Chapter 32 - Date 2

The next day Izuku found himself in a clothing store, but it seemed to cater to a particular group of people; those interested in Rock music. 

He looked at Jiro who wore a sleeveless violet shirt and jeans with the knees ripped out and her boots.

"Umm Jiro what are we doing here?"

He asked the rocker girl who gave a grin. Izuku could see her burning enthusiasm that he found adorable.

"We're updating your look Izuku and there's no better place than here." 

She said before grabbing his arm as she pulled him in. Needless to say, Izuku was way out of his element here. The sheer selection of leather goods was astonishing. 

"Ok take this and this, oh this is really cool!"

Jiro was piling clothes into Izuku's arms at a rapid-fire pace until he could no longer see what was going on all he knew was that Jiro was pushing him into a dressing room.

"Try these on and we'll see what works." 

Izuku dropped the massive pile of clothes on the bench and grabbed one outfit which he tried on before opening the curtain.

"How's this?" 

He asked as Jiro looked him over. Izuku wore black jeans with the hem of each pant leg nothing but ragged thread and atop that was a red t-shirt with twin guitars across it and fingerless gloves.

"Nah I'm not feeling it next."

Jiro said as Izuku shut the curtain before opening it again this time with a leather jacket with studs on the shoulders a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Once again Jiro shook her head.


Izuku shut the door and opened it again this time with a white shirt and leather jacket. He wore ripped jeans and boots with spikes on the toes. Jiro placed a finger to her chin before holding up the shirt from the previous outfit, and the gloves from the one before that and smiled.

"I think we have a winner." 

She said before looking at Izuku and reaching out to his messy hair ruffling it some.

"You should grow your hair out."

She said as she looked into Izuku's eyes they were so red like looking into a wine.

"Jiro, is there something wrong?"

Izuku asked to which Jiro shook her head.

"No nothing's wrong. Come on get dressed and I'll pay for these then we can go to the next place." 

She said pushing Izuku back into the dressing room and closing the curtain hiding the blush on her face as she went to pay for the clothes Izuku joined her shortly after.

"Jiro, I could have paid for those."

Izuku insisted only for Jiro to shake her head.

"Nope I wanted to buy them for you so I did, don't read so much into it, now come on."

She said tossing the bag of clothes to him before leading him to another store in the mall, this one not as far out of his comfort zone. It was a store of instruments. Izuku looked at each musical instrument before him from Saxophones, to drums.

"This is making me remember our stay at the I-Island. You know, you still haven't taught me how to play."

"Yeah that's why I brought you here! I don't know why instruments at I-Island are so...."

Jiro called how the instruments at the island were unique to the list and unable to use any of them.

She said walking to the back of the store where there was a soundproof room.

"Here we can test out the instruments and you don't have to worry about anyone hearing how bad you may play." 

Izuku felt a bit more relieved at knowing no one but Jiro would hear his poor playing.

"Um ok I'll give it a try. I always wanted to learn to play an instrument." 

He said as he sat down in the chair and Jiro placed the guitar in his lap.

"That's the spirit, it's not as hard as it looks I promise." 

She said grabbing hold of his hands and placing them in the correct spots and then spread his fingers with her own. 

"See now you've got it now, repeat after me." 

She said as her face inches from his as she stood behind him, her chest pressed to his back as she coached him through a few notes and Izuku soon caught on. Fortunately for his high speed thought allowed him to memorize and understand the notes.

"Amazing! I would say you're a fast learner if not for your speed force." 

She said smiling and laughing as Izuku stood up giving a chuckle.

"Yeah maybe I'll write you a love song or something." 

He said immediately after hearing Jiro's laughter stop. He looked at the girl, her eyes wide and her face red.


She asked in a whisper as Izuku cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah why wouldn't I? you're now my girlfriend and you obviously love music. I figured it'd be something nice I could do for you. Should I not?" 

He asked only for Jiro to cross her arms and look away.

"D-Do what you want, I just wanted to share something with you." 

She said only for Izuku to come up to her and place his hand on her head, rubbing it softly.

"You know it's ok to ask me for stuff Jiro. I'm yours, remember I'd do anything for you."

He said hugging her as she vibrated against his chest.

"P-please make a love song for me." 

She whispered to his chest as Izuku nodded.

"One love song for my girlfriend coming up."

He said chuckling before proceeding to take a deep breath holding the guitar. It only took a few minutes to create their love song.

Jiro intently listened as Izuku performed a love song that he just made slightly surprised. She couldn't help but feel her chest beating every word he sang. 

