Hard Choice








Wolf clan.


Cynthia room

The room is lock with enchanted magic barrier by the wizards who got the orders from the queen.

The guards are standing outside the room, ready their weapon. Everywhere is shaking, the room is vibrating, different sound could be heard coming out of the room, the queen appear jump among the guards in her werewolf form, she transformed back to her normal self and a clothe appear on her to cover her nakedness.

Queen: How is it

Head of guards(kelvin): Still the same my queen, she has been at it for 5days, I doubt the barrier will hold on.

Kelvin (head of the guards and also the most trusted man the queen can rely on). He is the only guard that know the full in and out of the queen.

Queen: this is the fifteenth barrier, she is really getting strong. (Sigh) open the door let me in.

Kelvin: But my queen, it's too dangerous.....

Queen: Am her mother. She won't hurt me.

Kelvin: My queen. Our top most powerful and capable warriors went in to calm her down but what came out is just some parts of them.

Queen: How many are they...

Kelvin: 10. My queen

Queen: sigh) let me in.

Kelvin: my queen...

Queen: if I ask you one more time, you will be the one to comfort her.

Kelvin: bow) as you wish my queen.

Cynthia room. Cynthia has regained her body, she has been locked up in her room. Cause everyone know what she is capable of when she is mad, especially when she is going crazy.

The door was opened, immediately the door open, Cynthia jump out on her mother but Kelvin was quick to get the queen out of the way. She jump on a guard and tear him to shreds. The queen was so surprised to see her daughter turn to this state. They all point their arrow at her. Ready to shoot. The queen raise her hand and finger straight up, telling them to wait, she fold her finger, telling them to hold their weapon, she walk close to Cynthia who is busy eating the guards she tore off.

Queen: Cynthia.

Cynthia look back growl at her mother, queen move close to her. She show her teeth even more, growling really hard. She move close to her more and lay her soft palm on her daughter hard and strong cheek, Cynthia raise her claws up about to tear the soft skin of the queen.

Queen: Am sorry...

The claws almost hit the queen but as Cynthia heard what her mother said. She calm, retracted her claws and turned back to human form, as she transformed some clothe appear on her covering her nakedness. Cynthia calm, walk back to her room which is already destroyed, there are claws mark on the wall, the bed, every trophy she acquire has been destroyed. The wardrobe, mirror. Everything in that room is nothing but destroyed. She walk to the wall opposite the door, sat down and lay her back on the wall.

Queen also walk in, the guards pack up the dead one the ground away, the queen move close to her daughter,

Cynthia: What do you want.


Cynthia: What the Fuck do you want.

Queen can't believe what her daughter has become, she look around the room once again.

Queen: You are getting wild.

Cynthia: (sniff)

Queen: Why, why turned to this.

Cynthia: (silent)

Queen: Is it because of him.


Queen: That murderer....

Cynthia: he has a name. And he not a murderer.

Queen move close to Cynthia and sat down beside her. Cynthia gave some space to the left, giving a little space between her and mother.

Queen: Do you love him that much?


Queen: I see....

Kelvin walk in. Bow before the queen.

Kelvin:My lady, Barron is dead ( killed by Cynthia.)

Queen looked at Cynthia.

Cynthia: ....

Queen: sigh) bury him. May his soul rest in piece.

Kelvin: as you wish. ( looked at Cynthia with death stare, and walk out.)

Queen: You know? before he leave he said something.

Cynthia: I was stunt not deaf. No need to break my heart more. (fold her kneel and hide her head in between them.

Queen: am sorry. I've done a lot of mistake In my life but this is the biggest one. I was blind by revenge. Every single time all I can think of is how to get rid of him, and make him feel like he wish he was dead, I did not know that I was also endangering my...

Cynthia: And you did a well-done job. I hope you are satisfy.

She stood up walk out leaving her mother sitting on the floor in the devastated room.







It's been five days living in this forest. I don't know what to do, where else to go and I can't ask anyone, (sigh) What to do.

I rest my back on a tree, heard a rustle.

Sam: You know? If you plan to stay there all night, you might miss me the next day.

I appeared behind the person. He fall from the tree.

Sam: big lady? What the hell are you doing.

Big lady: Where is your wife to be.

Sam: Back at the palace.

Biglady: I heard what happened to you...

