Chapter 46 - Hero Foundation Course Final

"Damn! He just went for the instant win!!"

Kaminari commented on seeing the whole building covered in ice. A minute hadn't even passed since the match had started and it was already over. 

"What a monster! I'm glad we didn't have to face him too."

Sato exclaimed trembling in awe upon witnessing the power his classmate possessed. No one could deny his words. They would be at a disadvantage against someone capable of freezing a while building within seconds.

'That's a bit of an Overkill…'

Izuku thought seeing how he showed his vanity by ending the match instantly and forgetting the purpose of the lesson. Though, he couldn't deny that wasting time in real life is essentially the worst thing to do.

However, this is only a match to gain experience cooperating with your allies rather than going lone wolf style.

"I wonder who's stronger? Midoriya-chan or Todoroki-chan, ribbit?"

Tsuyu pondered, turning her attention to Izuku who was focused on the screen analyzing the quirk. He had been busy memorizing their quirks to increase his quirk encyclopedia.

Izuku decided to place hero notes in ways to improve their quirk and create a library for it to help them. He's a bit excited to see if his theories and guesses are correct.

"Izu you're muttering again."

Jiro reminded Izuku who still had his habit of muttering under his breath. Though it was already at high speed that The sound was inaudible except for Jiro. Her hearing has improved to the point she can recognize whatever frequency the sound made. 

"Hard to say. We haven't gotten to see them go all out."

Ojiro exclaimed who knew when to analyze a fight and grasp a person's power. He's someone who had experienced combat when training Martial art. 

'Though, overall skill and power I'm leaning on Midoriya-san.'

If asked who's stronger then Izuku would take the cake when he is someone who is skilled in combat. 

Ojiro had seen him in a Martial tournament before and his fight with Bakugou is completely different from how he fights.

Which meant that his true skills are still a mystery and no one would be able to gauge.  

Few minutes later, their classmate came back with Todoroki glancing towards Izuku who noticed his malicious intent tilted his head in confusion. 

'The hell did I do to him?'

Izuku tried to recall anything that might have pissed him off but was only more confused. He shook his head at Todoroki before changing his attention to the next match.

"So you two are going up against each other. I'll cheer for you, four."

He gave his support. 

"Thanks, Izu-chan. We'll do our best! Just make sure to watch carefully!"

Itsuka flexes her bicep, receiving a light chuckle from Izuku.

"Yeah, this will be different than just sparring with you, Itsuka."

Jiro was unsure if her skill in combat was on par with her harem sister. Nonetheless, she didn't go too deep and was determined to win. 

"Alright, let's see here, for our final match. Team C as the Hero and Team E as the Villain!"

AllMight announced before the team had started to go their way to the building.


In front of the building, Jiro and Ochako started to plan their strategy. The latter in which try to wreck her mind to devise a plan to win.

'What would Izu do? I'm not skilled when it comes to planning…'

Her love came to mind who was able to come up with a plan rather easily on the spot. Though his plan is hardly flawless, his skills would have been much-needed help. 

'First analyze the situation before taking action.'

She turned her attention to Ochako.

"Uraraka, can you use your quirk on yourself?"

"Yes, I could but not for long."

"That's fine. So long you're able to skip your balance then it would be enough."

"Why do I need to keep my balance?"

"I will use high-frequency sound that disorients the sense of balance of a person."

"I see, by doing so they won't be able to move properly!?"

"Exactly. Alright let's head inside. I'll use my quirk to locate where they are afterwards and be sure to be ready. I'm sure Itsuka would be waiting for us."

Ochako nodded as the two headed inside building and Jiro quickly attach her earphone jack into the wall focusing to located the bomb. It didn't take long for her to hear the vibration and find where it was. 

"There on the Third floor."

"Got it, let's go!"

The gravity girl nodded and immediately headed their way toward the third floor trying their best to sneak upon them. As they were running closer to the bomb Jiro senses danger and barely evaded an elongated tongue flipping back into her feet before looking up to find someone attach to the ceiling.

"Jiro-san lookout!"

Not even a few seconds went by and Jiro's eyes widened in surprise to find Itsuka around the corner with her enlarged arms about to grab her. 

Without a moment to waste used her earphone jack into an amplifier around her forearm, sending a powerful sound and pushing back Itsuka. 


She slammed into the wall and wincing from the pain but remained conscious and tried attacking Jiro once more. The earphone girl tried to change the frequency of her device to disorient Itsuka.

"Sorry, Itsuka. It's my win."


However, to her shock, Itsuka wrapped her arms around holding Jiro tightly who was confused from the turn of events.

"I knew this would happen and decided to put some earplugs into my ears."

Jiro eyes widened realizing her mistake then turned to hear Uraraka had been captured by Tsuyu by wrapping her elongated tongue around the gravity girl. 


Itsuka immediately slammed her to the ground with enough force to knock her cold and let a mouthful of air escape her lungs. 

"It's our win, Jiro. I'll apologize later."


After the match, Jiro had been sent to the nurse's office and everyone had to change back to their uniform as the rest of the students returned to their classroom. 

"Well congratulations on winning the match. Though I want to visit Jiro, I trust Recovery girl to heal her back up."

Izuku didn't enjoy seeing his girls in such a state but respected their strength to let them be. If he didn't then what's the point for their relationship.

"Still, do you have to slam Jiro that hard, Itsuka?"

Momo commented.

"I have to know how much Jiro toughens up after training in I-Island. That's why I didn't underestimate her and went for the kill."


Before long Jiro and Bakugou return to their class fully recovered and join them for the last subject. Izuku hugged his girlfriend who was enjoying herself from being pampered. 

"Man, after our hero class, the last one is rather boring," 

Kaminari said as he began packing up his things and prepared to leave.

"Don't say that, U.A is still a school after all." 

Said Izuku as he also began packing up his things.

"There are many unfortunate souls out there who wished to be educated but could not, so treasure this chance that was given to you, Kaminari-san." 

Said Ibara.

"Okay, okay, geez,"

Kaminari sighed.

 "You guys are just, I don't know how to describe you. Diligent maybe?"

"What's up with your match earlier anyway? You turned dopey for a moment there."

Asked Sato, pointing out after seeing Kaminari look like an idiot after the match had been over.

"It's like the side effect of my Quirk, yours is just more idiotic."


Kaminari scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, he was however, cut off by Izuku.

"Probably his Quirk short circuiting his brain." 

Said the White haired teen.

"Every Quirks has limitations after all, and he probably fry his own brain if he went over his current limit."


Kaminari nodded.

"That is why we should find ways to solve our weakness and be stronger than letting that weakness consume us."

Izuku added.

"Hmm, hmm, that is great advice, Thank you Midoriya!"

Iida nodded and readjusts his glasses,

"Chill dude, you're way too stiff. You're like a robot."

Izuku chuckled at his classmate's movement. Iida frowned as he stared at Izuku. 

"Strange. My brother said the same thing, do I really act like a robot?"

Izuku watched his classmates talk with a smile when he felt his phone vibrate, and he took it out. He received a text message from his mom.

'Izu, I kept a private room of our restaurant free, if you want you can invite your friends and classmates. I'll cook for you all.'

Izuku grinned and looked around the room, noticing that everyone was still inside and preparing his things. He stood up and coughed on his fist, gaining the attention of his classmates.

"Well guys, my mom texted me saying that she kept a private room free in our restaurant, if you all are free, then how about we go there?"