

 "Here they are."  Aizen took several items from his inventory.  SR: Anti-energy crystal, Hellreaver, and Hubris.  He would sell these items but changed his mind.  He also picked up several magic items of the R rank.

 The Hunters were delighted with the items.

 Amarys picked up the Hellreaver with an excited expression.  This sword seemed to be made for her, as her fighting style was very violent.  She inserted the anti-energy crystal into the sword, making it even better.

 Ryo took the Hubris staff and other R items. The difference was obvious, he felt much stronger.

 "So these are magic items…" Manzai had underestimated the potency of a magic item, but now he knew how good they were.

 Alura was confused and didn't know which item to get.

Aizen had already seen some threads about Alura on the forums.  Your support skills are very good.

 "What do you think of her?"  Amarys approached Aizen and asked.

 "I found her while on a mission. Since then I've been taking care of her."  Amarys felt that she had a younger sister.  At first, Alura didn't say much, but later she opened up to the group.

 "You have good eyes."  He praised.  He took some books out of his inventory.  These books were about advanced mana control, magic shields, etc.

 "Keep it."  Aizen handed the books to Alura.

 "H-Eh?! B-But you don't-"

 "I've read them all, it's no longer of use to me."  Aizen no longer needed these books.

 "Accept it, Alura."  Amarys didn't hesitate to pick up the books.  She had just sold a portion of her entire guild to this guy, so she would try to get as many items as possible out of him.

 "O-Okay."  Alura took the books.

 "I'm leaving Inaross. I think you'd better get ready. The other guilds are already planning where their first base will be."

 Guilds are already traveling between cities in search of the best place to build a base.  

The location of the base was extremely important, as it could be close to a resource point, grind, etc.

 "We will do this as soon as possible."

 Aizen added Amarys to their friend's list.  The Hunters followed Aizen to the exit door.

 "Thank you for agreeing to help us."  She didn't know if she made the right choice, but she felt she did.

 Aizen and Amarys shook hands.  Amarys thought that this time things could work out.  When imagining her guild at the top again, she felt more motivated.

 "You can let go of my hand now if you want."  Aizen said, seeing Amarys lost in thought.

 "A-Ah! Forgive me."  Amarys blushed a little.

 "Well, see you later."  Aizen's body was enveloped in darkness and he disappeared.


 "He's so cool!"  Alura returned with her FanGirl personality after Aizen left.  Aizen wouldn't know what to do if he found out that this girl seemed to be her fan.

 "Hunters, prepare yourselves. Our destination is Elysian City."




 Aizen was in the center of the city of Inaross, in front of the portal.  He had already done everything he was supposed to do in this city, now he was heading towards new opportunities.  Before leaving Inaross, he placed R-rated items on auction.  Making money was important.

 Aizen also stopped by the merchant guild to try to get information from other cities.  He thought he would get basic information, but something interesting happened.  Due to his fame and honor, he had access to some extra information.  That was surprising.

 'Fame and Honor is far more important than it sounds.'

 The information he had gathered would help a lot.  He got information about traffic, trade, etc.  In addition, he also bought a map of the country.

 Aizen was impressed by the size of the country he was in.  The country was called Salia.  Salia was as big as a real-world continent.  There were few countries the size of a continent in the real world, but there seemed to be several on this planet (world 1).  World 1 was probably more than 7x the size of the real world. Salia is not the only country that exists on this continent.

 Aizen paid and entered the portal.  The trips were paid, the value varied according to the distance, generally from 1 silver coin to 1 gold coin.


 'Iston, huh.'  Iston is a city far away from Inaross.  Iston's structure is similar to that of Inaross but more sophisticated and rich.

 Aizen watched the city for a while and decided to leave because this was not his destiny.


 After 1 more trip, he stopped in another city.  From here, he couldn't use the portal, because that town's portal couldn't teleport him to his intended destination.

 City portals need to be linked to other portals to function.  For example, Iston's portal is connected to Inaross's portal, but this does not mean that it is connected to the country's capital portal.  That's why you couldn't teleport to the country's capital through the Iston portal.

 Aizen had to hire a carriage to take him to a nearby town.

 As the carriage moved towards the city, Aizen decided to read the books on the 4 basic elements.  He was already able to use all 4 basic elements.  He was also practicing the ice/water element because he liked it a lot.  Fire and ice, a very interesting combination.  The wind element was also quite useful, as it matched his fighting style.

 After waiting for a few hours, he arrived in town.  He wasted no time and used the portal.




 Aizen has arrived at his destination.

 Stormwind City.

 This city is very important in the kingdom of Salia.

 Unlike the other cities Aizen visited, Stormwind City is completely different.  Just by glancing, you could see large white Towers across the city.  The buildings were mostly quite sophisticated. 

 Aizen realized that people in this city like the color white and blue.   He could also see a giant temple.  The temple was the largest building in the city and was located in the center of the city.

 Stormwind had one of the biggest economies in the Kingdom of Salia.  Commerce in Stormwind was free.

 Law and order were also well defined.

 "Identification card."  The guard spoke to Aizen.  The portals are monitored, so you would have to hand over your ID card for the guards to check.

 'Level 30…' Aizen was surprised to see the guard's level.

 'As expected from an elite city.'  

Even the common guards had a high level.

Aizen couldn't see almost any players around here, Ths happens for a few reasons.  The first is lack of money.  Aizen had to spend more than 2 gold coins to get here.  The second reason is the lack of opportunities.  Grind locations that were close to this town only had monsters of level 30+.  No player would be crazy to come here to grind… or almost none.

 Guilds wouldn't be able to get opportunities in this place either, that's because the land here is too expensive.  Building a base here would be too expensive.  Moreover, the grind would also be an issue.

 "Thanks."  After the guard confirmed his identity, the guard released Aizen.

 Aizen came to this place with 2 goals in mind, if he couldn't get any of them, he would go to another city.  Spending a few gold coins wouldn't be a problem for him.

 >Payment received, 38 gold coins

 'Looks like the auction is over.'

 Aizen had placed 4 R-rated magic items in the auction.  The 4 sold for around 8-10 gold coins.  He had also placed some Rank I items.

 'Magic items make a lot of money.'

 No one could make R- and SR-rated magic items other than him. 

 The biggest difficulties when making magic items are the creation matrices and manipulation, control of mana, and blacksmithing.

 Each magic item has a different magic matrix.  In other words, you need to know how to make and program different magic matrices.  Also, you need to have good control over mana.  And finally, know blacksmithing.

 Aizen also noticed an increase in the price of the items.  Items R is worth about 1-4 gold coins.  SR items ended up increasing the price because before players didn't have much purchasing power, so items were sold for a cheaper price.  SR items are now worth around 15-30 gold coins.

 Of course, it's not just the ranking that affects the price of the item.  Items that do not have any skills or skills that are not so good are sold for a cheaper price than usual.  Items with very good abilities are sold for a higher price than usual.

 'Well, let's get going.'