Lizardman counterattack


 Players and NPCs tried to get to the top floor as quickly as possible.  The NPCs weren't as euphoric, but the players were in full swing.

 *quick steps*

 Amarys and his group were running towards the 2nd-floor stairs.  Even though it was only 3, they managed to get there faster than the intermediate guilds.  This showed the difference in quantity and quality.

 Come on the 2nd floor, the environment became silent.  Amarys was on guard.


 "This trick is old."  Amarys said, after blocking the arrow.  However, she greatly underestimated the Lizardmen.  Hundreds of arrows came towards Amarys and his group.

 "Leader!"  Ryo made a stone barrier around the group.

 *BOOMM!* *BOOMM!* ….

 The arrows hit the stone barrier.  Ryo had to reinforce the barrier because the arrows were stronger than expected.

 'Shit!  What are these arrows made of?'



 "Leader...I won't be able to hold it...for long."  Ryo's mana depleted every time he repaired the barrier.

 "Alura, help me get to them."

 "OK!"  Alura pulled out her magic staff and braced herself.

 "Here I go."  Amarys left the barrier and ran towards the Lizardman's.  There were more than 10 Lizardmans, all of them are from the Elite Ranking.

 "Speed ​​Boost."  Her main function was healing magic, but she also has boosting spells.

 Amarys shot towards the Lizardmans, only this time faster than normal.  The Lizardmans tried to fight back with arrows, but Amarys dodged them.  She couldn't keep up that pace, so she decided to finish quickly.

 "Swallow it!"  Amarys activate her weapon's ability, her sword emits a glow. She lowered her sword towards the Lizardmen.


 The dungeon floor shook as the three beams of energy came out of the sword. The three beams cut several lizardmen in half, leaving only 4.


 "I got it."  Ryo conjured several stone stakes and threw them at the Lizardmans.  The stone stakes pierced the Lizardmans' bodies.


 The Lizardmans let out a roar before dropping to the ground, dead.

 "Whew! Let's get some rest and move on."





 Several barriers were created, preventing the hail of arrows.

 "Mages and archers, attack!"  Ren ordered.

 Several mages and archers used their abilities on the Lizardmans, eliminating them.  Ren went to collect the loot.

 "Get some rest, we're almost on the 3rd floor."

 "Yea!"  20x




 '3rd floor…' Aizen looked around for enemies.

 The third floor was even bigger than the second.  The hallways were so wide.

 'Why does there seem to be no one here?'  Aizen could not feel the presence of any Lizardman around.

 'Well, let's go deeper.'

 The more Aizen walked around the dungeon, the weirder things got.  No Lizardman appeared.  The 3rd floor appeared to be empty.

 'What the hell did they lie to us?'  Aizen continued to delve deeper into the dungeon.  After running for a few minutes, he arrived at a strange place.  A giant door was in front of him.  He didn't know what was behind that door, but he thought it was King Lizardman.  Aizen pushed open the door.


A loud noise echoed through the room as the door opened. Aizen entered cautiously.

 'There doesn't seem to be anything here.'  There was just a gigantic space.  There didn't seem to be anything wrong with this place.

 'Wait…' Aizen took a good look at the ground and saw some strange signs.

 'What is it?'  There were several symbols on the floor that Aizen didn't understand. These symbols formed a circle, In the center of the circle was a small pillar with a red "cushion" on top.

 'Last room, no one.  Circles with symbols… ritual?  A ceremony?...'

 'Ceremony… ceremony… Coronation!'

 'Shit, I'm too late.'  Aizen left the room and descended to the lower floors.





 The roar echoed through the dungeon.  The passage to the 1st floor has been closed.  Nobody could go down or up.

 "What is happening?"  Ren looked around with a confused expression.

 "Leader, it looks like the passage to the 1st floor has been closed."  A player commented.  Some players downstairs were trying to communicate with players upstairs.

 "Closed? What's going on?"

 *Shake!* *Shake!*

 The ground began to shake.  The players who were on the spot were on alert.  Things started to get weird all of a sudden.

 *Shake!* *Shake!*

 The sounds seem closer and closer.  Pegasus and Hunters were near the stairs leading to the third floor, while players from other guilds were at the beginning of the second floor.




 At the beginning of the second floor:

 The players from the intermediate guilds who were at the beginning of the second floor shivered as they looked at what was in front of them.

 The NPCs who were close to the players were also scared.

 A Lizardman in silver armor and a spear glared at players and NPCs with an expression of hatred.  The pressure that King Lizardman emitted made players want to flee the scene.


 king lizardman

 Level: 13

 Classification: KING


 "R-Run!!"  One player turned his back and ran as fast as he could.  If he could, he would quit the game right now, but it wasn't possible to quit the game during combat.


 King Lizardman drew his spear which was shrouded in a blue glow. He didn't wait and started attacking players and NPCs.


 The air pressure cut off several players who were close to attacking.  Players who died turned to particles of light and disappeared.

 Players and NPCs who were left alive ran towards the 3rd floor.  The 1st floor was closing, so they couldn't go back.

 Seeing the players fleeing, King Lizardman began to chase them.

 "I do not want to die!"  The NPC got desperate when he saw the Lizardman King approaching.  He tried to grab some players.

 "Damn it, don't bother!!"  The player next to him kicked the NPC towards King Lizardman.



The NPC screamed in despair before his head was cut off.





 Level: 11

 Classification: LORD



 "Training!!"  Ren ordered.  He hadn't expected a Lord-ranked Lizardman to appear so suddenly.  However, he wasn't too worried, as he had killed a Lord class monster before.




 "L-Lord Class?"  Alura was a little scared.  She had never fought a monster like this before.

 "Stay calm. We can handle this."  Amarys drew his sword and prepared for combat.

 "Try to get some space. I'll be on the front lines. He's not that fast. We can try to use that handicap to our advantage."  Amarys noticed that the Lizardman's weren't that fast, so she could attack him while he was moving.



 The Lizardman blocked Amarys' attack with his spear.

 "Speed ​​Boost."  Alura used her support spell.

 Amarys felt her body lighten.  She started attacking the Lizardman at a speed faster than normal, but the Lizardman still managed to defend the attacks.

 'Tsk!  This guy…' Amarys realized that this Lizardman was stronger than the Orc King.

 Amarys tried to attack again, this time the Lizardman didn't block the attack.

 'Got you!'


 Amarys' sword slammed into the Lizardman's armor, but it didn't cause any scratches.

 'What?!  A skill?!'

 The Lizardman took this opportunity to attack Amarys.


 "Ahhh!"  Amarys moaned in pain as the spear pierced his abdomen.

 "Leader!!"  Ryo threw stone stakes at the Lizardman. Amarys was too close to the Lizardman for him to try some more dangerous magic.

 "Cure!!"  Alura used her healing spell on Amarys, closing his wound.

 "Thank you, Alura."  Amarys distanced himself from the Lizardman.

 "We will try to find a more suitable place for combat."  Amarys knew spears were bad indoors.


 They started fighting the Lizardman as they fled.  The problem was the direction they were going.