End of Sam

Advise to the readers, please this episode consist of some things that could be too much for you to handle as you read on. Please be advise, if you are not a fan of bloody imaginations.


EPISODE 8 and 9

Cynthia sniff the air.

Cynthia: Wild wolfs, Oh shit

Sam: What are wild wolf.

Cynthia: There is no time to explain. We are in their territory.

Note: Wild werewolf are different from normal werewolf. They are bigger than them, stronger and faster. They have gone wayward, just like terrorists in humans.

We stand up, Cynthia grab my hand pull me along.

Sam: Slow down, I can't run like you.

Cynthia: Tell that to them

I look behind. I focus my gaze and I saw wild wolfs, the look can make you forget yourself. They are horrifying.

Sam: What the??..... What the hell is that.

Cynthia: Shit they are catching up. .

Cynthia Back me, transform, her clothe expand as she transform. Wow she is tall, pumped and strong, jumping from one place to another in speed mode. I hold on to her neck, I can't press it. It's Thick and very strong to press. It's like holding on to a healthy big tree. What are they made off.

I look back. Shit, They are so close, they could reach me anytime. Suddenly another one appear by the sides, both left and right. I was scared. Another land in front of us (leader). Cynthia paused her movement. We are surrounded.

Three of the wild werewolf surround us. Am still at the back of Cynthia. She growls, they also growls at her. They continue showing there ugly and strong sharp teeth, I think Cynthia is beautiful in her form, these guys are the worst. Her teeth are well arrange and sharp, her blue eyes and soft skin. I was still dreaming when I fall greatly from Cynthia back.

Sam: Ahh.

I sit up

the three of them attacked her at once. She keep fighting back but three against one, it's way to much, they are more bigger and stronger than her. I run at them to fight, another one jump in front of me, another to the left, more on the right. Showing all their Sharp ugly teeth Spreading their claws like they want to grab me. I am so scared I almost forgot to breath. Cynthia is still fighting, She has killed two out of three, there is blood all over her, her clothe has torn, she notice I was surrounded, she move away from them to get to me but was pull back, the leader fling her up and slam her back to the ground, Baam to the ground. She just stay down, The leader draw her back, pounce on her.

Sam: Just stop. Please.

I gather some courage. I run to her but was hit back by one of the wolf's, I hit a tree that has a sharp branch, impaled me from my back through my chest. Blood gushing out of my mouth and chest.


My eyes deemed, I could still see The Alpha moving his teeth to Cynthia neck. Opening it

Sam: (weak) No, stop, (cough) stop it. Please.

My breath is getting weak.

He was about to bite it off, I close my eyes.

I could see the memories of my past with Cynthia. How we roll together, how she safe me from bullies, when have I ever protect her, when? She always make me feel safe, and always stood by me. Am such a coward......Mum? She was...... No.

I Woke up, break the branch, fall to the ground, stand on my feet. I look up, my left eye has change, I can see everything around me with it. I can also see their organs, bones.


One of the werewolf wanted to pounce me, I grab him in mid air, sucked him dry. I feel a huge surge of power, Threw the empty body away. I speed through all of them, tearing and peeling their skin, grab the alpha throat. The blood of all the wild wolf were out dangling in the air. I absorb them all, punch the alpha through his chest draw out his heart. I dropped him. Eat the heart, to fill my belly, blood is not enough. I move to the other dead werewolf and eat some part of there body, Cynthia woke up, She was scared of what she saw.

Cynthia: Sam.

As I eat, I saw someone standing up, I stop, stand up, looked at Cynthia , I feel a little dizzy, I kneel.

Sam: ahh

A little mark appear on my left hand.

Cynthia move close to me.

Sam: Cynthia...(As I walk toward her, I raise my hand to reach her,) What... Is... Wrong.....with.....me.

I fell down, before I reach the ground Cynthia hold on to me. suddenly collapse...

Day 1


I was call back with water, in a place that look like cell, I felt weak.

Sam: what the hell?( My eyes blurred) where am I.

I was chained both hands and legs.

A man came forward, hit me several times. God I feel the pain.

Another splash Day 3

Sam: (breathing hard) What the hell is going on.

A guy pull a lever, raise me up, spreading my arms and legs, The place is so dark I don't know if it's morning or night.

Sam: what is going on....

A guy wears a mask, he begin to torture me, mercilessly, I can't heal, what was the stuff they pour on me, I can't feel myself, where did I go wrong, what did i do wrong to deserve this punishment,










Splash Day 7

I don't know how many days it's been, it's been so long, I've suffered for so long I could not count it. Am hungry, thirsty, am feeling a lot of pain, it's unbearable, most of my fingers were cut off, there are marks of teeth and deep cut on my body, sometime, they will spread me wide like I should split into two. It get to a point, I lost myself, I don't know what happening around me. I won't recognize my mother if I see her. If there is a punishment greater than this, I think I will rather kill myself before I get caught. But here is the greatest so far. And here I am. Getting punished for something I know nothing off.

Splash. Day 9

Hot boiling water on my face, I could not scream cause I already lost my voice. I don't know what that liquid is but I think it's my weakness.

Man1: he is up, the queen wants to see him.

A guy came drag my hair to the throne room, there I saw a woman, I don't know who she is. She look at me with disgust. I stare at her back, one of the guard hit my face and told me to look down, the queen stood up from her throne.

Queen: Do you know why you are here.

Sam: (No answer) .

Queen: How dare you keep silence when am talking to you.

Sam: (no answer)

Queen: Are you deaf!!!!

As she walk close to me. With the mind of tearing me apart.

Cynthia came out of a room.Breathing heavily like she has been running 50 kilometer /hour non stop. Some guards came in after her.

