am not your husband and there is nothing between me and little girl.

Both: What?

Sam: Did I say the wrong thing.

Cynthia: How dare you denied me.

Little girl: Did you just call me little girl.

She chant and wow. She is a beautiful adult.

Sam: wow, did you do that. Little.... I mean big girl. .

Both: Answer my question.

Both at each other: Shut up.

They transform again about to fight.

Sam: (in mind.... Two girls fighting over me, I think my dreams is coming through. Wait why am I happy about this, one is my friend claiming that am her husband,, the other wants to eat me) guys be gentle. Cynthia am going with you.

Big girl: And you think I would allow that?

Sam: I remember that I can scream.

Big girl: Grrrrrr. Fuck you. Pray I don't find you alone and weak. You will be sorry.

Cynthia: As long as am alive, nothing will harm my husband.

Big girl: hiding behind a woman. Shameless.

Sam: Thank you. that's the word I deserve for saving you.

Big girl: (ignored me) Have an enjoyable day with your husband.

Sam: Wait am not her...

Cynthia: Have a sad day princess. Haha.

Sam: Princess? She is a princess. (in mind.... Fuck I blew it, I could make my dream come true just with Her. Just imagine)

Sam Imagination.

Sam is seen at the edge of a pool full of gold. He jump up. Dive into the pool and all his bone break to pieces.

Sam: (In mind..... oh yeah, I forgot, its a pool full of gold.)

Big girl transform and left.

Cynthia: let's go.

Sam: where?

Cynthia: home.

Sam: but it's destroyed.

Cynthia: My home. Mother wants to see you. (her mood change suddenly)

Sam: Your mom?

We keep walking.

Sam: (sigh) explain something to me. I am just a student, I can't kill a fowl just for fun, I killed them when am hungry. I kill mosquitoes when they bit me. I have a future, to be rich, live in a big house and beautiful curvy mad ladies, have many luxurious cars, clothe, and other things. Now tell me how is that compare to what am facing right now. Just yesterday I was kidnap, immediately I get out of that auction house, I have been restless. What is my offence.

Cynthia: Well, you are the next vampire king,

Sam: not what am looking for.

Cynthia: You are powerful and they all want your power.

Sam: not a good reason.

Cynthia: you possess a divine body,

Sam: am still not interested.

Cynthia: you are handsome.

Sam: okay, that is convincing.

Cynthia: You are insanely rich.

Sam: nope.

Cynthia: what else !!!??.

Sam: wait....repeat your last statement.

Cynthia: what else?

Sam: no I mean the one before that.

Cynthia: insanely rich.

Sam: They all want to kill me cause am rich?

Cynthia: (sigh) you are a Devine weapon. The strongest there ever is. The most powerful thing in the world.

Sam: A weapon. Am seen as a weapon?!!!. Am full of meat and bones, I can reproduce, am a human, a being, and am seen as weapon.

Cynthia: Yep, that's how everyone sees you.

Sam: How about you.

Cynthia: (She stop) Me?

Sam: Yes, do you also see me as a weapon or just a guy you want to give birth to and be done with it.

Cynthia: (sigh) Let just keep moving.

Sam: I see.

We start walking.

Sam: So nowhere is safe.

Cynthia: You are safe with the wolf clan.

Sam: I hope so.

Cynthia: Don't be afraid, we are the strongest all over. We are only second because of you. You elevate the vampires.

Sam: So the marriage stuff. How are you okay with it. They said you will marry the Vampire king and you accept it.

She did not say anything.

We cross a river. A large strange fish jump out on me, wanted to swallow me whole. Cynthia stab it with her claws and withdraw it's heart, took a bite out of it.

Cynthia: hmm this one is delicious. You want some.

Sam: No thanks.

Cynthia: You need to eat something, you are getting Thin.

We continue walking.

She stop, turn around facing me.

Sam: What is it.

Cynthia: where is your mum.

Sam: sigh), I don't wanna talk about it.

I walk pass her like I know where am going.

Cynthia: Come on tell me.

She hold my hand, pull me back.

Cynthia: tell me.

Sam: She is dead.

Cynthia: WHAT!!! How?

Sam: I made a mistake, I kill the son of a high rank man in the country, so he wants revenge. Instead of killing me, he killed the only one I hold dearly. (sobbing) Mom does not deserve that kind of end. She suffered a lot. And I don't know if I should revenge her or not cause I caused it. It's this stupid useless thing that I don't ask for. Because of it I lost everything I have. Everything I ever work for.

Cynthia walk to me and hold me gently.

Cynthia: Am sorry.

Sam: what? You did not do anything. Why are you sorry.

Cynthia: because I was not there when you need me.

