"It's my turn now, Midoriya-chan."
Tsuyu stepped forward as Izuku nodded before using his quirk appraisal to see what her quirk had to offer.
"Tsu, your quirk is certainly a mutant type, however, perhaps it is not only a single type of frog but every known kind in the world. If I'm not wrong your long tongue can be used to grasp onto objects and people that could stretch it to a maximum of 20 meters or more. And based from the battle trial yesterday the ability to grip a variety of different surfaces, including tightropes and walls. Furthermore, being a mutation probably gives you a field advantage in water and thus navigates water environments with particular ease. Is there anything I've missed?"
Izuku pretends to not know her other ability to hide his other quirk. Tsuyu was a bit surprised at the details and nodded.
"Yes, my stomach is also capable of inflating, which allows me to secrete an irritating toxin contained in the walls of her stomach. I can also use her stomach to store items she swallows, regurgitating them if necessary and produce a mucus on her arms that has a distinctive scent, which can be used to confuse people that rely on smell. It can also function as a paralyzing agent if an opponent comes into contact with enough of it."
"I see, perhaps you are also able to do some camouflage like other frogs and considering frogs are cold blooded. A cold environment might be your weakness? If so, the best is to increase your resistance in such places or even support items that let you warm when a scenario comes. You'd be ready. I also recommend doing some research about frog species and might find some things you could replicate."
"Wow, I'm starting to like you even more, Midoriya-chan."
Tsuyu bluntly surprised the other girls at her straightforward action and Izuku couldn't help but blush.
"Thank you, Midoriya-chan."
"N-No problem, Tsu."
The frog girl quickly joined the other girls who gave her mixed reaction and Bakugou amused seeing them. It was Ibara turn to have her quirk analyzed.
"May thank the Lord for letting Midoriya-san in path and helping me today."
"No problem, well I'm sure your quirk is a mutant type and what I've seen is that you're able to cover a large area which would be useful when trapping villains. Anyway, I guess you're able to control them like extra limbs if so then could you morph them into objects? Like an enormous fist? Blade? Club? Wall? Maybe create a vine dummy? And can you still control them, even detach?"
"I am but unfortunate not for long."
"Still if you are able to mold them and control them to a certain degree then you can basically make vine clones and weapons. Maybe request a scabbard that could hold your vine then make a whip blade that could be a temporary weapon when your hair is heavily damaged."
[A/N: Like Charlotte from black clover.]
Izuku finished his quirk analysis and made the vine girl contemplate before nodding.
"I will try my best with the guidance of my lord. Thank you, Midoriya. May God bless you, Latom."
'Isn't supposed to be Amen?'
Ibara returned to the others and it was finally the guys' turn. Camie, Jiro, Momo and Itsuka didn't need his help as he already gave his quirk analysis for them a long time ago.
"Does anybody mind if I go next?"
Kaminari questioned the group of guys. Seeing no arguments Kaminari showed off his 'Electrification' Quirk for Izuku a bit more. Izuku had analyzed it a bit during the Battle Trials and with a few seconds of viewing he gave his analysis.
"Clearly an Emitter Type. Your body can produce large voltages of electricity and you can let that stored electricity release into your surroundings. You have no way to direct said electricity as of now. I'd look into Support Items that can channel your current or allow you to launch it with accuracy."
Kaminari intently listened along with everyone else and was truly amazed at how he was able to give such detailed information about their quirk.
His analysis was already terrifying but added with the fact that he acquired the ability to see through quirk and even genetically upgrade them is beyond broken.
"You also don't seem to be able to control anything but the voltage of your electricity. The amperage seems to be staying consistent. I believe you have the capacity to not only increase your storage but also the voltage you can output. Control, rather than power, will be your best friend Kaminari."
Kaminari unconsciously nodded and continued listening.
"Since your Quirk has the drawback of shorting out your brain temporarily you may also want to look into a Support Item that functions similarly to a circuit breaker. That should keep your kickback from rendering you a liability in the field. As a further suggestion, you may want to work in some type of electric wiring into your Costume as a means to produce a defensive full body current without having to constantly release your electricity from every part of your body. Also if you somehow gain control over electricity then you'll be able to recreate railguns or even increase your speed."
Izuku took a breath after finishing his analysis. He'd only taken about three in total during said analysis.
