Vs King Lizardman 


 "Attack!"  Ren ordered.  Ranged players cast their abilities on Lord Lizardman, but it didn't have much effect.  The Lord Lizardman had a shield in his left hand that blocked most damage.  A shield and a spear, a problematic combination.

 'This shield is not normal.'  Ren could see that the Lizardman shield was special.  Ranged attacks seem to get weaker when they touch that shield.

 "Mages, focus on supporting short-range players."  Ren tried to change their strategy.  He darted towards the boss with his sword in hand.  Ren was a player who focused on the art of the sword.


 Ren's sword and the Lizardman's Spear clashed.

 "3 cuts."  Ren cast 3 dark beams at Lizardman.  The Lizardman used his shield to block the attacks.  2 new players came up behind Lizardman and stabbed him.  They were the experts of the group.

 After attacking the Lizardman, Ren and the other two players walked away.  The long-range players would make their move.


 Various spells and magical arrows attacked the Lizardman from all directions.  The shield couldn't defend everything, so it ended up taking damage.

 In many fights, the number of players more hinders than helps.  Long-range players can't be careless or they can end up hurting front-line players.  That's why it's necessary to have a well-organized group.

 But there's also a problem with all this… the enemy's intelligence.

 The Lizardman, realizing that long-range players could harm him, ignored the short-range players and ran towards the long-range players.

 "Stop him!"  Ren and the other players tried to stop the Lizardman, but the Lizardman's onslaught continued.  The long-range players tried to distance themselves and maintain the formation, but it didn't last long before…


 The Lizardman passed by Ren's group and came face to face with a group of magical players.  The magical players tried to make stone barriers, but the Lizardman destroyed them all.


 With just one attack, 4 players fell.

 "Formation!'" Ren tried to rearrange the group.

 'This guy is very different from King Orc.'

 'We better-'


 Ren was alarmed to hear a roar.  He was alarmed because this Roar was not coming from the Lord Lizardman they were fighting.

 "What?!"  Ren was shocked to see the Hunters fighting a Lord Lizardman.  He was shocked that they were getting closer.

 'These idiots!'

 "Stand back!"  Ren yelled to Amarys.

 Amarys, Alura, and Ryo looked back and saw the Pegasus guild group fighting the Lord Lizardman.

 "Shit! We got surrounded!"

 The spot they were fighting was a checkered area.  In this area, there are 3 corridors.  One of them was where the Pegasus guild came from.  The other was where the Hunters came from.


 A 3rd Roar echoed through the place.  This time it didn't come from any of the Lizardman Lords.

 "A 3rd Lord?"  Ren didn't imagine the situation was so out of control.

 "Ahhh!"  The players came out of the hallway screaming.  Even though they weren't afraid to die, they still felt pain.  And the pain of being skewered by a spear wasn't good.

 King Lizardman walked out of the hallway and watched the players with a "Smile" on his face.

 "K-King Class?"  Alura had never seen anything like it.  A Lord Class was already hard, how would they beat a King Class?

 "Attention!! Let's team up to kill the Boss!!"  Ren quickly suggested the players.  Pegasus couldn't win this alone, so this was the best option.

 Players from the small guilds who managed to get into the 2nd floor agreed. They were the weakest minority, so there was no choice.  Players from the intermediate guilds were a bit reluctant.  If they won, who would get the loot?

 "We do not have time!"

 King Lizardman and the 2 Lords walked towards the players.

 "Shit! We accept."  The leaders of the intermediate guilds eventually agreed, and The players made a quick plan.  

The Pegasus and Hunter guilds would fight the Lizardman King, while the intermediate guilds would face the Lords.  There were over 150 players in total.

 "Speed ​​Boost, Defense Boost, Strength Boost."  Alura started using booster spells on Amarys and Ren, as they were the main DPS of the group.

 "Your support is pretty impressive."  Ren said to Amarys.  He found Alura a very promising player.  Despite having support-type players in his guild, he recognized her talent.

 "Don't try to steal her from me. I'll kill you if you try."  Amarys replied with a serious expression.

 'She's still mad as ever.'


 King Lizardman departed towards Amarys and Ren.

 "Be careful, they are smarter than they look."  Ren warned.

 King Lizardman has started his attack.  Amarys raised his sword to block the Lizardman King's attack, but...


 "Argh!"  Her legs shook, the difference in strength was…too big.  King Lizardman's second blow threw Amarys away.

 "Leader!"  Alura used her healing on her.

 'This monster…' Ren didn't expect the power difference to be so Big.  The power difference between the rankings looks even bigger the higher you go.  A lord class boss is much stronger than an elite class boss. A King Class Boss is extremely stronger than a Lord Class Boss.

 So how are players going to fight it?


 King Lizardman walked towards Ren.

 *Ding!* *Ding!* ...

 'Shit!'  Ren tried to defend the attacks as he walked away.  Ranged players tried to attack the boss, but the attacks weren't very effective.  The arrows just bounce off the boss's armor.  The weaker spells barely made a scratch.

 "Dark cuts." Ren sent dozens of beams of darkness at the Boss, causing him to back off a bit.


 Players who were fighting the Lizardman Lords were also in trouble.  The situation was terrible.


 "Leader! I… think I can stop him for a while."  Alura said to Amarys.

 "Like?!"  Amarys was curious.  Alura told Amarys about her plan.

 "Got it, let's try."  Amarys went to tell Ren the plan.



 "I see… this might work."  Ren agreed to the plan.

 "Attention! All ranged players, stop attacking!"  Ren ordered.  Players were confused.

 "Alura, start."


 "I pray my goddess of light—Illuminate and empower me. With your holy light, help me to stop every enemy that stands in my way—Holy Chains!!"

 Streams of light came out of the ground and enveloped the Lizardman King's body.


 King Lizardman tried to destroy the chains with his hands but failed.  He didn't understand how a weak human could trap him.

 "Leader… I…" Alura fell to the ground, helpless.


 "She's fine, she just passed out."  Ryo said.

 "All players, attack the Boss with full power!!"  Ren yelled.  It was all or nothing.  Either they won or they lost.

 All players, including Ren, Amarys, and Ryo, used all their energy on their next attack.  They would use their strongest abilities at full power.  They will run out of energy after the attack, so if King Lizardman didn't die, they would.



 Energy beams (swords), fireballs, stone stakes, magic arrows, etc.  All at full power.

 King Lizardman raised his spear.  His spearhead began to glow blue.

 The attacks began to be sucked in until nothing was left.

 Players were shocked.  All attacks have been absorbed.  Now they had no energy to fight.

 King Lizardman aimed his spear at the players, The energy absorbed from the attacks would be returned to the players.  A beam formed at the tip of the spear.


 'Shit!  We lost…' Amarys closed his eyes and awaited his death.  However, seconds passed and nothing came.  Amarys opened his eyes and saw a giant mana shield protecting the players.

 'What a mess.'  Aizen thought.