Sam: please don't bring that up.

Big lady: Good(get serious)

She jump back to the tree about to pounce on me. I point my index finger at her.

Sam: what are you doing

Big lady: what the, I can't move. What did you do to me.

Sam: please I don't have time for this. Why don't you just relax. (She calm I release her and she sat down,) now, breath in and out, repeat it five times.

Big lady: Wow, that really help, wait a second, did I just obeyed your..... Shit you have gained control. No wonder you are not scared. (Sad face expression)

Sam: (surprised expression) why are you sad just suddenly.

Big lady: nothing.

Sam: Are you sure

Big lady: yes.

Sam: okay.

I get down from the tree walking away.

Bug lady: That's it, you are not curious as to why am about to cry suddenly.

Sam: I ask you, you said nothing, so. I guess it's nothing.

Big lady: I can't go back home.

Sam: why?

Big girl: because of you.

Sam: what did I ever did to you.

Big girl: I promise my queen that I will bring you back to the palace alive, but I failed.

Sam: And why is that a big deal. I mean I definitely can destroy you. No offence.

Big girl: Non taken.

Sam: You are the princess. If you can't defeat me and take me back, why can't you just go back to the queen and explain things to her. She is your mother for crying out loud.

Big girl: In our clan, princess is given the most difficult task, and it's a must to return with the mission accomplished. Or else you will be beheaded.

Sam: What the? What kind of rules is that. Your mother is gonna have your head away from your neck? What kind of mother is that.... ...

Big girl: No!!!!!! Not my mum.... My mum is dead. By poison. Same as my father.

Sam: Wow..... That must be pretty tough. You handling the whole kingdom?.....

Big girl: Am not handling anything, my uncle and his wife from tiger clan took over since am still young to rule. Well it's been so long, they decide to keep the position for them selves and make me a slave in the palace.

Sam: A slave? Wow. That's.....

Big girl: angry) I hate them, I hate them so much I want them dead for killing my parent. I was there that night, I just don't dare speak out. If I do. I'll be kill like an house bug.

Sam:( in mind... What the hell is house bug) am sorry. You have gone through a lot. Big girl, why don't you just run away.

Big girl: my name is Carla. I can't run.

Sam: why?

She move close to me, opened her belly. I saw a mark on it.

Sam: what is that.

Carla: it's a curse mark, if I try to run away, I will be burned to death...... Can you undo it?

Sam: what? Me? Sorry I don't.... .

Carla: what do mean you don't want to, (She cover her stomach.)no curse mark, barrier, or magic can hurt you, and non is your match, now you are telling me you can't undo this silly thing. I thought you are different.

Sam: Hey, hey. Hear me out. I did not say I can't, I said I don't know how.

Carla: oh....

Sam: Well am sorry, I can't be of any help. I will be on my way.

I stood up, face the other side walking away.

Carla: wait. Please help me get my revenge, I want the throne back. My people are suffering. They are violating them, using them as slaves, collecting excess money from them. It's hard for them to survive. Please.

Sam: sigh) am sorry Carla but, this time, I don't want to cause anymore trouble. Am also trying to find my way back to the surface. I miss home. Even if there is no where to go.

Carla: Please if you help, it may clean your name.

Sam: in your clan. And it's on maybe. After helping them. They may stab me from the back. I have weakness carla, I don't want to feel the pains I once felt.

Carla: I can get you back to the surface.

Sam: (scuff) you are trying to buy me. I help you, you tell me how to get out.

Carla: No, am telling you out of my will. It at the south, you will find a portal there, all you had to say is the magic word. It opens for a year, You should Be fast, it's close in a month and it will take another 5 years to open again.

Sam: .... Are you sure you don't want anything for this information you've given me.

Carla: If you wanna help. It's your choice, I can't force you. Am tired of being a slave. Am tired of seeing my people suffering, dieing every day from hunger, work..... I already have men waiting for my signal..... we are taking back our kingdom today. All I ask for is just a strong backup...

Sam: But there is no way you will win.

Carla: I know, but at least I will die fighting for my kingdom. It's the princess duty. (she stand up, transformed) See you again sam, if destiny still connect us.

Jump away.

Sam: Wait... (sigh). What to do. ..... Help her? or wait for another 5 years...

I fold out my wing and fly away.