Chapter 42 - Hero Foundation Course 3

All Might coughed loudly to get all their attention.

"All right, you zygotes!" 

His voice boomed across the room.

"You all look the part of future Pros! However, you lack the experience and skills when it comes to being one! Now, shall we begin with the combat training?"

"Sensei! This is the battle center from the entrance exam, so does that mean you will be conducting urban battles again?" 

Asked Tenya who appeared as extra robotics with his stiff movement in conjunction with his hero suit.

"No, we're going two steps ahead! Indoor anti-personnel battle training! Villains' battles are usually seen outdoors, but the truly heinous and clever villains are more likely to lurk indoors. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals... all of these almost always happen indoors or in the shadows in this hero-filled society of ours. With that in mind, for this test, you will be separated into 'Heroes' and 'Villains' for a two-on-two team indoor battle!"

As surprise rippled through the class, Tsuyu bravely asked whatever was in her mind.

"Without basic training?"

"This is a battle to understand those basics!" 

Said All Might, clenching his left fist in front of him quite passionately.

"However, this time, the key point is that there is no robot you can just destroy."

"So... what determines victory?" 

Asked Momo.

"Can I still blast them until they die?" 

Growled Katsuki only for him to be slapped by a vine turning his attention to Ibara.

"You shouldn't say words that are violent. Oh lord forgive this violent boy."

Bakugou groaned and decided to let her freeze a bit and get a closer look at the vine girl.

'...fuck I'm becoming like deku!"

"Fufufu~ I never saw you being tamed beside me. Hey I don't mind having a threesome just you know."

"Oh shut up, Camie!"

Bakugou tried to hide his blush, who was more vulnerable in teasing than Izuku, making his girlfriend giggle.

"Will the punishment be expulsion, just like Aizawa-sensei?" 

Asked Ochako nervously.

"How will we be splitting up?" 

Asked Tenya, raising his hand to ask the question.

"My quirk isn't super hearing!" 

Proclaimed All Might with a sweat drop trailing down his face. 

"I'll answer your question one at a time, so be quiet!"

Seeing the students quickly settle down, All Might coughed into his fist.

"No, I won't expel anyone like Aizawa. Our task today is only to help you give an introduction to hero work. Anyways, moving on!" 

All Might announce.

"Allow me to explain today's task! The situation is that the villain has hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout! The heroes have to go in and dispose of it! The heroes will have a limited amount of time to either capture the villains or secure the weapon in order to win. As for securing, you merely need to be able to touch it for longer than three seconds. The villains, in order to win, must either secure the weapon until time runs out or capture the heroes!"

AllMight done explain glancing at his Successor and his friends flabbergasted witnessing him without any notes.

"Ahem! Now then, Teams and opponents shall be determined by drawing lots!" 

Declared All Might as he held out a lottery box.

"Is that really how we'll be doing that?" 

Asked Tenya in shock.

"Makes sense, considering pros often have to team up with other heroes from other agencies on the spot during emergencies," 

Commented Izuku.

"Time won't allow you to wait for someone you want."

AllMight said.

"Ah, I see!"

Exclaimed Tenya before quickly bowing to All Might.

"Please forgive my rudeness!"

"It's all right!" 

Said All Might before turning away from them.

"Now let's get this started!"

Soon the teams were quickly formed.

Team A: Toru Hagakure & Izuku Midoriya.

Team B: Momo Yaoyorozu & Denki Kaminari

Team C: Ochako Uraraka & Kyoka Jiro

Team D: Fumikage Tokoyami & Hanta Sero

Team E: Tsuyu Asui & Itsuka Kendo

Team F: Ibara shiozaki & Katsuki Bakugo

Team G: Shoto Todoroki & Tenya Iida 

Team H: Eijiro Kirishima & Rikido Sato

Team I: Mashirao Ojiro & Mezo Shoji

Team J: Mina Ashido & Camie Utsushimi 

"All right, now that we have the teams set up, let's who's going against whom first!" said All Might as two more lottery boxes appeared next to him, the right side labeled Villain while the left side was labeled Hero.

"First up, we have... Team F as Villain against... Team F is Hero?" 

Questioned All Might before remembering his mistake of putting all ten letters in both boxes.

"Whoops! Just a test!"

Said All Might hastily, tossing the F ball away and quickly grabbing another letter inside the hero box. 

"I mean... Team A will be the Hero team!"

The four students that were called out quickly walked out from the crowd.

"Now then, the villains will go into the building and have 5 minutes to plan out their defenses. After that, the hero team will enter, and the game begins! Everybody else will be in the monitoring room to view how you do. Surveillance cameras will be everywhere to monitor your actions! Villain team, use this time to adopt a 'villainous' mindset. This is a practical experience, so don't hold back, go all out without fear of injury! Though I will stop it if things go too far." 

Explained All Might.

"Ready for a brawl, Deku!?"

"You bet, Kacchan!"

They stared down at each other with a smirk pasted on their face. The two first bump before heading out to start their battle.


Outside the building, Izuku and Toru we're beside each other with the latter trying to not stare too much despite not being able to see her body.

"Uhmmm...before we go inside, Toru I want to ask you something and it's alright if you don't tell me."

"What is it, Midori-Kun?"

"Your Costume please tell me it's a DNA based Costume and…..n-not just a piece of gloves?"

Toru was confused before blushing.

"W-What's DNA-Based Costume?"

Izuku turns to her widened eyes, taken aback by the revelation. He tried to deny the thought but won't confirm it. She has no control over her quirk. 

He unconsciously places his hand into her, surprising Toru.

"So you're telling me that the hero costume department didn't inform you about that option!?"

Izuku felt infuriated when it was the law that the hero should inform them about the option when making their costume. 

"I-I didn't know about that? Can you explain it to me, Midori?"

"Later, we will go to the support class and make you a Hero Costume. Based on what I've seen you haven't gotten a hold in controlling your quirk. I'll try to make a way to let you dampen it and letting you see your face again-"

"Wait, see my face again!?"

Toru was baffled at his words. Ever since she awakened her quirk loneliness and jealousy had followed. She is unable to join her female friends when it comes to make-up and hairdressing only in fashion but Toru is unable to shake the feeling of jealousy.

She hid her sadness by being outgoing and straightforward to stand out, hiding her insecurities.

"Yeah, fortunately, your quirk is not mutant type rather emitter type that seems to solely surround your body."

A mutant only is labeled if it was animalistic or appendages growth. Izuku may be wrong though.

"I-Is it possible to see my face again!?"

"Yeah there is nothing impossible so long I AM HERE!"

His words made her heart skip a bit before blushing, then wrapped her hands around Izuku, letting him feel her bare breast. 


"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

Izuku let her be before patting her head to calm her down. After a few minutes, Toru finally calmed down, blushing.

"We'll talk about your costume later. For now, let's head inside."

"Sure, Midori!"


Few minutes inside the building. Bakugou was looking at his partner who was praying in the corner of the building.

"...Forgive me for being the enemy of today, My lord."

"Hey Vi-I mean Shiozaki, Can you explain a bit of your quirk?"


Ibara finished praying before answering Bakugou.

"Forgive me, I was just finishing my prayer. As for your question, My quirk is called Vine allows me to be manipulated for various purposes, such as binding foes, snatching objects and creating defensive barriers. My vines can also be cut off, However, I still retain a bit of control over them."

"That will be useful. Well this is going to be our plan."