Back from the dead

Everybody cheers, they hailed.

Tears run down Cynthia eyes.

The executor remove his mask, it's Deimos. The dark aura came out of Sam's body, leaving some of its self in Sam body to keep the heart pumping. Sinking into Deimos body. When it sink in completely, Deimos spread his hand in the air.

Deimos: (shout out) Welcome your new king.

They all welcome him as their saviour.

He pick up Sam's head, bite some part.

Deimos: (silently ) the ritual is complete.

Everyone cheers, all began to celebrate. After 30 minute, Deimos ear begin to bleed, nose is bleeding, eyes is bleeding, mouth is bleeding, soon blood began to drool down from his head, he was surprised, he look at the queen, the queen also looked at him.

Deimos: What.... What's happening?

Deimos body begin to smoke. His body is drying up.

Deimos: What's going on. Ahhh....Ahhhhh. (intense pain)

The aura came out of his body, returned to Sam body, the blood on the floor gather up joined with the blood coming out from the head, pulling the head back to the body.

Deimos fall to the ground and his body is left with dust. Sam finger regenerate, his whole body regenerate, everyone present was surprised. They began to fear. Some has run away while some stayed. Sam stood up, checking his body.

Queen: Who ever kill him gets to be the next king of the wolf clan weather from the wolf clan or any other clan.

Everybody present in that place gather up ran toward me. They all jump and transformed. I snapped my finger, everyone hang in air. I walk under them to the queen throne, The queen was surprised, she wanted to transform, I took over her mind and make her sit down.

Sam: why don't you take a sit and relax. Don't interrupt me.

She sat quietly.

I walk to Cynthia, her body is still in stunt mode. I lay my palm on her cheek. Clean the blood of her eyes.

Sam: Why go through all this because of me?......What did i ever do to deserve someone like you.......that first night we met. That night, I thought, I finally saved someone but I was wrong, you can take them all with no stress. I must have look like a fool to you. I know you will not agree to that. But I really look foolish that night every single time I think about it. The woman who can do what you did for me today is my mother, and I vow, I will protect her no matter what, but I failed, I fail to make up to my promise, I fail as a son, I fail as a guardian, the love I have for my mother can never be replaced, but I was wrong,.......I love you. Not because you are powerful not because of the marriage, just that, you are there most of the time when I need you, you make me feel safe when you are with me. You give me hope. I will forever be great full. I would love to be with you for the rest of my life, but clearly no matter what I do, I can never rectified what happen in the past. The message from Desmond is wrong. The hybrid won't cleansed anything, it will only figure a way to spread and create an army. Desmond was control by Lucifer to say what he said the other time, Lucifer died but he was able to penetrate the mind of Desmond to mislead you all. giving him more seconds feel the pain he promised him. There is no such thing as we getting married, the aura just want to multiply into more people. (I stood up) Am sorry to say this but, I don't think we can be together Cynthia, you will be my weakness, people here don't like me, the whole world hate me, if I walk with you, you will get hurt everyone you care for will get hurt and I won't be there to Dave you all. You almost die before my eyes once, I will never let that happen again. Cynthia, When ever we see again, then it destiny.

Cynthia was able to move her hand. I turn around leaving, she grab my hand, but said nothing, she could not look up. Tears were dropping. I looked away.

Sam: Am sorry.

I could barely looked at her. I forcefully removed my hands from hers. Walk away.

Sam: Am really sorry.

I walk away snap my finger, everyone fall to the ground, the queen mind is back to normal. They all saw me walking away, but could do nothing to stop me.

I fold out my wings, and fly away.

Somewhere in the underworld.

8 men, surrounding a table.

Man1: He has the 1/4 of the power. If the second mark show, it will be trouble.

Man2: but how, he is just a human.

Man3: He may be an ordinary human but his ancestors aren't.

Man1: what do you mean?

Woman5: you should read your history book, some beast went up to human world to live among them, some fell in love, get married to them, have children with them, the children have children, the children also have children, the power in them diminish the more they continue to give birth to future generations. One of them is this guy Sam. His ancestors was a vampire that's was one of the reason why he was chosen.

Man7: yeah but I heard, Deimos, the princess fiancee was able to absorb the dark aura but burn to ashes immediately.

Man6: Well, that's because the aura only survive in vampire body. Deimos is a weretiger, so not a nice home for it.

Man6: what ever the case may be, we need to get him right away.

Man7: True, but, how, we don't know where is he is. He just vanish not leaveing a trail.

Man2: This is trouble.

They all begin to chorus.

Man8 leader:(breath)

All silent.

Man8: We could send Lucas.

Man1: Lucas, wow what a brilliant idea.

Lucas: (feeling arrogant)

Man2: true I support it.

Lucas: (proud)

Man3: No, I don't like that guy, we should send chameleon.

Champion: (in mind.... What? Its champion not chameleon.)

Man4: no chameleon is useless. We can't use him, never.

Champion: (in mind.... Did I ever wrong this man.)

Man6: I support you


Champion: ( In ..mind. am right here you old ass hole)

Woman5: I think we should go for Jackson.

Man1: Why?

Woman: Because he is bulky, strong, muscular, great jaw... Oh.... he is handsome.

All: really.

Jack: Thank you ma'am.

Man7: Shut up Jack. But it's true, he is fucking handsome, and I hate him for that. What surprise me is that big scar on his face. It still made him more handsome. I should get one myself.

Man3: Please don't. You will scare the food away.

Man6: Let's cut the bullshit, I don't think we can send this awesome guys, except for chameleon... He is useless.

Champion: (in mind.... My name is champion, and am right here.)

Man6: one of us should go, we could just test him. And if successful, we bring him here.

Woman5: am beautiful, so beautiful, you are all drooling at me, especially .... (bouncing her br**st up) at this.

They all stare at her chest.

Leader: hmm.

All: (clear throat) hmmmhmhmhm

Woman5: as I was saying, I can go. I can seduce him, am sure he is going to like all this.... (she stand up, making a sexy pose)

Man2:( in mind..... This girl is dead once I get her on my bed. I will tear her apart.)

Woman looked at man2.

Man2:( in mind.... Oh my, I forgot she could read minds)

Woman: I can seduce him, bring him to our boss. Don't worry, am still yours sincerely.

Man8: breath out)

They all look at him.

Man8: very well then, don't mess this up. Linda. You are the youngest among us. Prove to us that you are more capable.

Woman5: when have I ever mess up a mission.

Man8: so it's decided, Linda is on the job. I think I made my self clear.

All: yes boss.

Linda: Oh yeah one more thing. Jackson is coming with me.

All except the leader: that son of a bitch.

Jackson smile as he walk out, stoped in front of champion.:

Jackson: Chameleon haha.

Champion: I hate you.