"Dude…that's awesome! I figured I could eventually generate a lot more, but what you said about control makes SO much more sense! I won't risk 'shorting' myself out if I control the electricity, rather than just unleashing it all! You're some kind of genius, man!"
Kaminari praised his classmate and he moved over to the side with ideas clearly bouncing around in his head.
"Now you've got me excited man."
Sato grinned at the shorter teen.
"My Quirk is pretty basic, but the way you've analyzed everyone else's I'm wondering how much I've missed or overlooked for my whole life."
"Your Quirk is amazing, Sato, you shouldn't doubt yourself."
Izuku shook his head.
"Based on how you've explained your Quirk to me, as well as the drawback, I'd have to say that you've only scratched the surface. You use normal granulated sugar to activate your Quirk, correct?"
"Yeah, just the stuff you can buy off the shelf anywhere."
Sato confirmed with a nod.
"Have you ever tried other forms of sugar for activating your Quirk? Like Brown Sugar? Or Cane Sugar? Confectioner's Sugar, Muscovado Sugar, Turbinado Sugar, Pearl Sugar, Sanding Sugar, all of them are either from different sources or have different levels of refinement and processing. There are even substances like molasses that may work with your Quirk. I believe that these differences would most likely impact your Quirk in different ways. Plus the kickback of your Quirk could probably be better controlled with training and testing of your limits. Your Quirk may have the effect of increasing your strength from regular sugar. But I believe it may have far more applications based on the type of sugar you consume. While basic granulated sugar increases your strength, it may very well be that Turbinado Sugar increases your speed, or that Sanding Sugar could perhaps increase your durability. Also a few capsules of stevia may help in the short term for regulating your drawback as it helps lower blood sugar levels." Izuku smiled at the larger, brunette teen.
"Well…damn." Sato blinked before smiling and chuckling. "That's impressive Midoriya. I actually use brown sugar and confectioner's sugar when I bake and cook. Why I never thought to pop a few grams of them and try to activate my Quirk, I'll never know. But I do know what I'm going to be trying soon! Thanks for the analysis, bro!"
"No problem Sato."
Izuku smiled as he fist bumped the Sugar Rush User.
"Shoji go next bro! I want to see what Midoriya says about your Quirk!"
Kirishima beckoned the tallest of Class 1-A closer. The multi-armed boy shrugged and stepped forward.
"I'm in your care, Midoriya." Shoji nodded and Izuku smiled at the masked teen.
"I find your Quirk very interesting, Shoji."
Izuku informed the Dupli-Arms User.
"You can recreate any part of your body from your extra arms. Even if they're as completely different from each other as a hand, mouth, ear, or eye. You morph and recreate the structures so fluidly and quickly that I'm truly blown away. But if you can recreate any structure of your body, could you create a bigger version of the same structure? A hand for example. Could you make one twice the size of a normal hand? Could you create an ear with a different ear canal and ear drum that could pick up sounds that normal human ears can't hear? Or potentially eyes that could see outside the visible light spectrum? A nose with more olfactory sensory neurons?"
"I usually just let my Quirk handle the formation."
Shoji stated with a thoughtful look in his eyes.
"I don't know how I would go about altering the function of an ear or an eye though. I can try out the size change though."
With that Shoji held up his second set of arms and focused. The hands morphed a bit, becoming fleshy stumps for a moment, before his hands began to reform. But the newly formed hands were noticeably larger. Almost twice the size of his primary hands in fact. The silver haired boy blinked at his accomplishment before clenching and unclenching the large hands.
"The weight is throwing me off a bit. But I could get used to that with some practice and training. Mostly it was just a matter of focusing on making them from how I wanted."
"Maybe read up on human anatomy? Figure out how other systems in the body work and if you could alter more of what you recreate? Then again, you may not even have the limitation of purely human ears, eyes, and limbs. If you knew how it functioned, who's to say that you couldn't form working pit organs like a snake? Being able to 'see' the infrared or 'thermal' spectrum would be an amazing ability for a Hero!"
Izuku beamed at the taller teen with almost sparkles in his eyes. Finally being allowed to freely analyze Quirks had put him in such a good mood that his own excitement was shining through.
"I'll do that, Midoriya. To think I've only been using the bare minimum all this time."
Shoji shook his head in amazement as he once again looked down at his enlarged fists.
"It was my pleasure, Shoji."
Izuku shook hands with his classmate.