Cynthia: Mom, what's going on, why do you ask the guard to lock me up in my room for Nine (9) days. Is it because of Deimos....I told you am not..... (she paused) Who is this.

Queen: He is none of your business.

Cynthia notice the mark on my Left arm.

Cynthia:(gasp, she covers her mouth with her hand.) Sam?

She want to come close to me, but the guards hold her back. Tears drool down on her cheek.

Cynthia: What? Why?

Queen: You will not marry this murderer.

Cynthia: Why, you already agreed, you ask me to bring him here.

I keep my face down. All I could hear are void sound.

Queen: He is not your husband. You are not to marry him. You are to marry Deimos, that's an order.

Cynthia: Mum, why are you doing this?? why do you suddenly change. I told you that he is the one I choose and you agreed.

Queen: I did that so you could bring him here. Your husband is Deimos.

Cynthia: No mum, I don't love Deimos, I love Sam. I love him so much.

Queen:(angry) Why are you so attracted to him, is it because of his title or power. don't be deceived, he is just a mirage. .

Cynthia: No, I don't love him cause of that. He did not have this power before I fell in love with him.

Flash back

Cynthia was coming out of a book store, some guys walk pass her and decide to Hello her.

Guy1: Hello beauty.

Cynthia: (Hissed).

Walking away.

Guy2: what the hell. Hey, come back here.

Guy: Yo, we gats Fuck this girl tonight. She is smoking hot.

They chase her to a dark town.

Sam was also there working late as a laundryman, he notice a girl run by and some guys run after. He knows what about to happen. He ignored at first, but he think of the bad things they could do to her. So he run after them, when they get to a lonely place, Cynthia rest her back on the wall.

Guy1: Now we will be rough with you.

Undoing their belt.

Cynthia hide her smile and lick her upper lip. .

Sam interrupt by acting like a cop.

Sam: Put your hand in the air Where I can see them.

They did as he told them to.

Sam: Now face the wall.

They follow his order

Sam: Miss, sorry, hope this guy's did nothing to you.

Cynthia notice Sam was faking it. She grew interest in him.

Cynthia: thank you so much, thanks for saving me. (in. Mind..... But actually you save them)

Sam: no problem ma.

she run off.

Sam: Now guys, am calling for backup, you better not move.

The guys rush Sam.

Guy1: What the Fuck, he is no cop. He tricked us. Oh you are so fucked.

Sam was beaten blue black that night.

The next morning, Cynthia wait for him at the shop, he waited for a long time but he did not come, soon the owner of the shop came. Cynthia ask for Sam from him.

Man: Oh, Sam, what a hard working boy, Am just coming from the hospital where he was admitted to, and he is not in a great shape. there is bruise all over his body. He is a gentle boy but I don't know how he got into a fight.

Cynthia: A fight?

Cynthia look for the guys the other night. She found them in an abandoned house,

Cynthia: Hello guys, remember me.

immediately she killed all leaving no witnesses.

She start tracing Sam, spying on him, knowing his movement. His house, work place, school.


She push the guards aside, run to me, The queen was looking at us. She hold my head, rubbing the blood off my face cleaning it with her clothe. (sobbing)

Cynthia: Sorry, I am so sorry, I was so foolish to believe her.

Sam: (no answer)

Cynthia: God, what do they do to you. (sobbing) Talk to me please.

Queen: He killed my husband, your father.

Cynthia: What? (She turn around and face her mother) He did no such thing, He is innocent.

Queen: He killed countless of people, wipe almost half of every clan population, destroyed everything. HE KILLED YOUR FATHER!!!!!!!!!

Cynthia: THAT WAS LUCIFER!!!!!!!. HE IS SAMSON. there is a fucking difference.

Queen: No difference..... my daughter, try to understand me. Am doing this to get back our revenge to make your father rest peacefully.

Cynthia: I love him mum, I love only him, I so much love him, Nothing can stop me from loving him. I will kill myself if anything happens to him. That's a promise.

Queen: You will not die, after we kill him, you will eat part of his body and you will be reborn as an immortal.

Cynthia: that was your plan? Your plan was to Eat him?

Queen: (Walking to Cynthia, step by step.) My plan is for you to eat him, Deimos will kill him allowing the dark aura to take over his body, then he will get married to you, one you give birth, the problem is over. We will live happily ever after.

Cynthia: (Cynthia face down, her body vibrate with anger) Mum.....(she look up, with tears in her eyes)... I hate you.

Cynthia transformed, grab my hand, running to the door, the guards stop her. They block her way out. She drop me.

Cynthia: last warning get the hell out of my way

They all stood still, Cynthia charge at them, someone quickly shoot a stun arrow, Cynthia fall to the ground, she stood up again, someone shot another stun arrow, she keep charging toward them, more stun arrow was shot directly at her head, She fall to the ground not moving a muscle.

The queen walk close to where I sat.

Queen: It's a pity you carry such a heavy burden that's not yours, when you come back in the next life, choose wisely. ........ Kill him.

Cynthia want to fight for me, but she could not, She could only shed tears.

Some of the guard come pick me up, they move me out of the palace to a large stage, every clan is available at that moment to witness the death of the devil. The guard place my neck on a wooden table having two stands

A man came, They called him the executor. wears a mask, His bring his giant axe along. Another guard raise his hands up. The executor also raise his axe up.

Some men come with two barrel, pour all the liquid in it on me. The queen sat down on her throne covered with a large tent, Beside her is Cynthia, paralyzed, weak, looking down.

Queen: Now the time we have been waiting for is here. The end of the devil.

The queen gave the sign.

The guard release his hand.

The executor also releasing his axe, cutting Sam head, and Sam was beheaded. The head fall on the stage, the body also fell, hit the stage and blood rush out heavily.

Everybody cheers, they hailed.