Chapter 20 - Meeting an Old friend

After moving through the crowd finally arrived where Allmight spotted a middle aged man with brown wild hair and goatee wearing a simple blue shirt and pants. He was the only person at the office stuck researching something. 

"Papa! Look who came to see you!"

Melissa called out, getting his attention and surprised to see his old friend finally arrive at I-Island. He stood up from his chair to get closer. 


"Toshi-I mean AllMight, Glad you could make it. I would have been the one to see you but I had an emergency call regarding our latest research."

"Hahahah it isn't a problem! But you shouldn't keep secrets from your own daughter."

"Well I wanted it to be secret but I'll tell you all about it later. Anyway, it's good to see you, my old friend."

The two fist bumps having their reunion afterwards turn their attention towards the youth in the room. He was curious after hearing that his old friend had started to teach students. 

"Hey Let me introduce to you my old friend, David Shield. Dave, this is my student that I spoke about."

"It's great to finally meet you. AllMight had been telling all about you, especially someone named Izuku, was it? 

"Ah it would be me, Mr. Shield. I am Izuku Midoriya and I think you already know a bit of myself."

"What do you mean, young man?"

"Acting all mysterious, Deku. Just tell us what you're hiding."

"Did you just call him Deku?"

David had a shocked expression while the others were confused why he reacted that way. 

"Yup! I am Deku and the one who has been helping overseas regarding theories about quirks."

He couldn't help but gasp in surprise seeing how a 14 year old was able to formulate complex theories and had helped him create a way to save his old friend. 

Izuku had proposed the idea, opting to further research and quirk animals to figure out more and allow to know ways to biologically heal AllMight. Though, the I-Island is known for machinery did not meant that they did not have any bioengineers present 

"That can't be? Aren't you a bit young to have these complex theories??"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Are you saying that Young Midoriya is a researcher of I-Island? Why haven't you told us about it?"

"Well I thought to make it a surprise also I'm not an official member and only been recruited not long ago like when I was 13."

Though, he had said that most of the funds came from involvement in I-Island meant that majorities of major came from their funds. Before that came from his own salvaging of parts and using his mother's money.

"Wait, do you have any verification? I want to make sure I'm really talking to Professor Deku."

"Gideon showed him the latest file regarding the mutated Spider quirk."

Everyone saw the complex formula regarding the mutation of quirk that is placed within an experimental spider. David doubts washed away acknowledge that the person was the one who helped him with his research.

"Hahaha I thought my Melissa is smart but this is just scary smart. Do you have any smart quirk?"

"Actually yes but no, I built Gideon before that. Anyway my quirk is called Speed Force that enhances every part of my body that increases the speed be it my mind to my running."


"Well enough about me, I think my friends would like to introduce themselves."

"Damn nerds, stop hiding shit from us! The name is Katsuki Bakugou."

"Hello, I'm Itsuka Kendo, it's nice to finally meet the man who created so many support items and an old friend of AllMight!"

"It's a wonderful day meeting you Professor Shield. You may know me from my parents, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Ah that's why you look familiar and receive a message about their coming here. Well, I hope you all get along with my Melissa."

David smiled glancing at his daughter hoping to have her have some female friends her age from the outside. He wanted her to have a quirk and free choosing her own path rather than following his. 

"Kyoka Jiro, it's nice to meet you and Melissa has been a great company."

"Glad to hear that."

David felt reassurance hearing their words then suddenly frowned as he suddenly gave two short coughs.

"Cough! Cough!"

All Might quickly covered his mouth as everyone excluding Melissa looked at him worriedly. Izuku looked at Melissa and quickly said

"Um, I would like to chat more about the genetics structure regarding the spider quirk but I think AllMight and you have some catching up to do. We would like to tour around the Island if that's alright with you."

David stared at Izuku before looking at his 

daughter, he nodded knowing that they knew about his condition. If not then how could he teach them for a long period of time.

"Melissa, can you show these two around the island? I would also like to catch up with my old friend."


Melissa smiled as she excitedly turned her attention to the Group behind her.

"Come on! I'll show you the best places on the island!!"

Izuku and his friends followed her out the door. David then turned towards his AllMight who gradually became smaller and frailer. 

"Are you alright, Tonshi?"

"Hahaha never been better."

"You shouldn't say something like that. Come on, let me check your condition. If I'm correct, that young man, Izuku, wants to help your condition."

"Is that about your research that you've been working on?"

"That's right, we've recently been developing bioengineers serum to help heal your body."

"Well Dave, even if I regain my peak, I already decided to retire from my hero work."

This caused his friend to grew pale unable to accept the symbol of peace to given up.

"What would happen if you retire? The people need a symbol for peace!?"

"That will be for the next generation of heroes. That boy, Izuku Midoriya would one day surpass me and achieve his dream of making a team of Symbols like I did!"

"A team of symbols of peace?"

"That's right, actually let me tell you a bit with a cup of coffee."

The two headed to the lounging area as David handed a hot coffee to his friend curious at his words from earlier. He could see that his friend had changed for better or for worse. 

"Now, Toshi tells me about what had happened in the past years when you were gone."

"Well to start off, those kids already knew about my condition, though unintentionally."

"Wait, they found out regarding your wound!?"

"That's right, I've found the boy, Izuku to be just like me. A boy who has a dream for the people and symbolizes what a hero should be. At that moment I realize that I'm not immortal and sooner or later I'll be gone."

David was silent realizing that his friend was right. Even if he succeeded in finding ways to repair the damage, AllMight would still eventually die like any other human unless they have an immortal quirk.

"I-I understand now. Still, I would try my best to find a way to extend your life enough to see the next generation rise."

"Thank you, my friend. I will also try my best to give everything to ensure that the next generation of heroes will surpass the old one.

AlMight could already see the rising burning flame of aspiration when the people have a smile on their face. 

"Hey as a side note, do you have any dating tips? Also, add some tips on being a father too."

The intense atmosphere went down the drain when David heard his friend speak about dating and being a father. 

"Wait what? Don't tell me you started dating someone? Since when? How?"

"Woah there, Dave. One question at a time."

AllMight sweatdropped hearing his friend calming him down. David realizes his action and quickly apologies but then opted for a smirked smile. 

"Oh sorry but I can't help it after hearing that you start dating someone. So who's the lucky girl?"

As the two have their conversation, within a room where an array of spider cages were displayed a single one was missing from its glass cage. It crawled its way through the room and made spider webs in a particular room.