Carla's fury...


Carla side.

Carla saw me in a far distance, she was heart broken. She buckle up. Run back to her clan and when she gets there. There is a giant wall that separates them from the outsiders. She Dip her claw in it, use it to climb up to the wall. The wall is 20 feet tall 10 feet wide. When she gets up. She look at everything.

Carla has arranged some of her people to start the war. They have made a plan. Once they hear Carla roar they will spawn out. Rush to the Royal Palace and end the king and queens life. But the problem is the guards, they are strong, their strength matched the wild wolf.

Carla close her eyes for some seconds. She open it, jump off the wall. Land on a building, transform to full form. Her whole body is covered in fur, the claw and teeth were sharp and longer than before, the speed and strength is massive. Her strength almost matches Cynthia strength. She still maintain the human stature, stand on two legs run on four legs. She reach a tall building, so tall you can see other building top. She roar out. The roar cover the entire clan calling everyone's attention. The queen and king heard it. The look out through the window.

King: that can only be....

Queen: Carla..... After all we've done for her. I knew we should have ended her when we had the chance.

King: Well she prove to be an ingrate and ungrateful.

Queen: She is asking for war.

King: And we will gladly give it to her. Tell George to ready the army.

After the roar, the ground began to rumble, almost 200 of lion and lioness with the same stature as Carla are ready for the war. Carla is still up on the building. All other get on top of the buildings Stand behind Carla already transformed ready for war.

Carla: (high tone) We have been waiting for this day for so long, We know our right. And now, we are here. If you are not well or you feel you cannot fight, you are free to leave. Is that clear.

Warrior: No way, this is our home. We have no where to go. We will take what ours back.

Carla: Then let's make sure it's stays that way. Yahhhhhhh

They all run to the Royal Palace, the ground shakes as they all run. Carla stay on the building, waiting for them to move. The warriors are almost there and yet nothing. There is no defend or attack from the Royal Palace. Suddenly a woman and man show up.

Carla was surprised.

Carla: Who are they, and why send just two people.

The woman eyes light out purple colour.

Linda: Begone....

Almost the first bach that cover 50 eradicated.

Carla: What no!!!!!!

She want to move, the man that came with the woman show up beside Carla, deliver a destructive kick sending Carla a couple of blocks.

Carla: (groans) What the hell?

Jackson is coming toward her, Carla also move, The both slam each other a destructive punch, Jackson was stronger, His punch push Carla backward. While Carla punch did nothing.

Jackson jump up aim at bouncing her onto the ground, Carla move aside, Jackson hit ground hard. Carla immediately claw his face and slam his head on the ground, pick him by the leg and threw him into the building next to them.

Carla stand, breathing heavily. Jackson come out of the hole,

Jack: Well, that was interesting.

He dust his body. Heal up his face. Looked at Carla. Move with speed, Carla could not see him. He pummeled her and deliver a final destructive blow. Pushing Carla through buildings. She was going non stop and Jack follow her. Finally stoped by a large cart which was destroyed.

Carla leg is broken, she can heal fast but not as fast as Jack reach her and bounce on her directly. Carla is out. Jackson picked her up.

Jack: You are pretty strong,Almost as her but you are still young and learning. (He touch his scar.) One day we will meet Cynthia and I will make you mine. (Lick his upper lip).

He took carla back to Linda. Then soon the king and queen show up.

Queen: I thought you are better than this.

King: Hmm, you can never be a queen. You are not worthy.

Linda: Oh Jack. You are so rough. Next time be gentle, now I'll have to wake her up. You know how much that will cost me. A bit Jack, a bit I don't want to waste any energy before facing him (Sam) ....(sigh) I bet he is hotter than you.

Jack: ( in mind....) why won't... Shit.

Linda: you should have complete the statement.

Jack: am sorry. My lady.

Linda: hmm.

King: What are you waiting for. Kill her.

Linda: shshsh. Let me work.

King: How dare you talk to me in th....

Linda looked at king with a blue eyes And the king reduce to ash.

Queen: (Queen was shocked) what did you do. Why do you kill him. My darling (sobbing)

Linda return back to Carla, her eyes glowed golden and Carla eyes opened.

Carla: Ahh (softly) what happened.

Linda: Now that you are awake. Kindly tell me where the Vampire king is.....

Carla: what? Who is that. she kidding me. You telling me you don't know where the guy you talk with before coming here to get yourself killed. The guy that save you from bunch of dead feeders. You don't know who you pour your soul out to.

Carla face show how surprise she is.

Linda: I know that face, now tell me the truth.( Her eyes glowed purple). where is Samson.

#:Am right here.

She look up,

Linda: What?

I deliver a devastating kick. Sending her to a far place. Jack try to punch me, I hold his hand.

Jack: what the?

I hang him in the air, deliver a destructive pummel, grab his head then slam him into the ground. He stay mute, not a movement from him.

I look at the queen. She is busy packing some dust.

Sam: Where is the king.

The queen looked at me with shock.

Queen: You, (scared,shaking).... You are the legendary.... Ahh....(softly) ... (she fell.

Sam: I don't know what happen and I don't care, but where is Carla.

Carla: Sam? You came.

Sam: look am sorry for the whole thing. I just had to clear it all and be done with it. I need to go....

I Suddenly feel a sharp air, (speed mode) I look by my side, Linda is already there, light her purple eyes.

Sam: what the?

Linda: Oh... you are so interesting...