"...Done. Hope you like it." 

Izuku said happily to which Jiro blushed as  she went closer to Izuku before kissing him. 

Izuku wrapped his arms around as Jiro poured her passion into the intimate act before pulling back winded her breath puffing against Izuku's chest as she looked up at him through her lashes.

"I don't like it. I love it!" 


The next day, Izuku was walking beside his date, Melissa who wore a simple white shirt with large black stripes on the sleeve and high-rise skinny jeans. She still wore her eyeglasses out of habit which only compliments her looks.

Melissa noticed his intent gaze blushing as he kept looking at her appearance's appreciation every bit. 

"You don't need to feel embarrassed, I just appreciate how beautiful you are today, and...that perfume smells great."

"I-I'm glad you like it...Momo recommended it to me."

"She has good taste and it matches you for some reason. It's probably because it's both strong yet mellow like you."

She smiled before wrapping her arms around him then kissing his cheek.

"That makes me happy. Now where too, Hero?"

"There are few places I want to show you since this is your first time in Japan and I thought about sharing some culture. Have you eaten Katsudon or ramen?" 

"I have not. Correct me if I'm wrong but Katsudon is your favorite meal."

"Yup! I know a place that sells the best one!"

"Best one? Better than Aunt Inko?"

Melissa giggled seeing her boyfriend's excitement. 

"Of course not, this place is only second when it comes to Mom's cooking."

A few minutes later, the two arrive at a restaurant and give their orders. Izuku only bought minimal meals as he already solved his metabolism problem by making pills.

" you're going to be a 3rd-year student."

"Yeah, Uncle might say that principal Nezu used my support hero course credit to transfer me. Still, it would have been great if we became classmates."

"Me too but hey at least you won't be wasting your years. But I wonder why the principal let you skip them…"

The only one who knows the answer is the rat god itself and his mind works in mysterious ways. Izuku didn't go deeper, only smiled.

Moments later their meal arrived that was still steaming. Melissa saw the pork Cutlet that had been drowned in the sauce before tilting her head picking up the chopstick.

"Crap, I forgot that you don't know how to use chopsticks...sorry about that."

"No, it's fine…"

Melissa took the chopstick and tried to pick up a piece of the cutlet only for it to fall back into the plate. She frowned in frustration but was surprised when Izuku took the piece and held out the food close to her mouth.

"You don't need to force yourself. Here, let me help you."

"Y-Y-You don't need to do that, i-it's quite embarrassing."

She blushed at the speedster gesture then saw him shake his head.

"It's fine, right now I'm your boyfriend and I heard that doing something like this is what a boyfriend should do."

He sweetly smiled making the spider girl give in leaning forward taking the piece of meat before she went wide at the taste.

"Delicious! I have never tasted something like this before!!"

"Hahaha right? Isn't it the best!"

"Y-Yeah, Izu…"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Can you teach me how to use chopsticks?"

"Is that it? Of course, I would happily teach you! Here, you hold like this then…"

Melissa intently listened while Izuku held her hands helping her get the right-hand gesture. It only took a few tries before she got the hang of it. 

"S-Say ah, D-D-Darling."

The moment froze as both blushed at her action. Izuku felt his heart explode witnessing the wholesome gesture.

"I-It's so embarrassing but...that's what I want to call you, M-My darling."

"I-I...I like it but just don't force yourself if you think it's too embarrassing."

"N-No, I want to call you something special."

"Well as long as you're happy and thank you for the meal."

Izuku took the piece of cutlet and received a smile from the blonde. They finished their meal and were walking to their next destinations.

"Where are you taking me, D-Darling?"

"Uhm...well if I tell you then it would ruin the surprise right?"

He gave a cheeky smile receiving a pout from his date but didn't complain and was excited to see his surprise. 

It didn't take long for them to arrive that made Melissa gasp in surprise upon seeing the famous and widely known.

"Cherry blossoms!?

"Yeah, otherwise known as Sakura. I think it's memorable to bring you here."

The two worked their way to a small bridge where a small creek contained Koi fish. Melissa took out her phone to snap a picture sending them to her father. 

She was mesmerized by the unique atmosphere that the cherry blossom gave, making their date more romantic. 

Melissa held out her hand as the falling leaf landed into her palm before Izuku placed his hand at the back of her hand and wrapped his other hand around her waist and held their hands tightly.

"Darling, thank you for bringing me here."

"You're welcome."

Their faces went closer to each other before tasting their lips. As their date became one of the best days of their life.