Sam: No, it's never your fault, it's my fault for not standing up to them, I never buy anything for her. She did not complete her last words, nor was I able to reply her. Ahh. I will..... God, (I crouch) I don't know what to do.

Cynthia: (pet my shoulder) it's okay, we will get them. If you can't, I will. I will find him and end him permanently, for you.

I sat on the floor for some second.

Sam: Why?

Cynthia:( calmly) what do you mean.

She Sat beside me.

Sam: Why am I chosen for this. I don't want it. I hate it.

Cynthia: It's choose as it wish.

Sam: What is it. What choose me.

Cynthia: I don't know much about the story, but, as history narrate. The first vampires are the weakest, they lives in cave all their lives Cause of a beast. They only come out at night to feed but instead something feed on them, it's the great beasts. Valco (means Vampire Hunter) (note: my idea. It's not real) . A beast so terrifying every clan hide in their little home when it comes out. Except we werewolf. It's never bother us and we don't bother it. It's eats vampires for breakfast. The mysterious creature possess a dark evil aura, anyone who killed it will be possess by it. A vampire kid wonder outside on a full moon. The beast trace the saint, find it and swallow it, the father and mother try to take revenge on it, they were also eaten. The rest act coward and hide inside the cave. Now that the beast know where they live, he stays there till one of them comes out to feed. A young boy among them stood up, named Lucifer. He was the greatest most powerful and the most blood thirstiest vampire that ever Lived.. He battle the beast alone and won. The dark aura took over his body, three mark appear on his body, his left arm, fore head and right arm. His last good word to his people was... ....

Lucifer: My people, you are now free. You can hunt, build houses, reproduce, and all other things you wish to do. We are now free.

But, he was wrong, not only the vampires this time. It's him against the whole world. During his time on earth, he slaughter, killed, eat And destroy. It's was brutal, including the werewolf. Every clan suffered greatly.

After years of torture and chaos, The leader of all werewolf ( Desmond) King of the werewolf, knows he is no way match for him, so he called upon all the wizards to fortified him, make him stronger up to level of Lucifer. But he has to pay for it as he will loose his power once the spells wear off. He agreed, Finally came out, when he saw the destruction. He went for Lucifer in his throne room.


Lucifer is sitting on his throne when Desmond barge in, breaking the door in the process. .

Lucifer: (Soft bass voice) Who dares.

Walk gently closer to Lucifer till there is a distance of 15 meters.

Desmond: What have you done.

Lucifer: You finally come out Old man.

Desmond: Why? You destroyed everything.

Lucifer: You were there when the beast hunt my people, they lived in fear, hide in caves. They had to struggle to survive.

Desmond: And they are still in that cave, not only the vampires but the world, They are all waiting for the time someone stood up to you. Why did you want to destroy every last thing.

Lucifer: I don't need a reason to do what I did. If you don't like it that way? you can dig a ground and bury yourself. I don't have time to waste on the likes of you.

Desmond: Your mind control won't affect me. I will not let this continue. Lucifer, either you stop all this, be reborn and face the judgment for your crime or you die right here, right now,( his eye light out)

Lucifer claps.

Lucifer: First of all, you don't get to tell me what to do. Secondly, am giving you 5 second, to rethink....

Desmond: Enough!!!!!!! You are doomed to die today.

Lucifer: A lot says that and the lot loose their lives. If you also what to die, I promise you I won't hesitate.

Two pair of large wings spread out.

Lucifer: Your death will be painful.

Desmond:( he transformed) You better have that in mind.

They both move toward each other ready their fist.

Cynthia: The fight that happen that day was named, THE GREAT WAR. A fight between the strongest. Lucifer is still very strong, Desmond was able to win with the help a liquid. That liquid was Lucifer weakness. At the end Desmond won with a little of his life left, the wizards appear by his side.

Desmond is laying on the ground in the pool of blood. Lucifer lay beside him, dead. Desmond could not lift his whole body, he could only say some words with his eyes closed.

Desmond: The aura has escaped and it will find a new host, it may be soon and it may take long. the only way to stop this aura from rising from another man. Find the one the aura chooses, marry him to my daughter. The hybrid will cleansed the aura and bring peace to the world. Only that will stop another devil vampire king from rising.

After saying those words, Desmond died. The whole clan surround the two. The wolf howled as Desmond death is announced. And the vampires transform to bat hovering over Lucifer. Spreading blood on his body. They bring a coffin, lay Lucifer in. Then took him away for their ritual.

That night Cynthia was born.

Cynthia: That's pretty much of it.

Sam: So am possessed.

Cynthia: We need to get to the palace so that the process will start. If your body is taken over completely , then your mind will corrupt, you will Know nothing. Except destruction.