
Sam: what the?

Boom. she blew me off, I was sent flying out of the lion clan territory. I fold out my wings, she appear in front of me. her eyes glowed purple. Again.

This time. I punched her, grab her hand slam her back to the ground. Immediately she hit the ground, She shoot the purple light I cover myself with the wing. It bounce it back to her. I Appear beside her, deliver a devastating blow. It pushed her through trees and building. She did a back flip, strongly hold her leg on the ground.

Linda: Yes, This is more like it, I've always wanted to know how strong you are. I want to feel your strength. Now how about I make your wish come through.

Her eyes glow golden. All I can see is what I have wanted In my life, my goal and it's right in front of me. Suddenly I feel a huge pressure like something like death is coming. I wake up from my slumber, just an inch left for the purple light to hit me, I move my hand up to block it but instead I teleport to another side.

Linda: What?!!!!! How.

I check my body. Nothing happen to me.

Sam: wait, what just happened. Did I just...

I look at the place I was before the light hit,

Sam: wow. That light of your is sure powerful. What is it made off.

Linda: Come find out yourself.

Her eyes glowed red. She multiply to 100. They all glowed purple light. They release, I keep flying around dodging it, inch by inch. When I look behind me. I could not see them again.

Lindas: We are right here.

I've walk into her trap. They all stand In front of me with their eyes glowing purple, buzzing, getting brighter. Then Boom.When everything clears am no more there, but

Sam: Am right here.

Behind them. I scream. Every clone turn to dust. Linda Is cover by a blue barrier but not even that could protect her completely. The shield broke, sending Linda back deep into the ground. I stop screaming, breath in and out slowly. Still in the air. The entire place is destroyed. I land gently where Linda is. Pull her out. There is no leg or hair. The only thing left of her is her head to torso with some part of her hand.

Linda: You won this round, Well what are you waiting for. Do it.

Sam: Do what?

Linda: what you do most, you blood thirsty creature.

Sam: am confuse. I don't even know you.... you hurt my friend and I had to stop you from doing so.

Linda: Friends. Haa. You think am stupid. You can't have friends.

I put her down by the side of a residual rock.

I try to get into her mind, so I can find out who she really is and what she want. Immediately I try that, a giant red eye open. It push me back.

Linda: You are not strong enough to try that on me. Plus I also have the power of the mind.

Sam: Who are you.

Linda: You wanna know...... Find the cave of dhaohi if you survive this......

#: Sam.

I look behind to see who was calling me.

Sam: Carla. Hey. Hope all this....did not hit your place.

Carla move close to me. Behind her are the remaining warriors. They all stand attention with their hand on their chest to show appreciation.

All: Thank you for your help.

One of them (Very bulky, handsome guy) walk out to me.

#: I guess we were wrong about you. We all want you dead for something you know nothing off, (facing the ground) we were blinded by revenge.(face up looking at me) We do not know if we deserve your apology but On behalf of my crew here. Please forgive us.

He kneel, the other also kneel.

#: Please from the bottom of your heart forgive us, but if you wish to take revenge for what we've done to you please do so.

Sam: (I hold his shoulder gently, pull him up, dust him,) there..... all clean, there was something on you so, hmhmmmhmmm(clear throat). Apologies accepted. Although I was mad at you all, at the world but not mad enough to kill the innocent who lost the people they love during the time someone like me rule. I know it's not your fault. But...

#: There is no need to apologise again. you've given us back our kingdom, freedom and the right to rise up once again. Thank you, we are all great full and for this you have done a great and unforgettable favour. When ever you need our help. Don't hesitate to call us. We are with you to the end.

Sam: Thank you so much. I accept.

Carla just keep staring at me.

Sam: what's wrong?

She hug me tight.

Carla: Thanks you, I don't know how to repay you but thank you.

Sam: Hey.... It's nothing, as long as you are alright. Everyone is alright. Then we will be fine.

Linda: This is pointless. Thank you all worthless being for giving me the time to get back up.

She has completely healed....She rise from the ground. Hanging in the air. Her eyes change to black. . Everyone is scared.

Linda: no matter where you run to, no matter how fast you are. Death still awaiting you. Now....... Die

The eyes glows darker, I spread out my wings, make them large enough, I quickly fly towards her as she release the destruction, I cover her with my wings completely with me in it, then boom, boom boom. The ground shakes.

Carla: SAM!!!!

Everything die down for a second. My wings spread out, fold in. , we both fall to the ground. Carla rush to where I fall, gently checking my heart beat. Linda is just 4 feet away from us. Lay her back on the ground facing the sky.

Linda: (cough, cough, cough) Why..... Why will he go that far.

Carla: Sam, Sam, wake up Sam, please wake up.

Linda laughs: Well I guess it finally over.

Carla: Do you know what you just did.

Linda: Yeah, I killed the most wanted man in the world.

Carla: No, you just get your self a nice death sentence with unimaginable pain and suffering.

She stand up walking toward Linda.

Linda body begin to dry up turning to stone little by little. .

Linda: (sigh) I well I guess it's my time....

Carla: Time for what.....

Linda: To die of cause, I guess..... but why, why will he risk his life for the people who want him dead.

Carla: (angry) Because he care about us. Because (calm) he cares about us... But, We all want him dead, yet he stood by us, he choose to protect us. What have we done. (kneel, cover her face with her palm)

Linda: (emotional) He was asking who I was the other time. My name is Linda, one of the protector of the Gemmi (dark aura) we thought he would lead to another destruction of the world. So we decide to take him down. Gemmi was was created by a man who create us to protect it after it failure to absorb it. He says if it falls to the wrong hand. Then everything will perish. (Her body has dried up to her neck) I don't have much time left, when he wakes up, tell him to find the cave of dhaohi, there he will get all his answers...... But listen to me, somethings will happen and what ever it is don't blame him. He is at no fault.

Carla: why are you helping him...

Linda: I guess, we were wrong about him. We were all wrong. The first time am seeing a courageous man to take my most powerful treasure.(the stone has covered her head.)

Her body dry up, turned to a statue.

Carla: Cave of dhaohi.

Somewhere in the underworld.

6 men surround the table. Six light on each sit and a glass ball in the middle.

Man1: Linda is dead.

Man2: yeah I felt it too.

Man3: Well, may her soul rest in peace.

Man4: What's the next plan.

Man6: turns out. Sam is getting stronger. We need to act fast. If the second mark appear. It's will be a bit difficult.

Man3: Facing man8 Well, my lord, what do you suggest.

Man8: there is(cough cough, blood drop out in semi large quantity, Breathing heavily ), man 1 and man2 hold him down. I don't have much time left. We need to get him immediately. If we don't, I hope you all are ready to lay your life down to replace him

Everyone is silent.

Man1: I'll go. I'll bring him, but I will not guaranteed him to be alive.

Man8: No, He must be alive.

Man1: Shit..... Alright.

Man2: I'll go with you. At least we should be able to bring him down.

Man8: No, two of you won't be enough.

Man2: Is there a doubt in your mind my lord.

Man8: I am damn sure you two are capable. But by the time you get there, the third mark might have appeared. So I'll suggest Lucas to go with you.

Man1(Frank): alright.

Man2(Ben): As you wish.

Lucas came forward bow down before them.

Lucas: And I also promise not to let you down.

Fade out